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Saturday, October 24, Washington City: Some Info


A few notes for Saturday (check for updates!):

1. Carpool rendez-vous: Jefferson Circle behind Combs at 9:00 a.m.

2. Parking in DC: 1201 F St. NW, 20005

  • Take 95 North to 395 North (follow signs from 95 for 395/495/Washington/Tysons)
  • On 395, take 12th Street exit toward L’Enfant Promenade
  • 12th Street (follow slight left at 11th St SW/12th street tunnel)
  • Left onto Connecticut NW
  • First right onto 14th St NW
  • Right at F St NW
  • Garage on your left
  • If full,  proceed straight to next garage, 1155 F Street NW

3. Meeting place for 11:00 a.m. walking tour (1.5-2 hours): Lafayette Square, Andrew Jackson Statue (adjacent to White House, H street NW/16th St NW)

4. Tour ends in Chinatown (H and I streets between 7th and 8th)– lunch on your own

5. Meaningful afternoon activities:

  • Ford’s Theater (free tix required–Scanlon): 511 10th St NW, 20004-1402
  • Smithsonian Museum of American History, 19th-century and Lincoln exhibits: on National Mall, 14th and Constitution NW
  • your choice

6. Library of Congress– meet out front at 5:15 p.m.

  • Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave SE, 20540 (corner of Independence and 1st SE), behind Capitol Bldg. complex
  • 1.5-2 miles from Ford’s/Mall if you go by foot (can follow Independence along edge of Mall)

7. Back to cars and Fredericksburg

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