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Whitman in Maryland

I came across this story and video (do NOT skip the video, which features the poem “Beat! Beat! Drums!”, t-shirts with Whitman in slouch hat, a bad rendition of “I Kissed a Girl,” people spouting such hate it will give you shivers, and the weirdest dancing religious prostester I’ve seen in a long time) about a protest at Walt Whitman School in Bethesda last April and the counter-protest staged by students and teachers.  Here’s what one protester says to sum it up:

“Walt Whitman is a f*g who died years ago and obviously has been worshiped to the degree that he has a school named after him.”

My friends, this, too, is Whitman under our bootsoles.

1 comment to Whitman in Maryland

  • All I can say is a WOW. This article was definitely interesting and quoting Susan Russell’s ”You will eat your babies’ — that doesn’t even mean anything.”‘ completely cracked me up. Well, all I can say is at least people aren’t as ignorant (yet), since they know about Walt Whitman, and on a positive note, at least this shows that people had some sort of interest to Whitman– them knowing about his possible homosexuality (lol). Really interesting post! : )

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