Just another Looking for Whitman weblog

Currently browsing posts found in October2009

         Last class was a very interesting one. Our class went on a mini scavenger hunt looking for the many places Whitman would have been throughout Brooklyn. We went on a walking tour in downtown Brooklyn. It was interesting to know the different areas Whitman would go to eat, work, explore nature etc.           During […]

Posted at: October 25th, 2009 - 11:47 pm - Number of Comments » 2

The history of the Brooklyn ferry is quite interesting. The ferry in Brooklyn dates back to 1643. Many of us were too young to understand what this invention had to offer at the time, but it became a great way to travel. Not only were the people on the ferry able to view the sites […]

Posted at: October 20th, 2009 - 9:56 am - Number of Comments » 0

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Posted at: October 20th, 2009 - 9:13 am - Enter your password to view comments.

For October 20, 2009 We have come across many different types of relationships during our lives. One of the things that make it so special is that they are all unique. There are all different forms of relationships such as one between friends, a partner, a husband or wife, a serious long term, or a […]

Posted at: October 19th, 2009 - 9:18 am - Number of Comments » 4

       Last week, in class we talked about how many people such as Charles Dickens and Philip Hone critically analyzed New York City during the 19th century. Many people that analyzed New York were people who haven’t spent much of their time here to fully understand New York and all its conditions.           There were many interesting […]

Posted at: October 12th, 2009 - 9:52 am - Number of Comments » 0