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Photographs of Fredericksburg During the Civil War

Filed under: Uncategorized — September 23, 2009 @ 1:16 pm

Part of the 6th Maine Infantry after the battle of Fredericksburg

FreddyThe town from the east bank of the Rappahonnock River, Fredericksburg, VA March 1863
The town from the east bank of the Rappahonnock river, Fredericksburg, VA. March 1863

Photographer: Timothy O' Sullivan ( a member of Brady's staff) May 1864 outside a Fredericksburg, VA hospital

Photographer: Timothy O' Sullivan ( a member of Brady's staff) May 1864 outside a Fredericksburg, VA hospital

These are just some of the many pictures of Fredericksburg that were taken by Matthew Brady and his associates during the Civil War years.


  1. jmgibbs:

    I find this post to be particularly interesting because the Civil War is the first time where photography was introduced not only to document the war and its participants, but also as a means of propaganda of sorts. Seeing brave soldiers fighting for a cause rather than the corpse-strewn fields will do wonders for the morale of a nation. I congratulate you on posting these pictures, they’re quite wonderful.

    Nice job!

  2. Mara Scanlon:

    Thanks, Jessica– these are so clear and striking. It does change one’s sense of the ground one walks on to see it so clearly in these war shots.

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