Wolf Prize in Arts

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The Wolf Prize in Arts is awarded annually by the not-for-profit Wolf Foundation in Israel. It is one of the six Wolf Prizes established by the Foundation, and has been awarded since 1981; the others are in Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medicine and Physics, awarded since 1978. The Prize rotates annually among painting, music, architecture and sculpture.



Year Field Laureate(s) Country
1981 Painting Marc Chagall
Antoni Tàpies
 Russian Empire /  France
1982 Music Vladimir Horowitz
Olivier Messiaen
Josef Tal
 Russian Empire /  United States
1983/4 Architecture Ralph Erskine  United Kingdom /  Sweden
1984/5 Sculpture Eduardo Chillida  Spain
1986 Painting Jasper Johns  United States
1987 Music Isaac Stern
Krzysztof Penderecki
 United States
1988 Architecture Fumihiko Maki
Giancarlo De Carlo
1989 Sculpture Claes Oldenburg  Sweden /  United States
1990 Painting Anselm Kiefer  Germany
1991 Music Yehudi Menuhin
Luciano Berio
 United States /  United Kingdom
1992 Architecture Frank Gehry
Jørn Utzon
Denys Lasdun
 Canada /  United States
 United Kingdom
1993 Sculpture Bruce Nauman  United States
1994/5 Painting Gerhard Richter  Germany
1995/6 Music Zubin Mehta
György Ligeti
1996/7 Architecture Frei Otto
Aldo van Eyck
1998 Sculpture James Turrell  United States
1999 Painting Not awarded
2000 Music Pierre Boulez
Riccardo Muti
2001 Architecture Álvaro Siza  Portugal
2002 Sculpture Not awarded
2002/3 Painting Louise Bourgeois  France /  United States
2004 Music Mstislav Rostropovich
Daniel Barenboim
 Argentina /  Israel
2005 Architecture Jean Nouvel  France
2006 Sculpture Not awarded
2006/7 Painting Michelangelo Pistoletto  Italy
2008 Music Giya Kancheli
Claudio Abbado
2010 Architecture David Chipperfield
Peter Eisenman
 United Kingdom
 United States
2011 Painting Rosemarie Trockel  Germany
2012 Music Plácido Domingo
Simon Rattle
 United Kingdom
2013 Architecture Eduardo Souto de Moura  Portugal
2014 Sculpture Olafur Eliasson  Denmark
2015 Music Jessye Norman
Murray Perahia
 United States
 United States
2016 Architecture Phyllis Lambert  Canada
2017 Painting / Sculpture Laurie Anderson
Lawrence Weiner
 United States
 United States
2018 Music Paul McCartney
Ádám Fischer
 United Kingdom
2019 Architecture Moshe Safdie  Israel
2020 Painting / Sculpture Cindy Sherman  United States
2021 Music Stevie Wonder
Olga Neuwirth
 United States
2022 Architecture Elizabeth Diller
Momoyo Kaijima
Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
 United States
2023 Sculpture Fujiko Nakaya
Richard Long
 United Kingdom

Laureates per country[edit]

Below is a chart of all laureates per country (updated to 2023 laureates). Some laureates are counted more than once if have multiple citizenship.

Country Number of laureates
 United States 17
 United Kingdom 7
 France 5
 Italy 5
 Japan 4
 Germany 4
 Israel 3
 Russia 3
 Spain 3
 Canada 2
 Sweden 2
 Portugal 2
 Hungary 2
 Austria 2
 Denmark 2
 India 1
 Argentina 1
 Poland 1
 Netherlands 1
 Georgia 1

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^ "The Wolf Prize". Wolf Foundation. 11 January 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2021.