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Whitman’s Live Oak with Moss by Alan Helms- article review

  In his article, Whitman’s Live Oak with Moss, Alan Helms discusses a sequence of twelve poems Whitman wrote ‘short time’ before 1859, when he copied them in a notebook under the title Live Oak with Moss. The sequence was first discovered, as Helms says, ‘almost forty years ago’ by Fredson Bowers who published it […] […]

“A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman” book review

A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman edited by David S. Reynolds (click on the image to go to the Amazon.com shop) This book is part of a series “Historical Guides to American Authors” and starts with an introduction by the editor David S. Reynolds. He also contributes with a short biography of the poet. This […] […]

Confession painted in red

O DROPS of me! trickle, slow drops, Candid, from me falling—drip, bleeding drops, From wounds made to free you whence you were prisoned, From my face—from my forehead and lips, From my breast—from within where I was con- cealed—Press forth, red drops—confession drops, Stain every page—stain every song I sing, every word I say, bloody […] […]

“The American Experience: Walt Whitman” documentary review

This documentary consists of an Introduction, nine shorter parts (approx. 7-13 minutes long) sorted chronologically and a Credits section. The nine sections follow Whitman’s life from his early days in New York, through his difficulties with publishing Leaves of Grass and his Civil War experiences, all the way to his last editing attempts in the […] […]

Image Gloss: adhesiveness

NOT HEAVING FROM MY RIBB’D BREAST ONLY. NOT heaving from my ribb’d breast only, Not in sighs at night in rage dissatisfied with myself, Not in those long-drawn, ill-supprest sighs, Not in many an oath and promise broken, Not in my wilful and savage soul’s volition, Not in the subtle nourishment of the air, Not […] […]

“The American Experience: Walt Whitman”

The documentary „The American Experience: Walt Whitman“ by Mark Zwonitzer A documentary very stimulating and suggestive, with capacity to illuminate all the central problems in Walt Whitman’s life, skillfully combining autobiographical, sociological, historical and religious themes. A story told in a lively and engaging way inviting numerous impressions, conclusions and above all feelings about Whitman […] […]

The amazing story about Alice Wetterlund!

My dear colleagues, I could not resist the temptation to draw your attention to the story about one of Karen’s students, a sophomore art major named Alice Wetterlund, that you may read on the page XLIV in the book Karen gave us. I was almost touched to tears while reading this passage, because I was […] […]

Frontispiece: Take 2

At the time when the poem was written there were many talks and debates concerning tolerance, slavery, equality etc. These two scenes show Whitman’s stance on the matter, and very well draw a pretty precise sketch of my opinion on these antebellum problems. […]

I saw in Louisiana a live-oak growing

A live oak According to the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the live oak is any of several American evergreen oaks noted for its extremely hard tough durable wood. You could say that it’s a powerful symbol of strength and you wouldn’t be mistaken. But if I asked someone from Texas what live oak means to him, I […] […]


  IN paths untrodden,  In the growth by margins of pond-waters,  Escaped from the life that exhibits itself,  From all the standards hitherto published—from          the pleasures, profits, conformities, (Calamus, 1860)     Here, of all words I have highlighted one that is by no means unusual or unknown to me, and it was completely […] […]