Something about Whitman that Sam doesn’t know enough about

I am very interested in comparing the different versions of poems. For example, as we sat in class tonight, I happened to open my book to the 1855 version of I Sing the Body Electric, and see how some of the punctuation differed in that edition from what we had read in the 1891-92 version. Also, the lines differed in length, although I couldn’t really investigate the reasons why, since we were talking about something else in the class discussion. So yeah, textual comparisons here I come!

September 15 2009 07:52 pm | Uncategorized

One Response to “Something about Whitman that Sam doesn’t know enough about”

  1. mscanlon Says:

    Sam, this interest may serve you well in the upcoming annotations project, which could give you the chance to explore some of the important changes in the 1867 volume from earlier editions.

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