Posts from ‘December, 2009’

Whitman, Commercialism, and the Digital Age. Will Whitman Survive?

Virginia Scott’s cinepoem explores the digital world of Whitman. Be sure to read her rationale and examination of the project here.

A Conversation between MLK and Walt Whitman

Courtney Irvine’sproject examines the relationship between Martin Luther King’s “I have a Dream” speech alongside Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” using an audio mashup/juxtaposition of the two men’s words. A Conversation between Martin Luther King and Walt Whitman

A Kosmos of Voices

Ben Brischcar’s final project interprets the various voices in Whitman’s poetry through an audio experiment of readings. Give it a listen:

Whitman’s Image: Appropriation and Misappropriation of Whitman in American Culture

Erin Longbottom’s final project traces the uses and abuses of Whitman’s image in American Culture. The various discussions are presented through the web tool Glogster. The posters are all embedded below.


Click here to view the embedded video.

These I Singing in Spring–a cinepoem

These I Singing in Spring–a cinepoem

Justin’s Cultural Museum Project – Walt Whitman’s Family

Walt Whitman Jr. is inarguably the most famous member of his family. However, certain primary source documents show that the rest of the Whitman clan was as colorful and intriguing as America’s most celebrated poet. Walt Whitman’s immediate family consisted of parents Walter Sr. and Louisa (nee Van Velsor); younger sisters Mary and Hannah, elder […]

Justin’s Cultural Museum Project – Walt Whitman’s Family

Walt Whitman Jr. is inarguably the most famous member of his family. However, certain primary source documents show that the rest of the Whitman clan was as colorful and intriguing as America’s most celebrated poet. Walt Whitman’s immediate family consisted of parents Walter Sr. and Louisa (nee Van Velsor); younger sisters Mary and Hannah, elder […]

Justin’s Final Project – Mashup

Hope you like Van Morrison. Enjoy!

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