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    NEW 2015 Year-End Champions wallpaper!

    wwe nxt champions wallpaper

    NXT and WWE Year-End Champions 2015 wallpaper
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6S / 5S wallpaper (NXT) | iPhone 6S / 5S wallpaper (WWE)

    Back after skipping 2014, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings back the 2015 Year-End Champions wallpaper! And this time around, the NXT champions are included! Worked on this the whole day, even missing the New Year midnight celebration so it’s a bit late but again, better than nothing :))

    Finn Balor as NXT Champion, Bayley as NXT Women’s Champion and Dash and Dawson as NXT Tag Team Champions represent the NXT brand. From the WWE/main roster side, we have Roman Reigns as WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Dean Ambrose as Intercontinental Champion, Alberto Del Rio as US Champion, Charlotte as Divas Champion and finally, New Day as World Tag Team Champions.

    Hope you’ll love the this NXT/WWE wallpaper finale from Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers! Happy New Year everyone! Let’s kick some ass on 2016!

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Deviation: Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers 2016

    sasha banks wallpaper

    Boss wallpapers since 2006: Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers
    Click here or the image above for the HD resolution

    2016 is just around the corner and what do you know, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is still alive and almost 10 years strong (on October 2016 to be exact)! Site won’t be anywhere near the status it has if not for the support KWW got through the years. You guys are one of the reasons why I still push myself to bring these wallpapers to you despite the late-night edits, creative walls and other roadbumps. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

    Are you ready for more badass WWE wallpapers?? Stay tuned next year 😉

    KWW Social: Facebook | Instagram

    Disclaimer: Images of WWE Divas belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Happy Holidays 2015 WWE wallpaper!

    wwe christmas wallpaper

    Happy Holidays from Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers!
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6S wallpaper (Rene & Paige) | iPhone 5S wallpaper (Renee & Paige) | iPhone 6S wallpaper (Dean & Kevin) | iPhone 5S wallpaper (Dean & Kevin) | Facebook Timeline Cover

    I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers not only this year but since 2006. 2015 has been good to me, to this site and to the wrestling fans all over the world. KWW’s Facebook page finally got to 4,000 likes this week largely due to the huge bump it got from the Ambrose & Reigns wallpaper, all thanks to you current and new FB subscribers! Really, I have nothing but gratitude. Motivates me more.

    Happy Holidays from Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers! BTW, this is the first wallpaper here in KWW that has Renee Young in it! She obviously wants Dean for Christmas haha.

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    Disclaimer: WWE Superstar images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns Champions wallpaper!

    wwe league of nations wallpaper

    Brothers in Arms, Champions at Heart: Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns wallpaper
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6S wallpaper | iPhone 6S Plus wallpaper | iPhone 5S wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    One can honestly say that even though WWE is struggling putting up compelling storylines for the fans and of course, having problems in the ratings department, there are bright spots during this not-so-good run: Dean Ambrose winning the Intercontinental Championship at WWE TLC PPV and Roman Reigns capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship for the second time this past Monday Night RAW. The former Shield members worked their asses off week in, week out despite the WWE creative not giving them enough credible storylines to touch on. It’s time for them to own these prestigious championships because they definitely deserve them.

    Brothers in arms, champions at heart. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose are carving a Hall of Fame career inch by inch, day by day. In a way, one of them NOT turning on the other at Survivor Series was a good call seeing that these 2 WWE Superstars are now both big babyface champions at the same time. Doesn’t mean though it’ll stay that way ‘coz some are already calling Reigns turning heel soon. We’ll see if their paths cross each other, as bitter enemies.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW League of Nations wallpaper!

    wwe league of nations wallpaper

    A League of Their Own: League of Nations wallpaper
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus wallpaper | iPhone 5S wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Mixed reactions for this latest WWE stable flooded the internet these past few weeks. Some say it’s a breath of fresh air for WWE, giving Sheamus a group of his own and a justification of his title reign. A lot of people though say the group is bound for failure since it felt like it was just a group of midcarders thrown together so they can do something meaningful. Well, in my opinion, the group will have a strong couple of months until Roman Reigns wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Sheamus though it won’t be on tonight’s WWE TLC PPV..but it’s gonna happen soon coz Vince says so. For now, Alberto del Rio, Rusev and especially King Barrett can use this League of Nations storyline to get something running on their own paths. If booked properly, LON can be as dominant as The Shield was, even just for a short period of time. I hope WWE have other plans though and have them stay together or maybe add a member or two during their main-event run. Sheamus really benefits from this League of Nations stint as he has shown flashes of main event material since Survivor Series, that he deserves to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

    Lots of request for this one. Goes to show how much potential this stable has on the WWE Universe. Let’s hope WWE gets it right. Download the newest League of Nations wallpaper today!

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Sheamus 5:15 wallpaper!

    sheamus 515 wallpaper

    WWE World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus wallpaper
    4K wallpaper | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6S wallpaper | iPhone 6S Plus wallpaper | iPhone 5S wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    I have to admit I totally forgot about Sheamus cashing in at Survivor Series when I made this previous WWE wallpaper and someone from Facebook or Twitter pointed it out I believe so kudos to that person. Maybe in my mind I didn’t want the Celtic Warrior cashing in, but he did and he won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Roman Reigns. Roman’s first WWEWHC title reign lasted 5 minutes and 15 seconds. Thus, Sheamus 5:15 was born. Truth is, I wasn’t a fan of what happened that’s why the late wallpaper design. But I’m glad the WWE creative is putting up more effort into Sheamus’ character and main event push. Even if it won’t last long ‘coz we all know Roman’s gonna win it at some point, at least they’re finally having Sheamus do something meaningful.

    Since it was clearly an Austin 3:16 ripoff, today’s wallpaper goes all the way with Sheamus’ shirt design plus broken glasses references (or Reigns’ broken dreams perhaps). And yes, Sheamus 5:15 says I just brogue kicked your arse!

    BTW, stay tuned ’cause this was just a quick one. Kupy’s gonna get more wrestling wallpapers out this month, promise.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Survivor Series 2015 WWEWHC Tournament wallpaper!

    survivor series wallpaper

    Survivor Series 2015 Tournament: WWE World Heavyweight Championship wallpaper
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus wallpaper | iPhone 5S wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Aside from Undertaker’s 25th anniversary, this year’s Survivor Series will see the crowning of a new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Of course we all know by now who are the final 4 competitors in this tournament. The question is, who’s walking out the champ? Who’s gonna be ‘The Man’? Alberto has been in this stage before so he knows how it feels like. Kevin Owens will be there. He’ll have a great showing despite being unable to advance in the tournament but he won’t lose straight up. It should be a Sami Zayn run-in and he can screws Owens out of the semis. That leaves us the Shield brothers Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. It’s almost a given that someone will turn heel and align with The Authority. In my opinion, Reigns needs to be that guy. I don’t mind repeating The Rock’s Survivor Series turn as long as it can help Reigns finally go away with the John Cena treatment. Dean Ambrose would totally own the top babyface role as he’s already widely accepted by the WWE Universe. Ambrose can then have an intense feud against Reigns and The Authority. Win-win scenario for both of these young studs. Let’s see on Sunday how WWE pulls this off.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Deviation: Viva Eddie Guerrero 2015

    Eddie Guerrero wallpaper

    Remembering Eddie Guerrero
    Click here or the image above for the HD resolution

    One of the reasons I started making WWE / wrestling wallpapers in the first place is because of Eddie Guerrero. He represented a turning point in my life as well. A couple of my works in 2006 featured a tribute wallpaper for him (view the wallpaper here). He was definitely an influence and inspiration to get this site running for the past 9 years.

    We all love Eddie. His wrestling work, his entertaining promos, his charisma – he had it all. I wish he was given a chance to keep entertaining us up to this day though. But you know, 10 years has passed and people still remember fond memories of him. How he ‘cheated’ to win and all that..he really was an amazing talent AND person. Imagine if he’s still here with us. The matchups against the likes of Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Owens, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns etc. He would’ve made gold out of anyone he could’ve feuded or teamed up with.

    You will always be in our minds and in our hearts Eddie. 10 years after, you’re still missed. Viva Eddie Guerrero.

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    Disclaimer: Image of Eddie Guerrero belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Undertaker & Kane Brothers of Destruction wallpaper!

    Undertaker Kane wallpaper

    Survivor Series 2015: Undertaker and Kane vs. Wyatt Family wallpaper
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus wallpaper | iPhone 5S wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    The Brothers of Destruction made sure that the Wyatt Family, especially Bray Wyatt, got a taste of their vengeful wrath on this week’s RAW. The Eater of Worlds mockingly dedicated a eulogy of sorts to Undertaker and Kane..well, it backfired big time. The brothers totally wiped out the Wyatt Family. I expect the 4 monsters to retaliate either next week on RAW or on Survivor Series, with Bray and co. picking up a huge win at the PPV and finally grabbing that torch from Kane and The Undertaker as the new faces of fear and destruction.

    Many Facebook fans of Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers have requested an Undertaker wallpaper these past few weeks. Yep, I heard you guys. Even added Kane and the Wyatt Family in there just in time for their WWE Survivor Series mega-clash. Speaking of this feud, would it be a 2-on-4 handicap match or will the Brothers of Destruction team up with 2 other WWE Superstars (or NXT Superstars)? Let’s find out on November 22.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.


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    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is a non-commerce site. The content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no copyright infringement implied or intended. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is not affiliated with and not endorsed or sponsored by WWE, AEW, TNA, ROH, UFC or any company for that matter. Images, videos and all other content represented on this website are copyrighted and are the sole property of their owners and this site is not claiming those said rights. All other brand and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers has no intention of competing against those copyright