Posts Tagged WrongIdea

Wrong Idea #3 Resplendent

I’ve been out of it for a bit after my seasonal allergies turned in to a sinus infection, but I’m back this week with a new word, Resplendent, from Walt’s Children of Adam.


First person to guess the correct meaning in a comment gets a point!


Wrong Idea Contest #2: Extoller

Its the Wrong Idea Contest! This week’s exciting episode: “Extoller” from somewhere in Whitman’s Song of Myself.

Extoller(Its a little subtle. Look at the top sign on the left.)

So you guys know the drill, first person to comment with the correct answer gets a point, and the person with the most points at the end of the semester gets a big plate of cookies!

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Wrong Idea Contest #1: Mullein & Pokeweed

Each week I’m going to post a sketch or picture of a word or phrase I didn’t immediately understand from one of Walt Whitman’s works.

The trick is that these pictures are definitely not what the word means, but instead are what I thought they sounded like they mean.

This week “mullein & pokeweed” from “Song of Myself”.


Now the first person to leave what this really means in a comment gets a point, the person with the most points at the end of the semester gets a tray of cookies.

Let the games begin.

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