Support » Installing WordPress » How do you install custom templates on wordpress?

  • Say I have some template of my own(home made) or from some external source, how do I install it on wordpress?
    the template consists of several files like .htm, .gif, .jpg, etc
    sorry for the silly question I’m new to this :\

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  • You could install it via CPanel and File Manager, if your hosting company provides it. Or you can zip it up and install it through the dashboard – go to “Add Theme” and upload the file from your hard drive.

    I have some template of my own(home made)

    One silly but very important question; How did you make the template? The reason i’m asking is that if you can make a theme, you should have the knowledge to use it. Since you’re asking how to install a theme, i’m betting that your theme won’t work even if you get it to your site.

    WordPress works with themes you need follow rules to create one you can find more info on it here

    As templates wordpress use them page templates

    Thread Starter vziera


    “You could install it via CPanel and File Manager, if your hosting company provides it. Or you can zip it up and install it through the dashboard – go to “Add Theme” and upload the file from your hard drive.”

    I’ve tried to find the upload button anywhere around the wp-admin dashboard and found nothing, maybe wp no longer features that feature anymore? as for hosting company, I don’t have one yet

    “One silly but very important question; How did you make the template? The reason i’m asking is that if you can make a theme, you should have the knowledge to use it. Since you’re asking how to install a theme, i’m betting that your theme won’t work even if you get it to your site.”

    well It’s just an instance, I didn’t really build my template, a friend did and he’s a pro, too bad he’s too busy right now.


    WordPress works with themes you need follow rules to create one you can find more info on it here

    As templates wordpress use them page templates

    I guess that means I need to start from scratch?

    anyway, thanks for coming, friends! Happy 2012!

    Are you using or self hosted
    As if you using then there are restrictions and not having install theme is one of them.

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