Just another Looking for Whitman weblog

Currently browsing posts found in September2009

hope everyone’s okay. i was just checking because i haven’t been on here in a minute. What’s new?? How are the searches for Whitman coming along?

Posted at: September 30th, 2009 - 9:05 pm - Number of Comments » 3

it feels like i haven’t been on here in forever….

Posted at: September 30th, 2009 - 9:04 pm - Number of Comments » 0

In the last lecture, we had some great ideas on how to tackle understanding literary texts. After that class I began to think about some of the questions we asked and wondered what their answers would entail. The questions we thought of during our class discussion helped us to further analyze Walt Whitman’s character and […]

Posted at: September 19th, 2009 - 5:19 pm - Number of Comments » 2

So far I think the class is a challenging one, but good because its not what I am used to. I am used to the ordinary tests, quizzes, and exams every so often, but I think this class has changed the whole traditional meaning of an English 1275 class, for the better. Walt Whitman is […]

Posted at: September 14th, 2009 - 8:38 pm - Number of Comments » 2

As most of us probably know, we are living in a country that was built on slavery.  Many people not just American Americas have become victimized to this eager attempt to control the minorities. The Indians and Mexicans are just two examples. The creation of these divisions further tore apart the United States, causing a […]

Posted at: September 9th, 2009 - 10:07 am - Number of Comments » 11

The clock indicates the moment….but what does eternity indicate? Eternity lies in bottomless reservoirs….its buckets are rising forever and ever They pour and they pour and they exhale away.

Posted at: September 8th, 2009 - 2:15 pm - Number of Comments » 1

Posted at: September 8th, 2009 - 2:03 pm - Number of Comments » 0

I am amazed at how well Whitman can describe something so detailed. Its like his brain explores far beyond the natural mind. He has a way with words, that can only be understood with great enthusiasm and a great big dictionary. I am interested in learning about Walt Whitman, the man in the mirror, behind […]

Posted at: September 4th, 2009 - 4:16 pm - Number of Comments » 2

Welcome to Looking for Whitman. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

Posted at: September 1st, 2009 - 2:42 pm - Number of Comments » 1

Hey guys, I would like to welcome you to a wonderful world of exploring Whitman. I will be also exploring this with you for the first time. Hope you enjoy. Danique  

Posted at: September 1st, 2009 - 2:23 pm - Number of Comments » 0