
September 3, 2009

Song of Nicole

Filed under: Uncategorized — nicoleg @ 1:06 pm

Nicole for Tuesday September, 8th 2009

In the beginning of this class I was truly overwhelmed by the course of this project, I had no prior knowledge of Walt Whitman rather than he was great American poet, and writer.

I began to read “Song of Myself “. I was astonished by the words and phrases Whitman used; he was not just a great American Poet but, a man whose work can relate to every reader in any time of history. “Song of My self” spoke to me as though it was written in the 21st century. He bluntly spoke about his sexuality, his looseness something that was regarded as being very private and discreet.   At times I felt a deep connection to his work, his words and his sense of being. “I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you”. However, Living in NYC I don’t feel that much of a connection every waking day, but you do have a sense of connection to your city and surroundings.

Whitman used his worlds carefully, his words are powerful, they grab you and pull you in, they transcend you into his eyes, you feel his pain, joy and his oneness to every man, woman, child, tree, bird, and earth. Each stanza gave a different part of his life, like a story a biography. Each was like an emotional roller coaster to me. He was everyone and everyone was him, he felt their pain… Godly in some parts he was, the father, the holy trinity.

I Exist as I am, and that is enough,
If no other in the world be aware I sit content,
And If each and all be aware I sit content

I see the approach of your numberless gangs….I see you understand yourselves and me,
And know that they who have eyes are divine, and the blind and lame are equally divine,
And that my steps drag behind yours yet go before them,
And are aware how I am with you no More than I am with everybody.


3 Responses to “Song of Nicole”

  1. Matthew Gold Says:

    Very nice choices, Nicole! Any reason why your profile pic is sideways? Leanning and loafing and observing the the website, perhaps?

  2. nicoleg Says:

    Hello Prof, Gold,
    I am not sure why the picture is side ways, I am not the computer savvy person, I am trying and will do my best for things to look more uniform.

  3. Matthew Gold Says:

    No worries, Nicole — we can work on this today.

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