Just another Looking for Whitman weblog

hope everyone’s okay. i was just checking because i haven’t been on here in a minute. What’s new?? How are the searches for Whitman coming along?

September 30th, 2009 at 9:05 pm
3 Responses to “Hello Everyone”
  1. 1

    How is your search for Whitman coming along? Great to see you on the site again!

  2. 2

    My search is coming along okay… i am having trouble finding efficient pictures that show pieces of Whitman’s traces

  3. 3

    Another approach that you might consider taking is going to a site where you know that Whitman was (like the Brooklyn Ferry terminal area) and getting shots of what it looks like now, and comparing these side by side with pictures of the area in his time. So you can look for the differences, as opposed to the similarities.