What’s the Story?



  1. Avatar of admin

    #1 by admin on 09.11.2009 - 12.53 am

    You’re insane and I love it!

  2. #2 by mscanlon on 09.11.2009 - 8.13 pm

    I cannot say how much I love this post. You are making our week down here in Fredericksburg.

  3. Avatar of erinm

    #3 by erinm on 09.12.2009 - 12.09 pm

    I love this post!

  4. Avatar of jillians

    #4 by jillians on 09.17.2009 - 4.20 pm

    I watched you draw this- I saw it come to life!! And a week later, I still love it!

  5. Avatar of emilym

    #5 by emilym on 09.17.2009 - 4.39 pm


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