Sunday, August 23rd, 2009 | Author:

Here is a piece on Lincoln from a blogger I fell in love with myself first through her incredibly funny children’s book What Pete Ate From A to Z.  Since I am also increasingly obsessed with Abe, I appreciate the sentiment, and I enjoy imagining that her fantasies about a relationship with Lincoln layer right onto those of Whitman, standing every day by the road in DC (Washington City) to smile and bow to the gaunt President as he rode by on his horse, convinced that they knew each other as true souls in their eye contact, later convincing even himself that he was present when Lincoln was killed.

Kalman's Lincoln Sampler

Kalman's Lincoln Sampler

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  1. Jim says:

    A natural born blogger! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. You are getting me all psyched up now, which is very, very dangerous.

  2. Hi Mara! Thank you for these moving, forthright notes and offerings– it’s a treat to see the photos you’ve posted, and the Lincoln sampler is so delicately fierce. What a find! Reminds me of how Walt himself sewed in the pages those little hospital notebooks (some of them, like a few in the Huntington Library, with surgical tape) and how passionately he tried to stitch the nation together through deed and word. I greet you at the beginning of a great semester, it seems… thanks for generating so many ideas, conversations…

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