Work safety: definition and how to improve it

The term occupational safety defines the set of measures and activities that can be developed to minimize or completely eliminate the risks arising from work. This set of measures can therefore reduce occupational accidents. Work safety is essential for everyone The latest available data on occupational accidents in Spain (2016) tell us about almost half…

What is work safety?

Occupational safety is the discipline framed in the prevention of occupational hazards whose objective is the application of measures and the development of the activities necessary for the prevention of occupational hazards. It is a set of techniques and procedures that result in eliminating or reducing the risk of accidents. The company is a workplace…


Why? It is a legal obligation for the employer (Article 16 of the Occupational Risk Prevention Law). What is it for? Risk assessment is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end: to control the risks to avoid damages to the health derived from the work (accidents and professional illnesses) saving…