
Kevinv for Oct. 22
Friday October 16th 2009, 2:54 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

This weeks reading kept the momentum of the every day occurances in Whitman’s life. It was a big leap for Whitman to go from such a horrific experiences in the Civil War to what he loves. But its what Whitman loves that makes him the poet that he is. I loved reading about the familiar places, sounds, and scents that both Whitman and we share.

The first passage that brought both memorys and laughter to me was Whitman’s mention of a “crazy woman”. In Cedar-Plums Like-Names Whitman states ” Then in my rambles down in Camden county i once found an old crazy woman gathering the clusters with zeal and joy. She show’d, as I was told afterward, a sort of infatuation for them, and every year placed and kept profuse bunches high and low about her room”. Now im not certain but im sure it was very unusual to have such a thing in the house then. Now days, alot of people including my mother gather them from the yard and use them as a decoration around the house… Nothing of much significance just grabbed my attention and could relate to the crazy ladies infatuation.

In many of these writings Whitman talks about the Delaware river, its back stream beauty and how much joy it brought him to sit aboard the Camden ferry for the better part of a day. This passed summer, me and my girlfriend rented a kayak and traveled through the entire Pennsauken Creek. Alot of our friends made fun of us for doing so; saying how crummy it must have been. But in all honesty it was one of the most peaceful and beautiful kayak trips I’ve been on. Every single thing Whitman credited the North East with was present in that 4 hour adventure. That is where i found Whitman!

One thing i found interesting is how late in life Whitman was when he wrote Specimen Days. At the time, he was going through many health issues from his stroke to his every day struggles from the “dreary winter”.  He mentions his body was almost always aching him then. I think what’s most important about Whitman is he didnt dwell on his own deteriation. Instead he kept a great diary of things he was in love with.  In fact, it is Camden county that Whitman Credits his recovery to. He claims the area gave him a “…second wind, or renewal of the lease of life”.

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