Administrative Council

The Administrative Council is a group of university leaders, including the president, academic deans, chancellors, vice presidents, and other senior administrators.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Jonathan Holloway
Jonathan Holloway
President, Office of the President
Monica Adya
Monica Adya
Dean, School of Business–Camden
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Steven Andreassen
Steven Andreassen
Vice Chancellor, and Chief of Staff, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Mark Antonucci
Mark Antonucci
Vice President, Operations and Strategy
Rutgers University Foundation
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Consuella Askew
Consuella Askew
Vice President for University Libraries and University Librarian, Rutgers University Libraries
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Brian Ballentine
Brian Ballentine
Senior Vice President, Strategy 
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Joseph Barone
Joseph Barone
Dean, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
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Jean Baum
Jean Baum
Vice Provost for Life Sciences Research and Partnerships, Office of the Chancellor-Provost
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Marsha Besong
Marsha Besong
Vice Chancellor for Student Academic Success, Rutgers University–Camden
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Wanda Blanchett
Wanda Blanchett
Dean, Graduate School of Education
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Jerome David (J.D.) Bowers II
Jerome David (J.D.) Bowers II
Administrative Dean, Rutgers University–New Brunswick Honors College
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Lavinia Boxill
Lavinia Boxill
Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Kathleen F. Bramwell
Kathleen Bramwell
Senior Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Enobong (Anna) Branch
Enobong (Anna) Branch
Senior Vice President, Equity
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 Andrea Conklin Bueschel
Andrea Conklin Bueschel
Senior Vice President, Administration, and
Chief of Staff, Office of the President
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Sherri-Ann Butterfield
Sherri-Ann Butterfield
Executive Vice Chancellor, Rutgers University–Newark
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Antonio Calcado
Antonio Calcado
Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer, Institutional Planning and Operations
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Nancy Cantor
Nancy Cantor
Chancellor, Office of the ChancellorRutgers University–Newark
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Jeffrey Carson
Jeffrey Carson
Provost, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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David A. Cohen
David A. Cohen
Vice President, University Labor Relations, and Special Counsel for Labor Affairs
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Francine Conway
Francine Conway
Chancellor-Provost, Office of the Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Kenneth B. Cop
Kenneth B. Cop
Executive Director, Police Services
Chief of University Police
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Rose Cuison-Villazor
Rose Cuison-Villazor
Interim Co-Dean, Rutgers Law School
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Alberto Cuitino
Alberto Cuitiño
Dean, School of Engineering
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Laura A. Curran
Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs, Office of the Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Mary Beth Daisey
Mary Beth Daisey
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Rutgers University–Camden
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Endia DeCordova
Endia DeCordova
Vice Chancellor for Advancement, Rutgers University–Camden
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Adrienne Eaton
Adrienne Eaton
Dean, School of Management and Labor Relations
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Peter Englot
Peter Englot
Senior Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs, Chief of Staff; Rutgers University–Newark
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Cecile Feldman
Cecile Feldman
Dean, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
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Vivian Fernandez
Vivian Fernández
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
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Patricia Fitzgerald-Bocarsly
Patricia Fitzgerald-Bocarsly
Provost, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Linda Flynn
Linda Flynn
Dean, School of Nursing
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Larry R. Gaines Jr.
Larry R. Gaines Jr.
Senior Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance, Rutgers University–Camden
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Eric Grafunkel
Eric Garfunkel
Vice President, Global Affairs
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 Jason Geary
Jason Geary
Dean, Mason Gross School of the Arts
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Frank Ghinassi
Frank Ghinassi
President and CEO, University Behavioral Health Care
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J. Michael Gower
J. Michael Gower
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Administration
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Vincente H. Gracias
Vicente H. Gracias
Senior Vice Chancellor, Clinical Affairs, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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William J. Green
William J. Green
Vice President for Development, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Rutgers University Foundation
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John Griffin
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences–Camden
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John Gunkel
John Gunkel
Vice Chancellor, Academic Programs and Services, Rutgers University–Newark
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Perry N. Halkitis
Perry N. Halkitis
Dean, School of Public Health
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Taja-Nia Henderson
Taja-Nia Henderson
Dean, Graduate School–Newark
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Denise Hien
Denise Hien
Vice Provost, Office of the Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Patrick Hobbs
Patrick Hobbs
Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
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John Hoffman
John J. Hoffman
Senior Vice President and General Counsel
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Jennifer Hollingshead
Jennifer Hollingshead
Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communications, Rutgers University–New Brunswick and Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Kimberly Hopely
Kimberly Hopely
Executive Vice President for Development and Alumni Engagement and President of the Rutgers University Foundation
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Rachael Honig
Rachael Honig
Vice President and Chief University Compliance Officer, University Ethics and Compliance
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Sherry C. Huang
Sherry C. Huang
Inaugural Vice Chancellor for Graduate Medical Education and Enterprise Wide Designated Institutional Official, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Arpana Inman
Arpana G. Inman
Dean, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Robert Johnson
Robert Johnson
Dean, New Jersey Medical School
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Jimmy Jung
Jimmy Jung
Senior Vice Chancellor, Rutgers University–Camden
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Sangeeta Lamba
Sangeeta Lamba
Vice Chancellor, Diversity and Inclusion,
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Susan Lawrence
Susan Lawrence
Interim Co-Executive Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
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Laura Lawson
Laura Lawson
Executive Dean, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Executive Director, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
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George J. LeBlanc
George J. LeBlanc
Vice President, Government and Fiscal Affairs, External Affairs
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Lei Lei
Lei Lei
Dean, Rutgers Business School–Newark and New Brunswick
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Dafna Lemish
Dafna Lemish
Interim Dean, School of Communication and Information
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Steven K. Libutti
Steven K. Libutti
Director, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Vice Chancellor, Cancer Programs, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Kim Manning
Kim Manning
Vice President, University Communications and Marketing
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James Masschaele
James Masschaele
Interim Co-Executive Dean, School of Arts and Sciences
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 Jacqueline Mattis
Jacqueline Mattis
Dean, School of Arts and Sciences–Newark, Rutgers University–Newark
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Courtney O. McAnuff
Courtney O. McAnuff
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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William McCarthy
William McCarthy
Dean, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University–Newark
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Pete McDonough
Photography by Benoit Cortet
Peter J. McDonough Jr.
Senior Vice President, External Affairs
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Salvador Mena
Salvador Mena
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Alma Merians
Alma S. Merians
Interim Dean, School of Health Professions
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Caroline Moehling
Carolyn Moehling
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Office of the Provost, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Prabhas Moghe
Prabhas V. Moghe
Executive Vice President, Academic Affairs
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Eduardo Molina
Eduardo Molina
Vice President, Institutional Research and Decision Support
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M. Maral Mouradian
M. Maral Mouradian
Vice Chancellor, Faculty Development, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Meredith Mullane
Meredith Mullane
Vice Chancellor, RBHS Faculty Affairs
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Kimberly Mutcherson
Kimberly Mutcherson
Co-Dean, Rutgers Law School
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Amy Murtha
Amy Murtha
Dean, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
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Donna M. Nickitas
Donna M. Nickitas
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Rutgers University–Camden
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Michele Norin
Michele Norin
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology
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Richard J. Novak
Richard J. Novak
Vice President, Continuing Studies
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Irene O'Brien
Irene O’Brien
Vice President for Central Fundraising and Donor Engagement, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
Rutgers University Foundation
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Kim O'Halloran
Kim O’Halloran
Vice President for Academic Planning and Administration and Chief of Staff, Academic Affairs
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John L. Oliver
Jon Oliver
Chief of Staff, Office of the Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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M. Bishr Omary
M. Bishr Omary
Senior Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Marie O'Toole
Marie O'Toole
Interim Dean, School of Nursing–Camden
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Mike Palis
Michael Palis
Interim Vice Chancellor for Research, Rutgers University–Camden
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Shantè Palmer
Shantè Palmer
Vice Chancellor for External and Governmental Affairs Relations, Rutgers University–Newark
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Reynold Panettieri
Reynold Panettieri
Vice Chancellor for Translational Medicine and Science, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Kimberlee M. Pastva
Kimberlee M. Pastva
Secretary of the University
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Henrik Pedersen
Henrik Pedersen
Interim Dean, School of Graduate Studies
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Francine Newsome Pfeiffer
Francine Newsome Pfeiffer
Vice President, Federal Relations, External Affairs
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Piotr Piotrowiak
Piotr Piotrowiak
Vice Chancellor for Research and Collaborations, Rutgers University–Newark
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Cathryn C. Potter
Cathryn C. Potter
Dean, School of Social Work
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Amber Randolph
Amber Randolph
Vice Chancellor for Finance, Rutgers University–Newark
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Megan Rehbein
Meghan Rehbein
Administrative Dean, Douglass Residential College
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Jeffrey Robinson
Jeffrey Robinson
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, Rutgers University–Newark
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Denise V. Rodgers
Denise V. Rodgers
Vice Chancellor, Interprofessional Programs
Director, Urban Health and Wellness Institute, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Jose Roman
José Román
Vice President, Research Administration
Office of Research and Economic Development
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Brent D. Ruben
Brent D. Ruben
Executive Director, Center for Organizational Leadership
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David C. Schulz
David C. Schulz
Vice President, Planning, Development, and Design; Institutional Planning and Operations
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Kathleen Scotto
Kathleen Scotto
Vice Chancellor, Research and Research Training, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
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Robin Semple
Robin Semple
Vice Chancellor for Development, Rutgers University–Newark, Rutgers University Foundation
Michael Sepanic
Michael Sepanic
Vice Chancellor for Public Affairs and Chief of Staff, Rutgers University–Camden
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Stuart Shapiro
Stuart Shapiro
Dean, Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
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John Shulack
John Shulack
Vice President, University Facilities, Institutional Planning and Operations
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Adrienne Simonds
Adrienne Simonds
Chair, University Senate
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Nayland Smith
Nayland Smith
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Business Officer for Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Toni Mooney Smith
Toni Mooney Smith
Vice Chancellor, Marketing and Communications, Rutgers University–Camden
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Brian L. Strom
Brian L. Strom
Chancellor, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Executive Vice President, Health Affairs
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Karen Stubaus
Karen R. Stubaus
Vice President, Academic Affairs and Administration
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Corlisse Thomas
Corlisse Thomas
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Rutgers University–Newark
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Antonio Tillis
Antonio D. Tillis
Chancellor, Office of the ChancellorRutgers University–Camden
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Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke
Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke
Senior Vice Provost, Academic and Faculty Affairs, Office of the Chancellor-Provost, Rutgers University–New Brunswick
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Shawn Tucker, Rutgers
Shawn Tucker
Vice President of Athletic Development, Deputy Athletic Director, Scarlet Knights
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Henry Turner
Henry Turner
Vice President for Academic Initiatives, Academic Affairs
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Gregg Van Ryzin
Gregg Van Ryzin
Interim Dean, School of Public Affairs and Administration
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Henry X. Velez
Henry X. Velez
Vice President, Business Services, Institutional Planning and Operations
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Nyeema Watson
Nyeema Watson
Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Inclusion, and Civic Engagement, Rutgers University–Camden
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David A. Weinstein
David A. Weinstein
Vice President, State Government Affairs, External Affairs
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Craig Westman
Craig Westman
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, Rutgers University–Camden
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Michael E. Zwick
Michael E. Zwick
Senior Vice President, Research
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