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Quaker Meeting

Ohio Yearly Meeting - Widely considered to be the closest thing left to George Fox's Meeting. World-wide base of affiliate members.

Athens Christian Friends Meeting - a small Christian Quaker meeting in Athens, Greece. English Content.

Crossroads Friends - Monthly meeting in various locations in Michigan. Information and resource website updated regularly.

Friends in Christ Meeting for Worship - New conservative Friends worship group in northern Michigan.

Quakers Online Community - an online gathering hoping to provide fellowship to isolated friends and those looking to expand their relationships. Complete with chatroom, membership profiles, mailboxes etc.

Quaker writing



quaker info

Quaker Book - is an Amazon affiliate that supports our ministry. Buy books from Amazon through our portal and 15% of the sales goes towards supporting QuakersOnline Ministry.

Quaker Heritage Press aims to restore and make available early historical Quaker writings that have gone out of print.

Quaker Review - Weekly news bulletin and product review site critiquing everything from movies to books to music... from the Quaker perspective.

The Conservative Friend - An Unofficial Outreach of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends.

Christian Quaker - a great resource for anyone interested in Conservative Christian Quakerism.

New Quaker - a great resource for new quakers.

Light of Christ - Christian Quaker resource center. Content in Greek.

Religious Society of Friends - a brief description of the various forms and beliefs covering the many sects of Quakerism.

QuakersOnline Internet Services - A quaker run web and graphic design service opening for business in the Spring of 2008.

quaker mission

Quakers Online Ministry - an internet mission hoping to minister to people in all corners of the world in various languages.

Quakers In Romania - Internet mission to establish a Quaker presence in the Country of Romania. Content in Romanian.

Quakers in Greece - an online community in Greek for those who are interested in the Religious Society of Friends, but don't have the opportunity to fellowship.

Conservative Quakers of Canada - an aspiring movement towards the original beliefs and traditions of our founders. Based in Calgary, Canada. (No physical meetings as of yet.)

cool websites

Quaker is the New Punk! - "Renegade Quaker", Jim Heil's, quakerblog site. The rules have all changed.

Quaker Jane - A plain-dressing Quaker in Denver, Co. shares her passion for plain dress and Quakerism.

Quaker Anne - A plain Quaker in Michigan who writes children's farm stories with Christian emphasis and features them at her site along with plain dress information.

Quaker Quotes - Famous quakers and the things they have written or said. Arranged by author and subject.

The Rosewater Foundation - a charity supporting the continuation and development of Online Communities.

Gypsy Bees - Quaker family run business provides raw local honeys, pure beeswax candles, herbal-based holistic skin care products, and hand-crafted items from our Amish neighbors. Front-door, Farmer's Market, internet, and mail-order sales.

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What Do Conservative
Friends Believe?

Creeds and other memorized statements of belief have always been regarded as imperfect by traditional Friends.  We believe that because Christ has come to teach us Himself, it is important to listen and respond to the messages that he provides to us personally and corporately, rather than substituting the discoveries of others for our own experience.  Nonetheless, because we believe that God is singular, we believe that worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth will ultimately lead to similar revelations among us all.  Acknowledging that all of us are at different stages of what we regard as the same journey, we can identify the main components of our Christian faith.  The following is a description, not a mantra to be recited.

God is love, and all else follows from that.

God Himself is the true foundation of knowledge, and the purpose of earthly existence is to serve and glorify Him.  God speaks to human beings in this age as he has to the patriarchs, prophets, and peasants of old, and the testimony of His Spirit is the only true source of this highest knowledge.
The Scriptures are very useful, but are a subordinate source whose validity springs from the Spirit.  They contain the minimum necessary information for salvation, if assisted by the Holy Spirit, but alone are not an adequate primary rule of faith, practice, or individual Christian faithfulness.  Original sin is not transmuted to infants as a predestined flaw.  As men and women, we are born innocent, but inevitably tend to sin by our own natures.  God extends His grace to give men and women the power to overcome sin and become genuinely holy and obedient.

Jesus teaches and guides us by means of the Inward Light, and this Light illuminates our conscience, convicts us of our sins, and is the agency by which we are given strength to overcome it.  The Inward Light of Jesus Christ is the means of our salvation.  Salvation comes from the free gift of God's grace, received in faith, demonstrated in our lives by our works.

This universal saving Light is extended to all people, everywhere, and at all times.  There is no predestined failure of any man or woman.  The Light can bring salvation even if the Scriptures are absent.  Outward knowledge of the historic Jesus is not a criteria for salvation by Him.

Receiving and accepting the Light transforms the individual, sanctifying and justifying him or her.  Good works are an inevitable indicator that this has taken place.  Fully accepting the Light and becoming fully sanctified can result in a sinless earthly existence, immune from temptation, if that is God's will.  But rejecting the Light is always possible, and even after we accept God's grace, we can through our own will turn from it and be lost.

Unpaid and spontaneous ministry is how we worship in Spirit and in Truth, and its responsibility may fall to anyone at any time.  Religious education and a professional clergy are not required to minister God's word.  All true and acceptable worship to God is offered in the inward and immediate moving of the Holy Spirit--not limited to times or places.  God through his love and tolerance may condescend to accept other forms if offered in a sincere spirit.

Outward physical sacraments are shadows, and do not in themselves provide the participant with grace.  Genuine baptism occurs with the Holy Spirit, and continues throughout the worshipper's life.  Water baptism is an ineffectual shadow of truth, but may accompany a true baptism of the Holy Spirit and of Fire.  Water baptism of infants confers nothing and is unmentioned in Scripture.  Genuine communion is inward and spiritual, and the use of bread, wine, or juice is a shadow that adds nothing to the truth.


Conservative Friends are Quakers who have continued the Christian beliefs and the original practice of waiting worship introduced by the founders of the Society in the 17th century. Ohio Yearly Meeting has maintained this tradition since our organization in 1813. We welcome visitors at any of our meetings and gatherings. Our largest congregation is Stillwater Monthly Meeting, which meets every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the Stillwater Meeting House, 61826 Sandy Ridge Road, Barnesville, Ohio. Contact Thomas Rockwell, Clerk, at (740) 425-1780 jejrckwell@1st.net for more information. We have other meetings in the United States and abroad. For contact information, please visit our web site at www.ohioyearlymeeting.org

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