Thursday, September 10th, 2009 | Author:

Hey Whitmaniacs,

This post is really a series of reminders and guidelines.  Boring (and overwhelming?  I’m trying), but read on:

  • Don’t forget to log on to your own individual blog and post from there rather than posting directly on the Digital Whitman blog, which is creating problems for some folks.
  • Dr. Earnhart has confirmed the start time for our first set of field trips on October 3.  We will begin at the Visitors’ Center on the Sunken Road battlefield at 1:00 that day with a movie, followed by a tour of the battlefield, after which we will carpool over to Chatham to see the mansion that served as Union headquarters/hospital/Whitman’s nursing inspiration.  We should be done by 5 that day.  Stay tuned for more details but please block out your time now.
  • As announced in class, the readings for Sept. 22, when we begin work on the 1867 edition, have been focused more narrowly.  On the syllabus page, there will be an addendum document you should use for that week’s assignments.
  • And speaking of readings… Let me remind everyone to budget weekly time efficiently to make sure you complete all readings thoughtfully before class (as MAY not have been the case this past Tuesday…).  We have not required written summaries of articles, but it would be a great idea as you read to use your blog to record a very brief summary, some personal notes or responses, or a few key phrases/quotations.  That will give you a better record for class, and it will benefit your classmates as well in our ongoing collaboration.
  • And speaking of readings one more time, they do lighten up in most of the remaining weeks.  One exception seems to be Sept. 29, which has a heavier assignment again.  Please plan ahead to budget appropriate time that week.
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