Hartmann Jr.

FRANK J. HARTMANN JR. was born in Camden NJ on November 3, 1898 to Frank J. Hartmann Sr. and his wife Anna. His father had emigrated to Camden from Germany around 1865. The Hartmann family lived in Cramer Hill on Cleveland Avenue near Griffee Avenue before the turn of the century. By 1920 Frank Hartmann Sr. had purchased a home at 740 State Street in North Camden. and had established a successful cigar business for many years. 

Trained as an electrician, Frank J. Hartmann Jr., like his father before him, took an active role in the affairs of city. He was elected to the City Commission in the May 1935 election, his win, however, was not certified until after a recount, where he won by seven votes. He took his place on the Commission on August 1, 1935, and was appointed Director of Public Works. 

Initially aligned with Mayor George Brunner and his New Deal Democrat organization, Frank J. Hartmann Jr. soon split with Brunner, and lost his bid for reelection to the City Commission in 1939. Frank Hartmann Jr.'s term in office was noted by his efforts to control expenditures and reduce spending at the Department of Public Works. This made him few friends in local political circles, as he let many politically connected workers go, and alienated certain powerful business interests. He was a staunch advocate of Camden building its own municipal electrical plant. Although Camden voters voted twice for this improvement, it did not come to pass. He supervised the beautification of Roosevelt Plaza in front of City Hall, and hired Daniel G. Deacon to tend to the extensive flower beds set up with help from the Works Progress Administration. 

Frank J. Hartmann Jr. returned to private business after leaving the City Commission. His son, Frank J. Hartmann III was killed in action while serving with the Army in France on July 18, 1944. Frank J. Hartmann Jr. moved from Camden to Haddon Heights in the 1950s. He spent his later years in Cape May NJ, where he died in June of 1987.

Frank Hartmann Jr. was a member of Mozart Lodge No. 121, Free and Accepted Masons. He was elected to a one-year term as the lodge's Master in 1933.

Camden Courier-Post * June 9, 1932

Henry W. Aitken - Pyne Poynt Athletic Association - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. 
George B. Plummer - Harry Walton - Otto E. Braun
Benjamin Covington - Charles F. Bonner - John T. Landold
George E. Ash - Alonzo Hires - Walter Reyno - Clifford Flennard
Charles McCurdy - William L. Lloyd - Henry Haines - Samuel Dickinson
Howard Baird - William Robinson - Robert Nelson - Jacob Strecker
Foster Willis - Alfred Ross - William Sullender - Samuel J. Edwards
Jack Schiltz - Walter S. Agin 

Camden Courier-Post * June 15, 1932

Pyne Poynt Athletic Association - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Charles Bragan - Alonzo Hires
  Otto E. Braun - William Robertson - Ray Dolan - D. Ellis - E. Emmons - W. White
Alfred Ross - Jack Schultz - Oscar Boehm - Franklin M. Walton - Chalres A. Them
George W/ Evans - Jam,es Wilkinson - William Boddis - John A. Rogers - John L, Willis Jr.
Alfred Smith - Purnell W. Schofield - Joseph G. Corson - Charles B. Walker
William Sullender - Samuel Dickinson - Robert J. Nelson -  William L. Lloyd

Camden Courier-Post - February 10, 1933

Slash of $702,890 Is Revealed in Totals Passed at Session of Rulers

Commissioners Debate With Von Nieda as He Charges Gross Extravagance


 The Camden City Commission yesterday approved the 1933 city budget after hearing and rejecting economy recommendations of several civic and labor organizations.

Eight speakers representing five organizations urged budget reductions and protested the total of $3,353,124.60. Verbal clashes over opinions were frequent between Commissioner Harold W. Bennett, director of finance and revenue, and former Councilman Frederick von Nieda and Thomas B. Hall, representatives of the Congress of Civic Associations of New Jersey.

Nearly 300 persons attended the hearing, in marked contrast to the 5000 who marched on city hall last year to demand budget reductions. The hearing lasted three hours. The departmental budget appropriations of $3,353,124.60 with the local school appropriation of $1,250,000 and other appropriations, totaling $960,060.55 to be added in the tax ordinance yet to be adopted, will give the city a total expense of $5,563,185.15 for 1933.

Tax Bill About Same

The tax rate will not be known until the tax ordinance is adopted. After the hearing Commissioner Bennett declared that due to equalization of assessments, the bills of some taxpayers will be a few dollars higher than last year, and a few dollars lower in other cases. The commission, after approving the budget on a motion by Commissioner Bennett, adopted a resolution leasing WCAM to the Broadcast Advertising Company for $1000 per year and a percentage of all receipts over $24,000. All maintenance costs will be born by the company, of which Rudolph Preisendanz, Jr., is head.

After the budget was adopted Bennett declared the City Commission would take into consideration an allegation of Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of the Civic Congress, that the $125,400 appropriation for street  lighting was $26,450 higher than it should be according to figures obtained by him concerning the city's .lighting equipment. "If there has been an error the budget can be amended at any time," Commissioner Bennett said.

Commissioner Clay W. Reesman, under whose department street lighting comes, declared that figures in his office concerning street lighting were different from those quoted by Hartmann. The figures he used, Hartmann said, were obtained by him from City Comptroller Sidney P. McCord.

Von Nieda Case

 Von Nieda was the first citizen to address the commission. Shifting papers in his hands, he faced the commissioners and said: "We have here $40,000 for your Recorder's Court in 1932, and $25,000 for 1933."

Commissioner Bennett jumped to his feet. 

"Those 1932 figures," Bennett said, "were merely an estimate of the receipts to be taken in, but that amount did not come in. This year we anticipate only $25,000, which we consider a fair estimate."

"That's fine" said von Nieda, "but we have never had a chance to sit in with you on these figures."

"You can sit in with us at any time," responded Bennett, "We're glad to have you."

"I see here," said von Nieda, "that the transportation inspector is paid from fees, but you show no fees and the inspector should be paid by the Public Service. I also suggest that you turn Convention Hall over to the poor. Now in dealing with Station WCAM, I see you show a profit for the last three months of $1000, while in 1932, you show no records of receipts, and we are just wondering.'.

Worried by WCAM

 "Do you want that answered now?" asked Bennett. "WCAM has given myself and the other commissioners some concern during the past year. It is our duty to see that we receive as much income as possible. Different methods have been used in the radio station to make it pay during the past three months, and during this time that station has been in the black. We figure that in 1933 there will be no deficit in this station, and we look for a profit of more than $1000." 

"Now in this matter of eliminating deputy directors," von Nieda said. 

He was interrupted by Commissioner Reesman

"I'll tell you," said Reesman, "about my deputy director Carlton Harris. My deputy receives $1750 a year. He has charge of all labor in the Department of Parks and Public Property. He is on the job every morning at 7:00 AM, and often works until 10 p. m., with the labor outside."

"In speaking of the assessors," von Nieda continued, "we should have assessors who are not influenced by politicians or political dictators."

"You know I won't stand for that," answered Bennett. "The readjustment of ratables is only a small part 1 of the work we are doing. Each property is assessed on a basic principal. Any time you have a suggestion that will help us in our work we will be glad to hear from you but I firmly believe that real state must be relieved of its heavy tax burden by an income and sales tax, and this tax must come sooner or later. 

Seeking Relief

 "As far as the city commissioners are concerned, we are studying it from day to day, in efforts to get out of the wilderness.

"In speaking of the purchasing department," von Nieda continued, "we know what happened there last year. You fired your purchasing agent, and if you had not fired him it probably would have afforded the public some interesting reading about this purchasing department.

"All of my men are working overtime,' replied Bennett. "It is true the purchasing agent is out and his work is being done by an assistant (William Dilmore) at half his salary. We have got rid of as many people in these departments as we can. I had to let one girl go in the purchasing department and one girl in Controller McCord's department. One man went on pension in the tax office and two were let out in efforts to balance the budget.

"In .one of my departments where there were three girls I had, to make a $900 cut by leaving one girl out. called the three girls into my office and told them that one had to go and asked them what their home responsibilities were. One had to take care of her family, including a 77-year-old aunt; another a family with a 66-year-old aunt, and the third was supporting three or four brothers with the help of another brother, who is a barber working for practically what tips he could get.

"But I had to make a $900 cut. The girls asked me not to dismiss any of them, as they each would take a $300 cut in addition to cuts already applied. Another man took an extra $260 cut so that he would not be out of work. But I had the budget to take care of, and I am ready to challenge any city the size of Camden to show so nearly a balanced budget. Our plan is to pay as we go."

"You cite two or three instances," protested von Nieda. "But I want to show you scores of families which have no money and they are taxpayers. You say you have cut to the bone, but you should cut through the bone. This is no grandstand play by us. Maybe we can give you some help. Then, too, the debt interest must be paid on this tragedy," he shouted, pointing to walls of the commission chamber.

"Maybe you can tell me how to get rid of the bonds," suggested Bennett. "You must remember this year we have cut $900,000 from the budget."  

Offers Recommendation

Von Nieda said the Civic Congress recommended that work now being done by two city solicitors should be done by one, that when more policemen and firemen are needed "little fellows” be restored first wherever possible; that the city incinerating plant be closed; that the personnel of the city's two' sewage disposal plants be reduced; that the city's lighting bill be cut $40,000; that inspectors of lighting be abolished and their work done by policemen and the city's engineer's department. Personally he favored an income tax, he said, to relieve the I burden on real estate. 

"1 realize,” von Nieda said, "that the city commission has done a fair job, but of the congress, with conservatively 15,000 members, think you can do even better.

Commissioner Frank B. Hanna, director of public works, interrupted von Nieda on the subject of the incinerating plant, which von Nieda declared could be abandoned because it did not burn garbage, but only rubbish. 

"Can you see me at 9:00 AM tomorrow and go through my department with me?" asked Hanna.

“Any time," replied von Nieda

Warns of Tax Strike

"However," von Nieda continued, "we are wondering what the figures in the right hand corner of the tax bill will be. Assessments may be lower and the tax rate higher, and that does not give a true picture. I fear the bills will be more for 1933 and for one am willing now to take the 1932 assessment on my home. 

"The congress vigorously opposes this personality tax. You expect to tax the homeowner for everything he has. I warn YOU gentlemen that if this tax is imposed in Camden there will be a run on banks and building and loan associations. If that happens homeowners and renters will leave this unfortunate city. There will be a tax strike here, and so help me God, I'm helping it!"

Von Nieda was followed by William Hughes of 578 Mickle street, who spoke for the Unemployed Council of New Jersey.

Hughes reiterated demands of the union for increased relief payments to unemployed, urged a municipally-owned lighting plant, operated at a profit, the same as the city's water department; a municipal lodging house; use of hand labor instead of machinery in all city contracts and the employment of labor to "tear down the slums in Camden."

Hartmann was the next speaker. He read from a prepared statement which he declared was an analysis a\of the city's 1932 lighting expenses, and which, he said, could be lowered “had we used larger lamps.“

Reesman Contradicts

After enumerating the individual costs of lamps of various candle power, and contending a change in the lamps would effect a saving this year, Hartmann charged the city has overpaid for electric energy in street lighting. 

Commissioner Reesman declared that figures used by Hartmann were in error and that therefore, his computations as to possible savings were wrong. He announced, however, he would study the situation to discover if there was any error in the budget concerning street lighting, as alleged by Hartmann.

"The Civic Congress is now circulating petitions for a referendum on a municipal lighting plant," Hartmann said. "We now have 10,000 of the required 11,000 signatures, and we do not intend to stop until we have 25,000. You commissioners can stop these petitions by adopting a resolution declaring a referendum on the question."

He then asked that the work of the city electrical inspector be taken over by the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and that "when the next tax sale is held, all properties be advertised, including banks, garages and to whomever the property belongs."

Commissioner Bennett then arose and said: "I've used' discretion on that. There are some who are paying as low as $5 per month, and I think these people should be helped. We commissioners do not want to sell the home of anyone. That is what we are trying to stop. We are in perfect agreement on that."

Debt Moratorium Asked  

"How about the Bridge Garage?" some one in the audience shouted.

"The Bridge Garage has just paid $1500," Bennett said, "and promises to pay something every month. We are trying to make the tax bills lower by getting in all the monies we can, and where possible to take in delinquent payments no matter how small. 

Clarence Moullette, secretary of the Unemployed Union of New Jersey, then arose. He asked for a moratorium on the city debt service for five years, and urged the commission to adopt such a resolution memorializing the Legislature for that relief: He announced opposition to the personality tax.

"We are not questioning the actions of the commissioners, Moullette said. “Spending less money will not help the situation. Commissioner Hanna. told me if he had $51,000 additional in his department six closed garbage trucks could purchased. This will help give work. By cutting down salaries you decrease purchasing power. Work must be had. Eventually you will pay in scrip. Why not pay in scrip now and give out work."

Hall asked that Convention Hall be abandoned and the building used for hospitalization work for the needy, and urged the city commission to "meet in the evenings so that citizens will know and see what is going on." He asked for abolition of the positions of plumbing, building, sewer and heating inspectors.

'Close High Schools'

"The commission should face conditions as they are," he said. "I speak for myself, and not the Civic Congress. I ask that the high schools be closed. I heartily approve closing of the Vocational School, but if choice was to be made between high schools and the Vocational School, I would say close the high schools. Before selling the home of anyone to meet impossible taxes, I say cut to the bone by getting rid of everything that is not absolutely necessary. 

"You commissioners must be made to realize that increased taxation is what has destroyed purchasing power in America. Meet this condition!

Commissioner Bennett challenged the statement of Hall that government costs were responsible for conditions of today.

"There are numerous causes," Bennett said.

"I would rejoice in debating it with you or anyone you select," Hall replied, "including United States senators, and convince them in 20 minutes."

"I’ll debate that with him," shouted Morris Stempa of Audubon from the audience. Stempa later addressed the commission, speaking for the Socialist party, and urged the moratorium advocated by Moullette, also a Socialist.

Eugene Wasilewski, speaking for you the South Camden Civic Association, denounced the commission for failing to call in civic association representatives in their preparation of the Budget.

Bennett Gives Reply 

"You called in the bankers, but not those others of us who also are interested in city costs," Wasilewski said. "You tell us now there is a reduction in assessments and then come along and wallop us with a higher tax rate. That is not fair. You were elected to look after our interests and that you have failed to do. You are making us eat red herring, and we want you to eat red herring with us."  

The last citizen to address the commission was Salvadore Guadelli, president of the Citizens-Taxpayers' League. He made a general indictment of conditions, ,and asked that the city commission "do not let sectionalism creep into city affairs."  

Commissioner Bennett then arose and addressed his fellow commissioners and the audience.

"All these things suggested here today have been considered," he said. "We five men came into office with the idea of serving the people. I know the business of financing the city is a. serious problem. We have endeavored to move the budget into that realm of 'pay-as-you-go! We appreciate everything presented here. Every taxpayer we look upon as an employer.

"Looking at it from every angle, this budget cannot be delayed any longer. You'll find we were severe in preparing this budget; you'll find we were severe last year. Last year we cut a half million. This year we cut $702,890.74, and to that the board of education, we hope, will add a cut of $250,000. That is a total cut of $952,890.74. Other cities in New Jersey show nothing to compare with it.  

Budget Adopted 

"I hesitate in making more cuts. I speak from experience when I say I'm a taxpayer. In the past two weeks I've been trying to raise money to pay taxes. I want all of you to know we commissioners can sympathize. It is not easy being at the head of a government in times like these. I hope that municipalities will receive federal relief in payment of debt service. There has been a tremendous cut in our budget, including the board of education figures. I feel the commissioners are to be commended for the work they've done this year.

 "If we pass the budget we won't stop at that particular point, but will see what else we can do all along the line. I feel the essential thing is to pass the budget. I'm proud of the fact we came through 1932, and are started in 1933 the same way, although I make no promise for the future. I wish for a moratorium for interest on bonds. There are the bondholders on one side and the taxpayers on the other, and the man out of work to be considered.

We are in sympathy with the man out of work. I say let the federal or government put some money into to the interest rate. We must pass this budget this afternoon. Do not delay longer. This is not an arbitrary 10 stand on my part. I make a motion the budget now be passed."

City Clerk Frank S. Albright called the roll and all five commissioners voting 'unanimously. No demonstration followed passage of the measure.  

*Eugene Wasilewski referred to in this story was Eugene Waleskiewicz, who was later known as Eugene Wales.

Camden Courier-Post - June 2, 1933

Program to Have 'Something' on Continuously, Day and Night

Plans for the thirty-third anniversary of the Pyne Poynt Athletic Association to be observed with an all ­day program at Pyne Poynt Park July 4 were discussed last night at a meeting in the Pyne Poynt Social Club, 929 North Fifth Street.

Among the features tentatively planned are a children's parade at 9.30 a. m., under the supervision of Isaac Kyler; memorial service at 11 a. m., under direction of William B. Sullender; sporting events for men, women and children to start at 1.30 p. m., under direction of Alfred J. Ross, Jr.; outdoor motion pictures starting at 9 p. m., under supervision of Robert J. Nelson and a dance in charge of Samuel G. Dickinson, Jr., starting 11t 10.30 p. m.

Committee chairmen chosen by Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., president, are: Grounds, Foster Willis; program, Otto E. Braun; police, Clifford Flennard; dancing, Samuel G. Dickinson, Jr.; first aid, Dr. Joseph E. Nowrey and William Hughes; transportation, Samuel J. Edwards; public speakers, William B. Sullender; motion pictures, Robert J. Nelson; decorations, Walter A. Reyno; sports, Alfred J. Ross, Jr.; ways and means, Frank J. Hartmann, Jr.; publicity, Walter S. Agin; parade marshal, Isaac Kyler; refreshments, George Washington Ash; light, William Hilton, and music, Frank Kelley.

Children of the Sheltering Arms Home, Home for Friendless Children and the Detention Home will be guests of the association during the day. Samuel J. Edwards will be in charge of their entertainment.

The association will meet again next Thursday night. 

Camden Courier-Post - June 6, 1933

Suit to End Relief Secrecy Planned by Civic Congress; Irregularities Are Charged
North Camden Association Told Affidavits Are Being Taken;
Cramer and Howard Accused Of Evasion; Protest Rally Called

Court action to force the Camden County Emergency Relief Administration to reveal its books for public inspection is planned by the Congress of Civic Associations of South Jersey.

This was announced last night at a meeting of the North Camden Civic Association in the headquarters of the Pyne Poynt Social Club, 939 North Fifth street. Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of both organizations, disclosed the proposed step.

Affidavits charging irregularities in the relief administration are being gathered, Hartmann asserted.

Wayland P. Cramer, director of the county relief board and Captain Albert S. Howard, deputy director, were charged with evading public inquiries.

'Fathers Fired-Girls Hired'

"They've given us a grand run-a­round," Hartmann said in relating his efforts in behalf of a destitute family.

The Congress of Civic Associations, headed by Fred von Nieda, is determined to force inspection of the relief records by applying for a court writ, Hartmann said,

Vince Marinelli, member of the North Camden association and active in the Civic Congress, declared a number of married men were discharged from positions in the relief administration and single women engaged for their posts.

Protest Rally June 11

The association agreed to join with the Unemployed Union of New Jersey in staging a public mass meeting to protest against the relief board.

The meeting is scheduled for June 11, at the Convention Hall.

Clarence E. Moullette, executive secretary of the unemployed group, addressed last night's session, which two score persons attended.

'Only 8 In 25,600 Rejected'

Hartmann declared that of Camden's' 117,000 persons, 25,600 are receiving emergency relief. The figure in the county is comparable, he said.

Quoting Dr. Arthur L. Stone, who recently resigned as city director of emergency relief, Hartmann asserted 6828 of the 11,400 city's colored are in the relief line.

"In all these cases the great Emergency Relief Administration has found only eight this year that were not worthy of receiving aid," Hartmann said he was informed.

"The taxpayers are paying the bills and they have every right to know how the money is being spent.

"If Director Cramer and Captain Howard can be out of their office all day without anyone knowing where they are I think there is ground for investigation," he insisted.

Cites Backyard Fires

Hartmann reviewed the plight of 11 families on State Street who were forced to cook meals over a backyard fire last Saturday after gas and electric service had been suspended for non-payment of bills. Thirty-five children were affected.

Hartmann estimated that Public Service could produce electricity to supply the apartment house for one month at a cost of $2. The charge is $22, he said.

Hartmann described advantages of a municipal electric plant, for which more than 11,000 persons have signed petitions circulated by the association and civic congress. He compared this city's tax rate and assessments with those of Jacksonville, Fla., and said the southern city earn­ed $2,000,000 profit from its municipal light and power plant in 1932.

A campaign to further sentiment in favor of the municipal plant idea is being advanced daily, Hartmann reported. A staff of speakers is being enrolled.

Dr. Stone's Work Reviewed

Moullette, in appealing for support of the civic association for the mass meeting next week, said that the resignation of Dr. Stone was a political move, designed to create a position with pay for some Republican organization favorite.

"Dr. Stone spent $25,000 for emergency relief in Camden.

"As a result of the efforts of Dr. Stone in his office as municipal relief director there are children in more than 500 families who obtained milk that was not given them be­fore he took the position," Moullette said. "The purpose of the mass meeting is to bring forcibly to the attention of the authorities here and in the state that there is need for an investigation of the Camden County Emergency Relief Administration."

New Fire Alarms Protested

Joseph Munger, of East Camden, asked the association to protest against proposed expenditure of more than $50,000 for a new tire alarm system in Camden.

He charged that the project is needless, and said that transfer of the present system from the old city hall to the new courthouse annex could be made for $2500.

"The present system is sufficient for this city," Munger said. "The cost of removing it to the new building would be less than what the city might pay in interest for one year on $50,000."

Hartmann said that a new system in the fire department would require employment of additional employees and thereby add more expense to the taxpayers.

Mrs. Stephen Pfeil, William Coughlin and Miss Elsie Stein were named by Harry Walton, president, to a committee with instructions to ask Mayor Roy R. Stewart to move against alleged vandalism. They charged that young boys are destroying vacant properties throughout the city. 

Camden Courier-Post - June 13, 1933

State Organization Failed to Offer Constructive Plan, Charge 

The New Jersey Taxpayers' Association was criticized last night at the weekly meeting of the North Camden Civic Association, held at the Pyne Poynt Social Club, 939 North Fifth Street
Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of the civic group, criticized the tax payers' organization for "failing to do anything constructive for the in dividual taxpayer of the state." As one of more than a score of persons from Camden who attended the taxpayers' mass meeting last Friday at Trenton, Hartmann said he "heard nothing that he had not heard before." 

"All during the meeting," Hartmann declared, "there was not a thing that came out for the benefit of the individual taxpayer. In my opinion the New Jersey Taxpayers' Association should be called the Corporation Taxpayers' Association. 

"They appear to be against the income tax, while anyone who has studied conditions of today can readily realize that to tax those with ability to pay, is the first and foremost factor. Another thing that struck me was the fact that Clinton L. Bardo, president of the taxpayers, actually apologized for the remarks of one speaker who outlined an effective method of obtaining results from governing groups. That method was a tax strike," 

Harry Walton, who presided at the civic meeting with less than 20 persons in attendance, supported Hartmann's report of the Trenton meeting, George I. Shaw, vice president of the civic organization, condemned the State Taxpayers' Association for voting for candidates who have per sistently refused to aid the public. 

Shaw also rapped the New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners for "approving the consolidation of the Pennsylvania and Reading railroad lines in South Jersey." 

"This merger, which has been authorized in Washington, will result in loss of jobs to 3500 persons and eventually will make Camden a way station," Shaw declared. "The Public Utility Commissioners should be removed. They have not been working for the public welfare," 
On Shaw's recommendation the association moved to protest against the merger. 

Mrs. Stephen Pfeil and William Coughlin reported that Acting Chief of Police John W. Golden has promised to co-operate in a campaign to curb vandalism by boys. Property owners have been complaining about damage to vacant houses. 

The association and the Congress of Civic Associations will be represented tomorrow at a protest meeting against the Camden County Emergency Relief Administration. The meeting is to be held at the Convention Hall annex by the Unemployed Union of New Jersey.

Plans for the July 4 celebration of the Pyne Poynt Athletic Association also were discussed at the meeting last night.

The association will meet again next Thursday night. 

Camden Courier-Post - June 20, 1933

Mrs. Pfeil Tells North Camden Civic Group Boys Must be Punished 

Declaring that vandalism may have been responsible for the collapse of two house fronts which cost the life of a man on Carman Street, near Seventh, yesterday, Mrs. Stephen Pfeil 
last night asserted the North Camden Civic Association would request police for an intensive campaign against vandals. 

The association, which met at 939 North Fifth Street, recently charged that vandals have caused damage of $500,000 to vacant properties in the city.

"We are going to organize public opinion as to the seriousness of the vandalism problem," Mrs. Pfeil said. "Aside from the loss caused owners, vacant properties have been so destroyed 
by mischievous boys and young men that each is fast becoming a serious menace to life and limb. The collapse of two house fronts today, which cost the life of a colored man, undoubtedly can be traced to vandalism in the beginning. The problem has implications.

Demands Punishment 

"We are going to ask that police apprehend these boys in an intensive campaign,. and we will insist that those found guilty be punished and their parents made responsible for the damage. Parents must be made responsible to break up this wanton destruction of property. We are aware that political interference may be encountered in such arrests, but we will vigorously insist that there be neither fish nor flesh in these arrests, but all punished commensurately with their deeds."

Mrs. Pfeil is treasurer of the organization. Mrs. Elsie A. Stein and William Coghlan, members of a committee appointed with Mrs. Pfeil to negotiate with police, cited various instances of 

Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary, announced the Congress of Civic Associations was preparing a resolution to be sent to the public utility commission censuring that board for its action in allegedly "boosting electric voltages, keeping bus doors closed, approving underground high speed bridge rails in Camden, approving railroad consolidation and for "calling Public Service electric rates fair and just." 

Bridge Loan Rapped 

Julius Kretz reported that a committee of the association was considering the sending of a questionnaire to all residents of Camden inquiring into their electric and gas charges and the 
service derived. 

Thomas B. Hall announced himself as opposed to the $10,000,000 R. F. C. loan sought by the Delaware River Joint Commission for bridge rails.

"I doubt it the corporation would lend that money for the laying of two miles of rails which come to a dead end. I am opposed to an additional $10,000,000 capital investment in the bridge, which would serve to place still farther away lower bridge tolls. The service proposed is not convenient to any class of commuter, and I regard the whole scheme as one of tremendous waste and bereft of proper planning. I do not think the commission can lease rails without proper facilities to the traveling public, and this association will us every effort with federal authorities to present the inadequacy of this rail plan."

Camden Courier-Post - June 23, 1933

All-Day Schedule Arranged With Parades, Music Dancing, Prizes

Plans for the thirty-third Fourth of July celebration sponsored, by the Pyne Poynt Athletic Association were announced last night at a meeting of the association. 

The program will open at 6 a.m. with a salute and flag raising. A parade will start at 9.30 a. m., with bands, music wagon and fife and drum corps providing the music. Prizes of from $5 to $1 will be awarded for the best decorated float, bicycle, baby coach or express wagon in line. A memorial service will start at 11. a. m., with singing by school children. 

There will be a band concert in the afternoon as well as more than 20 athletic contests from 2.30 to 5 p.m. A singles tennis match for the North Camden championship will be started at 4.30 p.m. under direction of William Hutton. Prizes donated by Camden businessmen will be awarded for each event. Children from the city orphanages and the detention home will be the association's guests throughout the afternoon. 

Dancing will be provided from 8.30 to midnight and motion pictures from 9 to midnight. Prizes ranging from $6 to $1 will be awarded for the dancing. 

Cash prizes will be awarded for the best decorated homes of subscribers in the Tenth Ward. The awards will be $10, $5 and $2.50. 

Collections to cover cost of the celebration will be made today in a house-to-house canvass beginning at 7 p.m. Donors of 25 cents or more will be eligible for prizes awarded by merchants. Frank J. Hartmann is president of the association.  

Camden Courier-Post - June 23, 1933


The Past Masters' Circle of Mozart Lodge of Masons held its annual outing yesterday at Pioneer's Grove, Pine Hill. 

The circle has been in existence 40 years. A banquet was served in the grove. Sports were a feature. Max Reihman, Jr., and Ferdinand Braun were quoits champions. 

The committee: included: Arthur A. I Holler, Otto E. Braun, Herman E. Hensgen and Reihman. Officers are: Charles Engel, president; Henry Hess, vice president; William Indicher, secretary, and William Sangtinette, treasurer. 

In attendance were: Mr. and Mrs. George Bachman, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Korthage, Mr. and, Mrs. William Bartelt, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Bartelt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Indicher, Mr. and Mrs. Holler, Mr. and Mrs. Reihman, Mr. and Mrs. Otto E. Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Braun, Rose Braun, Mrs. Frank X. Braun, Sarah Whitaker, Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Rugart, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haub, Mr. and Mrs. Hensgen, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Braun, 
Mr. and Mrs. Sangtinette, Mr. and Mrs. Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Engel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Michelfelder. 

Camden Courier-Post - June 23, 1933

Cops, Nab 14 Nudists After Criticism for Vandalism, Bathing 
Citizens Complain to City Commission and Give 'Hot 'Tips' 
Police Act Quickly on Objection to 'Buck' Swimming

The Camden police were criticized yesterday at a meeting of the City Commission for relaxing their vigilance in halting damage by vandals in vacant properties which have caused total losses of $500,000 in the city. 

A committee representing the North Camden Civic Association appeared before the City Commission and urged an intensive campaign to halt destruction of unoccupied buildings. Among the committee's recommendations for the drive were greater activity by the police, co-operation by citizens with the police in reporting vandalism, appointment of special officers to watch the buildings and a general educational campaign in the city schools. 

Given Hot Clue 

Mayor Roy R. Stewart estimated that $500,000 damage had been done to vacant properties, and agreed to give full support to the drive to halt vandalism. 

With characteristic suddenness, Frank J. Hartmann, secretary of the civic association, arose in the meet ing and told the mayor that if policemen were sent immediately to Tenth and State Streets they would find young men engaged in tearing down an unoccupied factory. 

As another evidence of "police negligence," he said, young men and boys could be found bathing nude at that moment in Cooper River in that vicinity. Acting immediately, Mayor Stewart instructed Capt. John W. Golden, acting police chief, to send policemen to the neighborhood. 

14 Nude Bathers Nabbed 

A few minutes later, 14 boys and young men, ranging, in age from 12 to 26, were arrested for bathing without clothes. 

All bathers over 14 were held in cash security of $10 and those under 14 were released in custody of their parents on charges of disorderly conduct. They are: Leslie Bayne, 26, of 503 Royden street; Harvey Howell, 16, of 529 Washington Street; John Grady; 19, of 578 Benson Street; Roscoe Davis, 15, of 253 North Eleventh Street; James Evans, 15, of 601 North Second Street; William Dempsey, 12, of 1030 Lawrence Street; Robert Farland, 13, of 1112 Federal Street; Roland Garber, 15, of 537 Birch street; Edgar Grundlock, 15, of' 318 North Tenth Street; Frank Garwood; 13; of 717 Bailey Street; Eugene Dodelin, 13, of 309 Cole Street; Ralph Skill, 13, of 512 North Seventh Street; Robert Rudd, 15, of 642 Linwood Street, and Richard Evans, 14 of 601 North Second Street. 

Miss Elsie Stein, a member of the committee, handed the mayor a letter from a woman who complained about young men bathing in Cooper River. The letter was turned over to Acting Chief Golden. 

"If the police performed the duties they are paid to perform, this vandalism could be stopped," Miss Stein said. 

Mrs. Stephen Pfeil, another committee member, told the mayor she realized the depleted condition of the police force and offered to aid in the educational campaign by talking against vandalism to children in the schools. 

Hartmann urged that politicians and public officeholders refrain from using their influence to obtain leniency for children guilty of damaging vacant houses. William Coghlan said he had complained to the police about the practice but had seen no results. 

Weed Cleanup Ordered 

Other members, of the committee presenting the protest were Vincent Martinelli and Leon Wojtkowiak, representing the South Camden Civic Association .

The city commission adopted on final reading an ordinance requiring property owners to remove from the front of their properties and sidewalks weds and debris. A fine may be imposed as penalty for violation of the ordinance.

A resolution was passed protesting an increase in power authorized by the federal government to Station WORC and WEPS, of Worcester, Mass. An increase to 1280 kilocycles and to 500 watts causes interference in broadcasting, from WCAM, the resolution pointed out. 

Assessors Reappointed 

Wilbur B. Ellis, Edward F. Peard and Thomas C. Wright were reappointed to the city board of assessors as of July 1. George H. Simpson, of 2725 Concord Avenue, was reappointed constable for three years in the Eleventh Ward. 

Another resolution was adopted by the commission clarifying to the federal government its position relative to responsibility as· to operation of WCAM. It was pointed out in the resolution that the mayor and city clerk had entered a supplemental agreement with the Broadcast Advertising Company, which leases the station from Camden. The government desired to establish that nothing be construed in the agreement which would relieve Camden from responsibility in operation of the station. 

Another measure adopted adjourns the city commission until July 13 for a hearing in proposed condemnation proceedings against properties at 332 and 334 Benson street, designated as fire hazards. 

Camden Courier-Post - June 24, 1933

Pancoast Frees Nude Bathers, Scores Those Causing Arrest
Boys and Young Men, However, Are Asked to Carry Bathing Suits on Next Visit To Cooper River

Fourteen boys and young men arrested as nude bathers Thursday as the sequel to a city commission meeting, were freed yesterday by Judge Garfield Pancoast with the advice that they wear bathing suits when swimming.  

The nude bathers were apprehended in Cooper river in the vicinity of Tenth and Pearl streets after Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of, the New Jersey Congress of Civic Associations and of the North Camden Civic Association, complained at the commission meeting Thursday that shocking conditions exist among the male bathers' in the river, causing women in the neighborhood to protest.

With two of the youthful bathers excused because they had to attend the final classes of the term in school, Police Judge Garfield Pancoast suspended sentence on the others at a hearing yesterday after advising them to wear bathing suits when swimming again. The boys had been released in their own recognizance after their arrest late Thursday by John Taylor, a policeman, who was sent to the bathing spot by Acting Chief Golden.

Pancoast Sarcastic

Taylor, under questioning of the court, testified that the nearest house to where the youths swam was a block away, and that while there were boathouses across the creek, he did not know whether they are occupied. The boys themselves testified that no women pass the "swimming hole," which, they said, is three blocks from State Street and almost two squares from Tenth street.

After Taylor informed the court he did not know who made the complaint to Mayor Stewart, Pancoast said the complainant "is probably the same man who, at the age of these boys, did nothing in the Summer but read the New Testament."

"He probably is the same man who never went swimming when the temperature went up to 92 degrees," the court commented, "and is probably the same man who does not know that the cost to the taxpayers for every arrest in the city averages $3.87."

Appeals to Boys

"I have nothing to say to you boys, but appeal to you to take a bathing suit with you the next time you go swimming, because someone might be passing who does not like to see your nude figure." 

The bathers: Leslie Bayne, 26, of 503 Royden Street; Harvey Howell, 16, of 429 Washington Street; John Grady, 19, of 578 Benson Street; Roscoe Davis, 15, of 253 North Eleventh street; James Evans, 15, of 601 North Second Street; William Dempsey, 12, of 1030 Lawrence Street; Albert MacFarland, 13, of 1112 Federal Street; Roland Garber, 15, of 537 Birch Street; Edgar Grundlock, 14, of 318 North Tenth Street; Frank Garwood, 13, of 717 Bailey Street; Eugene Dodelin, 13, of 309 Cole Street; Ralph Skill, 13, of 512 North Seventh street; Robert Rudd, 15, of 642 Linwood Street, and Richard Evans, 14, of 601 North Second Street.

Rudd and Garwood were the boys excused by Judge Pancoast from appearing in court so they would not lose credit for being absent from school.  

Camden Courier-Post - June 25, 1933

Resents Imputation by Judge Pancoast of Being Prudish 'Person'


Mayor Roy R. Stewart made the complaint which led to the arrest of 14 nude male bathers in North Camden Thursday, Frank J. Hartmann declared Saturday. Hartmann so stated in a letter expressing resentment to an indirect reference made by Police Judge Garfield Pancoast against him as the complainant. Hartmann is secretary of the New Jersey Congress of Civic Associations and of the North Camden Civic Association.      

Pancoast, in releasing the defendants, mostly all boys, said the complainant was probably "the same man who read the New Testament during the ,Summer; never went swimming when the temperature went up to 92 degrees, and probably was the same man who did not know that the cost to the taxpayers for every arrest in the city averages $3.87."

Hartmann told newspapermen that he construed Pancoast's remarks were directed at him, and stated that· he believed Pancoast had been misinformed as to who was the complainant in the arrest of the bather.

Hartmann’s letter Pancoast follows:

"In the press I read where some one is taken to task by you in your official capacity because of a com plaint of nude bathing in Cooper river on Thursday afternoon. 

"During a meeting of the Commissioners in City Hall, that day, it was clearly brought out that vandalism in Camden was a disease, running 1unchecked; that at that very moment vandals were practically tearing the Bernstein building [602 North 10th Street- PMC] apart, piece by piece, and that lawlessness was spreading along other lines; for instance even at that moment men and boys could be seen bathing in the nude," It was at this point that the mayor demanded to know where; it was the mayor who called the police out; it was the mayor who made the complaint, and I suppose it was the mayor to whom you  referred.

"Out of all fairness to the mayor I don't think that he believed me when he ordered the police out, because he knows it cost $3.87 for each arrest (even if you accuse me of not knowing) at a total of $54.78, and I know that he would not deliberately waste the taxpayers' money, because I am sure he knows that, nothing would be done to anybody caught violating the law. At this point I could say something that was brought out at that meeting regarding the influence of politics in obtaining leniency for those caught violating the law, but since I did not make those accusation's, I am going to let that pass.

"Defending the mayor because he was visibly upset when the facts were stated, I suppose he thought of his own mother, sister, wife or daughter being subjected to alleged indecencies, I do not know the people who live in the vicinity where the arrests were made but they are just as human as they are anywhere else in the world and I can say for myself and perhaps for you that I do not appreciate such performances, on behalf of the women folks.

Father and Son Class

"Another thing, according to the press, the ages of the bathers were such as to be in the father and son classes. Few fathers parade around naked before their children, and never before other children, and out of all fairness to the parents of those children of those tender ages of whom you so carefully spoke, they were not aware of the fact that their children were in such company, assuming nothing else was being done except swimming. In your criticism you could have made that point just a little clearer.

"I expect to attend the next commission meeting with the members of the Congress of Civic Associations, at which time we are going to find out if that is the co-operation that can be expected, namely, criticism. But I suppose I will be a lot better off at that. Just imagine what I would have heard if there were no bathers there, at all"

"May I say that the real complaint was read at the North Camden Civic Association meeting Monday night, June 19, at which time the press, was present, took notes, but did not deem it of sufficient importance to even mention it.  

"In conclusion may I say I earnestly believe that with a proper system of education, protection, and correction, vandalism will be remedied, and that the opening of that ­expensive pool in Pyne Poynt Park, (costing the taxpayers a whole lot more than the $3.87) which is slowly disintegrating, will prevent the nude bathing of which the mayor recently complained.”.

Camden Courier-Post - June 26, 1933

'Nude Bathing" Allowed Here, Police Keep Out'
Proposed Sign of 'Safe Petting Sponsor
Announcement of Delaware Township' 'Humanitarian's' Intention Made
to North Camden Civic Group by Target of Pancoast's Criticism

A nudist bathing "colony" on the muddy banks of Cooper River!

This is the latest plan of Lewis B. Simon, of Delaware township, who attracted attention three weeks ago when he established a petter's paradise on property owned by him in the township.

At least that is the intention of Simon providing the plain does not encounter legal obstacles, it was announced last night by Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of the North Camden Civic Associaition, at a meeting of the association at 939 North Fifth Street.

According to Hartmann, it is Simon's intention to purchase property along the creek in Camden and place a sign on it bearing the legend:


Hartmann declared it was not necessarily a mark of Simon's extreme liberality, so much as a "satirization of police." His announcement came as an echo of the arrest of 14 nude bathers, all boys and young men, by police on orders of Mayor Roy R. Stewart last Thursday after Hartmann had complained.

All 14 were released the following day by Judge Garfield Pancoast, who scored those causing the arrests.

"It Is Mr. Simon's attitude," Hartmann explained, "that if the city is going to allow nude bathing it may as well be legalized as much as possible.

"We complained to the Mayor, who is director of public safety, about vandalism which has resulted in destruction of property valued at more than $500,000," Hartmann said. "Yet, there has not been one conviction for vandalism, and nude bathing is considered as more, important. The arrests of those boys were made more to embarrass me than in the interest of morals.

"If police are sincere about any complaints I make, why hasn’t there been one arrest for vandalism? We have a wisecracking judge who compliments offenders, so I wonder if he will be so ready to sanction nude bathing now that Mr. Simon believes in finding some legalization for it?"

Hartmann also protested against a rumored proposal to close the fire station [Engine Company 4- PMC] on Vine Street between Third and Fourth Streets.

"That would be a very dangerous move for this section of the city," he said, "for if a train was shifting on the North Main Street tracks at the time of a fire, we would be left without protection because apparatus would be unable to get through from any other section of the city."

George Shaw, vice president. also I protested against the removal, declaring that "the fire underwriters are not in favor of it."

Both men also alleged that North Camden was without sufficient police protection.

Officers were re-elected for the ensuing six months of the year. They are Harry F. Walton, president; Shaw, vice president; Mrs. Ida Pfeil, treasurer; Hartmann, recording secretary, and Miss Elsie Stein, financial secretary.

Camden Courier-Post - June 28, 1933

Civic Group Secretary Says He Did Not Refer to Erector of Petting Sign

A nudist bathing resort may be established on Cooper river in North Camden, but Lewis B. Simon, Haddonfield tire dealer and Delaware Township farmer, doesn't intend to be its sponsor.

Simon made that plain yesterday in answer to an interpretation by The Morning Post of remarks made Monday night by Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., at a meeting of the North Camden Civic Association. Hartmann, secretary of the association, emphatically denied that his remarks pointed to Simon, who recently created a Delaware Township petters' paradise and posted a sign announcing that police are unwelcome.

"My remarks were misinterpreted by the reporter," Hartmann said, "when I remarked that a friend of mine planned to provide means whereby nude bathers could have immunity by his erection of sign similar to one in Delaware Township inviting petters to park their cars behind a sign without interference of police.

"Since Mr. Simon erected the petters sign in Delaware Township, the reporter assumed that I must have meant Mr. Simon. I did not. I do not even know Mr. Simon. At present I cannot release, the name of my friend who is planning the nudist bathing beach, for he now has a lawyer working to discover if the plan he proposes would be likely to encounter legal obstacles."

The Courier-Post Newspapers regret any embarrassment the story may have caused to Simon and Hartmann.

Hartmann declares that the sign proposed by his friend would probably read:


His friend, he said, desired to find legalization for nude bathing since 14, boys arrested at Cooper river last week, were released by Police Judge Garfield Pancoast. Hartmann declared he is "not in favor of nude bathing when the actions of bathers are indecent," and that his friend planned the sign as a satire on city officials.

Camden Courier-Post - June 29, 1933

Mothers Hysterical In Boy Vandal Trial
Pancoast Refuses Leniency to Sons, Blames Hartmann,
Who Hits Back, Charges Inconsistency and Reveals Threat

Hysterics among three mothers, one of whom fainted, as their young sons were held for court yesterday inspired another attack on Police Judge Garfield Pancoast by Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of the North Camden Civic Association.

The three women shouted frantically as their sons, each 15, were led from the court to be taken to the Juvenile Detention Home on charges of incorrigibility. They had been accused of' vandalism in North Camden. It was brought out, however, that Hartmann did not make the complaints against the boys, who will be detained until the next session of juvenile court is held by Judge Samuel M. Shay.

Hartmann in a statement last night disclosed that a threat had been made against him by the father of one of the boys who allegedly declared he "had a gun and was going to use it."

Led from the courtroom after screaming and after one had fainted, the women cried so bitterly in the corridor that court attendants ordered them to leave.

The episode was one of the most turbulent in the history of the Camden police court, according to veteran attendants. So great was the turmoil there was question whether Pancoast would not have to recess other hearings.

Pancoast remained adamant in his decision despite the shrill protests of' the mothers; the plea of one of the boys, who begged for release with arms outstretched, and of the complainant, who urged leniency.

Criticizes Hartmann

Pancoast criticized Hartmann for "condemning him for showing leniency in such cases, yet never making formal complaint himself against youthful vandals in a specific case.

Pancoast added that he "was compelled to act as he did because of the facts in the case and general complaints against vandalism in North Camden and other parts of the city.

The boys are: Lester Jamison, of 326 North Second Street; Frank Smith, of 521 Elm Street, and Henry Egerton, 15, of 212 Bailey Street.

Complaint against the youths was made by G.T. Moore, of 313 State Street, who charged that he had found the boys destroying a property at the northeast corner of Third and State Streets.

Value $25,000, Now 25 cents

"That property once was worth about $25,000," Moore testified, "Today it could be bought for 25 cents because of vandalism."

The youths admitted they had been on the premises, but denied they had caused any damage.

The court then directed that a disorderly conduct charge against them be changed to incorrigibility, the complaint for which was signed by Moore.          

Moore testified that the defendants and other boys had been warned to keep off the property, but they would cross the street and ridicule him. He urged leniency, however, when the court revealed that the boys would be sent to the detention home. He said he did not want to see the, youths placed in confinement and their reputations blemished .

 Calls Him Liar

"I can't be lenient in his case," Pancoast replied. "I've been charged by Mr. Hartmann, of the North Camden Civic Association, with taking care of criminals and politicians who come to this court, and that is a lie. Also there has been a great deal of publicity about vandalism in North Camden, columns and columns of it, yet Hartmann has never made a single formal complaint against any boy in my court. As a citizen, if he knows such things are going on, it is his duty, as well as that of other citizens, to make a complaint to us.

"This occurrence by these boys is undoubtedly a part of the vandalism going on in North Camden and I'm going to send these boys to the detention home,"

Moore again pleaded for leniency for the boys, but Pancoast said he had no other alternative than to .sentence them under the circumstances.

The arrests on complaint of Moore were made by Gus Reihm and Wilbur Prentiss, motorcycle policemen.

Civic Clubs Protest

Apprehension of youthful vandals has been urged repeatedly by the North Camden Civic Association officers, including Hartmann, who said recently that damage by the vandals in the city has reached more than $500,000 and the city officials and police have “done little or nothing about it.

Hartmann and other officers of the association appeared before the city commission last week, urging prompt remedial measures by the city officials, and charging that too much leniency is shown in such cases. Mayor Stewart replied that the city had taken steps to eliminate the evil and was doing, all that could be done to end it.

 North Camden Civic Association officers, including Hartmann, who said recently that damage by the vandals in the city has reached more than $500,000 and the city officials and police have done little or nothing about it.             ,

Hartmann and other officers of the association appeared before the city commission last week, urging prompt remedial measures by the city officials, and charging that too much leniency is shown in such cases. Mayor Stewart replied that the city had taken steps to eliminate the evil and was doing, all that could be done to end it. The civic association’s officers protested nevertheless that this was not so, and that the police could minimize the damage if they were on the job.

Hartmann, in company with Frederick von Nieda, president of the Congress of Civic Associations, to which the North Camden association is allied, and George I. Shaw, vice president of the uptown group, conferred with Captain Arthur Colsey, at police headquarters. Captain Colsey promised further co-operation of the police in stamping out the practice of wrecking vacant dwellings and invited all citizen to report such instances to the police.

Hartmann's Reply

In replying to Pancoast's criticism Hartmann said:

"I learned from the father of one of the boys committed to jail by Judge Pancoast that the three boys could not be released unless I gave the word. This parent was quite alarmed, and I am told made threats against me. He declared that he had a gun and was going to use it. I can appreciate this man's feelings, because I understand that when he re­turned he found his wife in a terribly excited condition, an because of the fact that their son was arrested for playing tag with some chums. But I can't go to the detention home and order release of the boys. That's impossible. Only the judge can do that.

"The attitude of Judge Pancoast in criticizing me indirectly as the complainant not only is uncalled for but is the direct cause of this threat, as well as the distracted state of the boy's mother.

"Judge Pancoast is trying to throw a cloud over the real state of affairs in Camden.

"As a member of the North Camden Civic Association I have helped to point out conditions here that have existed for a long time without the police taking any notice of them, conditions which should not have been tolerated and which have caused considerable expense to property owners. 

"This needless expense could have been prevented by the police and Judge Pancoast, in a quiet, yet determined manner.

'Children Victims of Anger'

"Simply because we have criticized him and the police is not reason for Judge Pancoast to vent his anger at us upon innocent children, such as he has done in this particular case.

"He states that because we have complained it is necessary for him to hold the three young boys for court.

"On top of this he said that we never made any complaints.

"The latter is true, for we have not accused any child and do not in­tend to do so. It is the job of the police department to stop the wave of vandalism, not our task.

"Judge Pancoast's attempt to blame me in this situation is ridiculous. As I look at it he seems to be trying to evade the real issues.

'Reprimand Sufficient'

"He made a disgraceful example of three boys, to whom a reprimand would have been sufficient had they; been brought before him for merely playing tag, but if they were accused of vandalism then I think his action in committing them to the detention home was justified. But, since the charge against them was changed from vandalism to incorrigibility it. is apparent that there is some doubt in the judge's mind.

"Even with this reasonable doubt I cannot reconcile a case with the disposition of two others, immediately prior to the hearing of the three boys. I understand that two defendants on charges of stealing pipe from a vacant dwelling were dismissed.        

"The difference in these two instances, certainly does not give evidence of Judge Pancoast's sincerity in dealing with vandalism, or convince me that he is co-operating with the mayor in correcting the evils of which the Citizens and taxpayers have rightfully complained..

Camden Courier-Post - June 29, 1933

Fire Station Closes Soon; Mayor Denies Safety Menace
Stewart Declares Underwriters Recommended Change

Closing of the fire station housing Engine Company No. 4 at Fourth and Vine streets is now under way and will be completed within a few days.

This was announced yesterday by Mayor Roy R. Stewart, who declared the decision to eliminate the station was reached upon recommendation of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. He also stated a thorough survey revealed closing of the station would not impair the efficiency of the fire department.

Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., secretary of the North Camden Civic Association, protested abandonment of the station as a dangerous move at a meeting of the association Monday night.

Hartmann asserted that. if a train was shifting on the north Main street tracks at the time of a fire, a section of North Camden would be without protection because apparatus would be unable to get through from any other part of the city.

Taking issue with Hartmann, the mayor declared that "it stands to reason" that if the tracks were blocked and No. 6 Engine Company at Front and Linden streets could not cross them to reach a fire, then the fire headquarters company at Fifth and Arch streets could battle the blaze.

Protection Provided

"Certainly the city would not abandon any fire station if any section would be endangered thereby," the mayor said. "The Board of Fire Underwriters and the city went into a thorough survey of all factors connected with elimination of the station. It was found that No. 4 station could be closed and its personnel of about a dozen men redistributed among other stations without lowering the fire department's efficiency.

"It stands to reason the city would not let any part of the city be un protected. Engine Company No. 6 will answer all alarms and calls which formerly went to No. 4 company, and if No. 6 company cannot, then surely the company at fire headquarters, Fifth and Arch streets, could reach the fire in the event the tracks may be blocked at intersection.

"I might add also that there is very little shifting of trains along north Main Street compared with a few years ago. However, should there be shifting and a fire on the other side of the tracks, where there may be a fire, what is to prevent the firemen of Engine Company No. 6 from using another intersection a block or so away to cross the railroad intersection? Seldom is a line of freight cars tied up for a long series of blocks in that. neighborhood. And should there be and there is a fire on either side of the tracks, the freight cars could be moved from the intersection speedily. The railroad would net leave many cars tied up without having an engine available on the spot to move them in an emergency."

Boxes Rearranged

The mayor said the closing of No. 6 station should be completed in a few days following the rearrangement of call boxes and other details. The mayor added that elimination of No. 6 was decided upon. instead of the closing of No. 6 house, because No. 6 is a more modern house and its equipment could not be placed in No. 4 house unless the latter's doors were replaced with wider doors and there were other changes at a cost at several hundred dollars. The mayor added that consideration also was given to the fact that more industries are in the area served by No. 6 company and it would be advisable to retain that station, therefore, because of its proximity to them.

"We considered the change from all angles,'" the mayor said, "with a view to economy without affecting efficiency and proficiency. We made careful survey of reports of tires in the respective districts and the proximity of the area which the two houses served to the headquarters at Fifth and Arch streets.

Motors Speed Up Runs

"In the days at horse-drawn fire apparatus, there was the need for many fire stations, but in recent years, with motor equipment, a fire in any part of the city can be reached in comparatively short time, regardless of the location of the station. With all things considered, therefore, the city certainly has taken no step which would endanger any section of the community in the event of fire."  

The mayor said closing of the Fourth and Vine streets station is another step in the city's program to consolidate fire department activities, without lowering efficiency and as a means of retaining low insurance rates despite lower manpower. The program also includes establishment of a firemen's training school, with drill tower, at Tenth and Morgan streets; the abandonment of one or more other stations upon recommendation of the underwriters, and the removal of the electrical bureau from the old to the new city hall.

The mayor said the personnel of the fire department numbers 172, as against 211 in 1931, when he became director of public safety. He stated the changes being effected will offset the reduction in personnel and enable retention of the best fire-fighting efficiency.

Camden Courier-Post * August 1, 1935

Click on Image to Enlarge


Click on Image to Enlarge

Click on Image to Enlarge

Camden Courier-Post

August 2, 1935

Frank Hartman Jr.,
with wife and son, Frank Hartmann III

Click on Image to Enlarge



Camden Courier-Post - August 7, 1935

Camden Courier-Post - August 28, 1935
William D. Sayrs - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Alfred L. Sayers - Martha Kemble

Camden Courier-Post - August 29, 1935

Harold W. Bennett - Mary Kobus - George Brunner - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Otto Braun
Frederick von Nieda - E.G.C. Bleakly - Diamond - W. Gentry Hodgson

Camden Courier-Post - August 29, 1935

.... continued...

.... continued...

Albert S. Woodruff - Elizabeth C. Verga - Emma Hyland - Harry L. Maloney - Hotel Walt Whitman
Firmin Michel - Carl Kisselman - Mitchell H. Cohen - Edward V. Martino - John J. Crean 
Clay W. Reesman - William D. Sayrs - Pauline Caperoon - Abe Fuhrman - Harold W. Bennett 
Mary Kobus - George E. Brunner - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Frank T. Lloyd - Frederick von Nieda

Click on Images to Enlarge

Click on Images to Enlarge

Albert S. Woodruff - Elizabeth C. Verga - Emma Hyland - Harry L. Maloney - Hotel Walt Whitman
Firmin Michel - Carl Kisselman - Mitchell H. Cohen - Edward V. Martino - John J. Crean 
Clay W. Reesman - William D. Sayrs - Pauline Caperoon - Abe Fuhrman - Harold W. Bennett 
Mary Kobus - George E. Brunner - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Frank T. Lloyd - Frederick von Nieda

Camden Courier-Post - October 29, 1935

Corporation Fails to Tell About Drop in Florida Rate, Charge

"In presenting figures to influence the voters of Camden on the light plant referendum, Public Service Corporation has cooked its own goose in an electric roaster."

That was the declaration of Mayor Frederick von Nieda last night in a statement urging the voters at the November 5 election not to be deceived by "fallacious chart advertising."

"The biggest mistake in the corporation's campaign of advertising," von Nieda said, "is when they cite Jacksonville, Fla., where there is a city-owned plant in a municipality comparable in size to Camden.

"Here's what Public Service says so glibly in its advertisement: 'Residential service electric rates were substantially reduced in Camden last year and are now lower than the residential rates charged in Jacksonville, Fla.'

"Then it cites the monthly cost of electricity for the average family in Camden now, on th6 basis of a consumption of 45 kilowatt hours, at $2.80, or at the rate of 6.23 cents per kilowatt hour. In Jacksonville the basic residential rate has been 7 cents.

Big Drop in Rate

"But what Public Service failed to tell the public is that in Jacksonville the rate is established for ordinary use of lighting, but when another appliance is added in the home, say a radio, the rate automatically drops to 3 cents, more than 100 percent below the Camden rate.

"There is scarcely a home using electricity in Camden that has no electrical appliance, if it's 
only an iron or a hair curler.

"Neither has the Public Service Corporation told the public in its paid advertisements that in 
Jacksonville the city owned plant contributed in 1933 to the city treasury $1,720,000 and in 1934, despite certain supply contracts, $1,300,000.

"I have in my possession a letter from Jacksonville's utility engineer in which he states that in another three or four years the city will be tax free.

"Public Service in its fallacious charts seeks to uphold its slogan that 'Cost of Government Increases as Cost of Electricity Decreases.'

"The answer to that is easy: 'The income of government, where there is a city-owned plant, increases as the consumption of electricity increases because of lower rates.' 

3 Ways to Run Plant

"There are three ways in which public-owned plants may be run. First, for the benefit of the taxpayers only, as in Jacksonville. Second, as in Seattle, for the taxpayers and consumers by low rates. Third, as in Tacoma for low rate only.

"While I was fighting for light plant legislation in Trenton a Tacoma man visiting the state capital showed me a receipted tax bill for the previous month for $2.80 which covered the lighting of every room in his house every night because his wife in his absence couldn't bear to be alone in the darkness, covered also operation of an electrical refrigerator, air conditioner, radio, cooking and other appliances and heating of the whole house and that was in a cold month. It was amazing, but it was true.

"And yet with the lowest rate in the country, the Tacoma plant turned over to the city $854,381 in one year. Tacoma has more than 14,000 electric ranges. Our entire state of New Jersey has less than 1000. 

Huge Profits

"Electricity is the only commodity that is sold to the majority of consumers at 18 to 20 times its cost. Since its manufacturing and distribution are in at least 90 percent of our American communities controlled by private corporations, the public finds itself virtually at their mercy.

"It goes without saying that a private corporation is certainly loath to relinquish its enormous profits-hidden behind a capital set-up, huge salaries and other devices—and will go to any length of trouble and expense to eliminate a competition that might compel them to meet lower rates.

"But what of taxes? Private companies pay taxes. City-owned plants do not. Taxes are involuntary contributions for cost of city government. Taxes paid by private companies are rarely more than 10 to 12 percent of their gross receipts not their net profits. 

"All the net profits of city-owned plants go into the city treasury and become voluntary contributions to the amount to be raised for the cost of government and take the place of taxes that would have been placed on all taxpayers for just that purpose.

Benefit of Competition

"Again comes the plea of the private company, that a competitor of this type would destroy private investment. A low rate can only benefit the private company, for it will bring mass consumption and send their stock, not downward, but soaring because of increased business.

"In Montreal where the Montreal Light and Power Company is in competition with the plant of the City of Westmont just across the river, what was once upon a time a rate of 12% is now 3% but the use was made so manifold that, the stock of the private company rose from $94 to $1167."

Public Service Corporation was accused yesterday by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., of "flooding Camden with foreign language newspapers in which half-baked truths and distortions of fact appear."

Hartmann, chairman of the municipal light plant committee, predicted the vote in favor of the project at the November 5 election would be "at least 8 to 1 instea.d of 4 to 1 because of such tactics."

Hartmann announced he and other commissioners will "take the stump" in an effort to bring about an overwhelming majority in favor of the project.

"We're going to talk on street corners, over Station WCAM, through mobile sound-trucks and at meetings, Hartmann said. "We hope to stage a huge mass meeting the night before election at Convention Hall. I agree with Surrogate Hanna that an even more convincing vote in favor of the project than two years ago would be a real blow to Public Service's efforts to defeat the will of the people."

A total of 22,730 votes were cast in favor of a city-owned plant in the 1933 referendum, against 9160 negative votes.

Statement By Hartmann

Hartmann's statement follows:

"The Public Service Electric & Gas Company is stooping to unfair tactics in an effort to defeat the will of the people in declaring for a municipal light plant at the election on Nov. 5.

"I am reliably informed that the city is now being flooded with foreign language newspapers in which advertisements containing half-baked truths and distortions of fact appear.

"One of these newspapers, a weekly, has been imported from Newark. Probably, if these same advertisements should appear in an English language newspaper, they would have the effect of defeating the Public Service arguments. They would not dare to hand to persons of English speech the lies which they can pass on to those of foreign extraction in Camden city who cannot speak the English language.

"It is tactics of these kinds which will so arouse the voters that the vote will be at least eight to one as compared to the four to one vote of two years ago in favor of the light plant.

"As has been said many times before, the people of the City of Camden are being taxed twice, once by the city and once by the utility company in the form of exorbitant rates.

"If has been said that Camden has low electric rates. Such statements are not true. Camden rates, according to Congressional investigation, are the fourth highest in the country and by Camden's rates we mean the rates of any city or any customer in the Public Service system.

"It has been recently proven that the City of Camden can buy power cheaper retail than it can wholesale. The advertising manager of the public Service Company says 'if we would use more of it we can get it for less money, a humorous statement when you consider if you read such statements regarding the various costs in different parts of the city in the water department, the same electricity costs as high as I cents in one place and perhaps 6/10 of a cent somewhere else, but no matter where it is consumed the same basic cost still exists and I am convinced that the Public Service can manufacture electricity as cheap as anyone else, especially those that they claim in poorly operated municipal plants who can manufacture current for 4/10 of a cent per kilowatt hour.

"No thinking voter will be fooled by either the statements or the number of advertisements appearing in the paper. For, after all, money is no object in this battle as far as the people's rights are concerned.

"At the present time the City of Camden is very poorly lighted because we can afford only $126,000 for street lighting. If Camden had its own municipal power plant "we "would get much more light for far less money. Likewise in the water department w* would not be charging 17 cents to ourselves for one kilowatt of electricity, on the face of the earth controlled by monopoly that sells from two to twenty times the cost of its production.

"The present City Commission, of which I am a member, takes cognizance of the fact that one of the reasons we are in office at the present time is because we have pledged our support for a municipal power plant.

"We are now planning a short and intensive campaign which will consist of holding meetings in the various civic and social clubs throughout Camden, speaking to the entire city from loud-speaking wagons, and we intend planning a mass meeting to climax our effort, and we sincerely hope that the voting this time is at least twice as decisive as it was two years ago.

"Because of the fact that Camden did not own its municipal power plant we fund ourselves struggling along in the same way and manner that we have for the last six years.

"Incidentally, every commissioner will speak at very frequent intervals over Camden's municipal station, privately owned.

"The commissioners, in endeavoring to reach the people, of course, will utilize the press and right here may we say that Camden's newspaper, the Courier-Post, deserves credit for suggesting that the 
question be placed on the ballot without petition. The citizens and the commissioners offer to these newspapers sincere thanks and sincerely hope that they will continue in the future as they have in the past, in telling the citizens of Camden what is best for them.

"We urge that every citizen go to the pools and vote yes for a municipal light plant. This is your salvation. The relief from the tax burden and the beginning of a new day. The people must be served."


Camden Courier-Post - October 29, 1935

Hartmann's Plan to Shift Assessor's Office Hit by Mayor
Commissioner Accused Playing Politics on Eve of Election

Mayor Frederick von Nieda, in a statement issued yesterday afternoon, severely censured 
Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., New Dealer, for his attempt to transfer the assessor's office from the city revenue and finance department to Hartmann's control.

In reply to Hartmann's statement that the mayor and Commissioner Harold W. Bennett, Republican minority members of the Camden City Commission, are "cry babies," von Nieda charged Hartmann with "playing politics" on the eve of the general election here November 5.

Von Nieda declared Bennett's business training as a lawyer qualified him far better to direct the operation of the assessor's office in comparison to a "great merchant who has had several years business training in selling electric light bulbs." 

Question of Reductions

In answer to Hartmann's charges that politically favored property owners received reduced 
assessments under the previous administration, von Nieda reminded the New Deal commissioner that such reductions were made by a Democratic controlled Camden County Board of Taxation.

Von Nieda further charged Hartmann with "having his eye on the $20,000 payroll in the assessor's office." The mayor also declared the New Dealer commissioners were prohibiting Republican workers in the municipal government from participating in politics but did not restrict the Democratic employees.

The latest attack of von Nieda on Hartmann further widens the breach between the two commissioners who once fought side by side for civic improvements and lower taxes. It was von Nieda and Hartmann who were largely instrumental in formation of the New Jersey Congress of Civic Associations. In fighting for civic betterment here, the two men on many occasions spoke from the same platform. The split came prior to the election of von Nieda to the City Commission.

The mayor's statement follows:

"At every commission meeting, and in the public press, I am hearing Mr. Hartmann throwing so many bouquets at himself that I am beginning to think he is the only honest man in Camden and the greatest city commissioner any city ever had. 

"I am sure that the taxpayers may expect next year the lowest tax rate in 20 years if we can believe all he says about the savings he has already effected, such as $50 on drinking cups, and so much money on electric juice at Delair. From this one item alone, Public Service stockholders may expect a big cut in their dividends next year.

"And the great reforms in Public Service he has accomplished, according to his own say so!

"Now he modestly proposes to transfer the tax assessment department from Mr. Bennett's hands to his own—he can manage it so much better, you know.

"Why not? What does a lawyer of Mr. Bennett's experience know about real estate values as 
compared to a great merchant who has had several years -business training in selling electric light bulbs?

"The voters or Camden at last Spring's election were mistaken when they gave Mr. Bennett a larger vote of confidence than they did any other city commission candidate — even more than the wonderful Mr. Hartmann.

"But he is not playing politics— only he has his eye—so he says—on that $20,000 payroll in the assessor's department and he will probably say he wants to take charge to reduce the payroll. Well, Democrats have become quite expert in reducing payrolls—even of worthy Democrats—but not of the payrolls of Democratic office holders. And the tax assessments must be changed by Nov. 1. Why did he not say before Nov. 5? Aye, there's the magic date.

"His explanation that Nov. 1 is tax appeal date shows some little ignorance on his part. The city board does not handle appeals, and the county board began that job on Aug. 15. The city board on Oct. 1 fixes the assessment values for 1936. I am glad that Commissioner Hartmann corrected that statement later.

"Little errors like that do not bother such a great expert as Mr. Hartmann.

"He also said—as I recall it—that some of the big taxpayers had secured reductions—he could not mean this year because the county board has not yet reported its findings—so of course he meant last year's reductions.

"But did hot Mr. Hartmann forget that last year the county tax appeal board was Democratic?

Not Finding Fault

"I am not finding fault with what the board then did—maybe they were right—but |Mr. Hartmann has seen fit to criticize their actions and yet politically he sleeps in the same bed now with them. Really, he should know also that the city board makes the original assessments, and appeals for reductions are appeals against the values fixed by them.

"Evidently, Mr. Hartmann proposes to make the city board a board of appeals over its own valuations.

"But to get back to the political aspect, because after all I am convinced that politics is the real motive for this gentleman's peculiar anxiety at this critical time for changing the assessment department over to the department of ash collections and street cleaners.

"You see there is quite a similarity between real estate values and ashes and street dirt, which after all are real estate in the making.

"But there is no politics in it, says Commissioner Hartmann. But we will have to judge the gentleman not by what he says but rather by what he does. No politics either, I suppose, in that just before November 5, the new liquor excise board was-created.

"Mr. Hartmann, of course, did not have in mind the possibility of some one quietly slipping the word to all liquor license holders to be good on election day.

"Is it not strange also that only this past week more than a dozen Republican office holders were fired and similar number of New Dealer Democrats hired in their stead? 

"No Politics?'

"And this just a. few days before election?

"Mr. Hartmann is fond of citing the alleged shortcomings of the former commissioners (of which I was not one), and yet he voted for Clay Reesman to be city clerk, who was a city commissioner for eight years from 1928 to 1935.

"So why does he prate so much about the mistakes of Mr. Reesman and his colleagues?

"No politics in Mr. Hartmann's department! What a laugh?

"Only recently he sent out notices warning city employees not to engage in political activity. But that only applies to Republicans, because Mr. Hartmann has recently helped appoint several Democrats and New Deal Ward leaders to public office.

"Some of them have been politically active this past week and that not even outside the sacred precincts of the City Hall, and during office hours at that.

"Let any Republican officeholder be likewise guilty arid off will go his head.

"No, indeed, Republicans, even after office hours must not even attend political rallies.

"Who made him the Dictator over the party principles or party loyalty, even of office holders after office hours? Since when did he become bigger than the legislature itself?

"But Mr. Hartmann is going to have stool pigeons at the Republicans rally next Saturday, at least that threat has been whispered around the City Hall this past week. 

City Hall on Nov. 5

"New Deal City Commissioners themselves can play politics right in the City Hall itself every day and their appointees can and do attend Democratic nightly gatherings and they can and do engage in all sorts of political activities.

"I wonder if Mr. Hartmann will have stool pigeons in the three downtown wards on election day to watch his New Deal Democrats recently appointed in order to see if they are then politically active. Will he see to it that these New Deal leaders remain on duty at the City Hall on election day?

"It will be Quite interesting for inquisitive voters to visit the City Hall on that day so that they may take note of the many Republican officeholders whose compelled presence there will be so necessary for the protection of the otherwise empty City Hall corridors. The sauce for the Democratic goose ought to be the same for the Republican gander.

"And this is supposed to be a non-partisan majority, now in control of the City Hall.

"I am wondering if Mr. Hartmann thinks the voters of Camden have forgotten the pre-election pledges of this same majority?

"And does he think the people of Camden are being fooled by his boastful cry of 'No politics—no politics'?"

Hartmann Answers

Hartmann answered von Nieda's attack last night with this statement:

"It was very kind of Mayor von Nieda to advertise my business. I will admit I have somewhat neglected my private business for some time in order to devote all of my time to city affairs.

"The only thing the mayor forgot to say was that I sell the lamp bulbs to which he referred, at Eighth and State streets.

"I hope he will remedy this oversight in his next public utterance concerning me".

Camden Courier-Post - October 29, 1935

Fleet Adequate to Defend U. S. And Maintain Peace Urged by Wolverton in Navy Day Speech 
Congressman Praises Theodore Roosevelt for Interest in Nation's Marine Forces; Parade And Dinner Conclude Celebration in Camden

Congressman Charles A. Wolverton, in an address yesterday commemorating Navy Day, urged the United States to 'maintain a navy of sufficient strength and effectiveness for the adequate defense of the nation.

The address featured a program sponsored by the officers and enlisted men of the Second Battalion, U. S. Naval Reserves, for the observance of the 160th anniversary of the establishment of the U. S. Navy.

The program was concluded last night with a parade of the battalion, followed by a dinner and entertainment at its headquarters, 715 Pine street. More than 200 took part in the ceremonies.

In his address, broadcast over WCAM, Congressman Wolverton praised the efforts of former President Theodore Roosevelt to develop the sea forces of the nation and said it was "particularly appropriate" that October 27, the anniversary of his birth, should be set aside for the observance of Navy Day. Due to the day falling on Sunday this year, programs commemorating it were held throughout the nation yesterday.

"As the American Navy in the past has never been other than an instrument in the hands of the people to foster and maintain peace," Congressman Wolverton said, "so with confidence I have faith in its future usefulness because I continue to have faith in the peaceful purposes of America.

"The primary purpose of the Navy is to maintain peace. It never declares war, and when war is declared the power of the Navy is used to re-establish peace at the earliest possible moment.

"Time and again the strength of our Navy has prevented war. It never provoked war. To give the Navy additional strength will make more certain our own peace and the peace of the world.

Hit Propaganda

"Notwithstanding the peaceful aims and ambitions of our nation throughout the entire period of its existence, there are those in our midst many of whom are misguided by untrue and unpatriotic propaganda to which an adequate navy would be interpreted throughout the world as an intention upon the part of the United States to enter upon an aggressive policy, and that there could be no other result except to provoke a spirit of war.

"Is it possible that any one within the boundaries of this country, and especially those who claim citizenship herein, could be so unappreciative of the true spirit of America as to believe that any such warlike spirit dominates their fellow countrymen when their representatives in Congress merely seek to provide for our national security?

"Although America is a peace loving nation, yet, there is a distinct obligation to ourselves and to the peace of the world, that we shall maintain, within treaty limits, a navy sufficiently strong and effective as will deter any other less peacefully inclined nation, from disturbing either our own peace or that of the world.

"The United States Navy is the most potent and influential factor in promoting and maintaining peace and insuring its blessings to ourselves and those of the weaker nations of the earth, who look to us for protection and security."

Mayor Frederick von Nieda and Commander O. M. Read, U. S. N., officer in charge of the Fourth District Naval Reserves, were the guests of honor and principal speakers at the banquet.

Lieut.-Commander George W. Keefe, U. S. N. Reserve, commanding officer of the battalion, acted as toastmaster.

Mayor von Nieda expressed pleasure at the development of the Camden battalion and the success of efforts in the last legislature to obtain an appropriation for the erection of a new armory for the battalion on the Cooper river near Admiral Wilson Boulevard.

Battalion Praised

Commander Read praised the officers and men of the battalion for the efficiency of their organization and predicted with the increased facilities the new armory would afford, that the battalion would rank with the best of the naval militia.

A program of entertainment, lasting more than an hour, was presented by entertainers from the studios of Camden and Philadelphia radio broadcasting stations.

The United States Navy has led the way in aviation research, Gov. George H. Earle said in an address before several thousand persons attending a Navy Day program in Philadelphia.
The governor, who commanded a submarine chaser during the World War, pointed out that the functions of the navy were many and varied.

"Navy Day," he asserted, "is set apart each year to bring to the attention of the people of the United States the function of our navy in the maintenance of national defense As citizens it is our duty to know something about the navy, so that we may know why we need a navy and why it must be maintained in efficient condition.

"Experimental work performed by the navy, led to the development of metal aircraft construction, and now metal construction is the recognized standard."

Governor Earle said that "not only has the navy blazed the trail across the Atlantic, but it also sent a squadron of patrol planes from San Francisco to Hawaii."

Four members of the Camden City Commission attended the launching of the destroyers Cassin and Shaw at the League Island Navy Yard. They are Mayor von Nieda, Commissioners Mary W. Kobus, George E. Brunner and Frank J. Hartmann Jr.

Immediately after the launching the keel of the new cruiser, U. S. S Wichita, was laid on the No. 2 ship-ways. The keels of the Cassin and Shaw were laid in October, 1934. The Wichita is the eighteenth of the "flyweight" cruisers built by the United States under the provisions ot the London naval treaty of 1930.

Henry Latrobe Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the navy, was the principal speaker of the launching of the two destroyers.


Hartmann Names Dr. Baker Public Works Staff Physician
Civil Service Commission Asked to Approve $1500 Job

The State Civil Service Commission has been requested to authorize appointment of a staff physician for the Camden City department of public works at an annual salary of $1500, and Dr. Maurice E. Baker has been named to the post on an ad interim appointment by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr.

Dr. Baker, a Democrat, was a candidate for city commissioner last May on the New Deal-Non Partisan ticket, which elected Hartmann and Commissioners Mary W. Kobus and George E. Brunner.

Hartmann said last night that Dr. Baker has been acting as staff physician for the past four days and has made 12 examinations.

Some of these, Hartmann said, were for city employees with frost­bitten toes, fingers and ears, who are claiming compensation, and one was of a woman who slipped and fell on a sidewalk.

"Dr. Baker, of course, is not getting paid a salary now," Hartmann said, "but we hope he can be placed on a salary as a money-saving movement.

"Heretofore the physicians examining city workmen on compensation claims have charged the city $10 for each examination.

"I expect Dr. Baker to make 600 to 700 calls a year, most of them examinations, and thus get the work, done for $2 in each case.

"I expect also to save money on compensation claims by having Dr. Baker make examinations of any new men hired, so that we may be sure they are in good physical condition. As it is a man could receive an injury somewhere else, go to work for the city and then claim compensation for the injury by pretending it happened on the city job.

"Dr. Baker's examinations of the present employees will lead to compensation claim savings also, as we will be in position to make some of these men take steps to protect themselves and the city, where remedial action seems necessary."

Hartmann said all members of the city commission except Mayor Frederick von Nieda have endorsed the employment of a staff physician. "I haven't had a chance to talk to the mayor about it yet," Hartmann said. City Solicitor E. G. C. Bleakly also has approved the move as offering a chance to save money, Hartmann said. 


Measure to Limit Size and Fix Fees Protested at Noisy Hearing

The ordinance approved on first reading January 29 amending the present law regulating the distribution of circulars was voted down by the· city commission on second reading yesterday, after a public hearing.

Public hearings scheduled on five other ordinances were postponed. These included three refunding measures, one amending present laws designed to stop littering the streets, and the other extending the closing time for barber shops.

Opposition to the circular ordi­nance, which would have restricted the size of such advertising matter to 6 by 4 inches and required a permit and tax fur distribution, was voiced by merchants and representatives of the Socialist and Communist parties.

The hearing was a noisy one, with sporadic outbursts from the audience causing Mayor Frederick von Nieda to rap for order frequently.

Grocers Protest

A. David Epstein, attorney representing the South Jersey Grocers Association, with a membership of 200 independent grocers, was vigorous in his opposition to the amendment. He argued that circulars provide the only means for members to advertise their wares and said the proposed size hardly meets their requirements. Present circulars are 12-1/2 by 19 inches in size, and have been used over a period of years, Epstein said. The lawyer also objected to levying a tax, pointing out that each distributor is forced to take out a $6 license now.

Commissioner Harold W. Bennett said many justifiable complaints had been received declaring porches, steps and yards were littered with circulars and other advertising matter. He said such papers should be attached securely to doors or handed in.

Commissioner Mary W. Kobus said she saw no need for the proposed amendment, declaring the existing law requires distributors to place circulars on a doorknob with a rubber band.          

Irving Levinsky, Broadway merchant, said he would favor the ordinance if the size was increased to 12 by 22 inches.

Theatre Manager Speaks

A chorus of boos caused Mayor von Nieda to demand order. Levinsky said he agreed that "newspaper circulars," or thick, bulky ones, should be outlawed.

This drew an objection from Joseph Murdock, local theatre manager, who defended multiple page circulars issued by him, in advertising motion pictures.

Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, original sponsor of the ordinance, then moved that it be tabled.

Charles S. Danenhower, Camden and South Jersey organizer for the Communist party, objected that the measure should be killed outright "in the interest of the working classes."

Hartmann called for action on the ordinance, and it was voted down by unanimous vote.

When the refunding ordinances were laid over for the third time, Bennett said quickly action was necessary, and asked that the mayor be authorized to call a meeting before the next regularly scheduled session, to handle the matter. 


Crisis in Relief Financing Due to Legislature He Tells Hartmann

Governor Hoffman is opposed to the return to food orders for New Jersey relief clients, he revealed yesterday in a telegram to Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr.

The governor's wire was in answer to the action of the city commission adopting a resolution Monday opposing the return of relief clients to the system of food orders instead of cash payments. Governor Hoffman charged the plan of sending relief clients back to the food orders was promulgated so that New Jersey can supply aid through credit with grocers.

A crisis of relief financing is at hand in the state, Governor Hoffman declared through failure of the Legislature to provide funds to meet the state's relief needs.

Commissioner Hartmann presented the telegram to the other members of the commission. Hoffman's telegram follows:

"Have your telegram. I, too, am opposed to food orders rather than cash payments to relief clients. Food orders are being resorted to so that the state can operate for a month or two upon credit by owing grocers, etc. This is necessitated by failure of Legislature to provide funds to .adequately care for relief needs in the state. There is a crisis in relief financing in New Jersey largely caused by certain members of the Legislature who talk economy and relief but who have not voted for anything that has produced a single dollar with which to feed our needy. Up to this time the Legislature has left sole responsibility for financing relief in the hands of the governor but now both funds and legislation are inadequate to meet the situation."

Commissioner Hartmann said he introduced his resolution by request of the Workers' Alliance of Camden County. He said it is his opinion that the distribution of food orders is more costly than cash payments and also that the old system is inefficient.

The resolution adopted unanimously, follows: 

"Be it resolved that the Camden City Commission go on record as opposing the return of relief clients to the old system of food orders instead of cash payments as in the past.

"Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the governor of New Jersey, the senator from Camden county and the three Camden county assemblymen so that the same would be in their hands before Monday night, February 17".

Camden Courier-Post * February 20, 1936

Says Moullette Is Wrong Again

To the Editor: 

Sir- In answer to my good friend Clarence E. Moullette whose letter appeared in the Mail Bag January 30, May I ask you, Clarence, since when have the people chosen George Brunner to be the state leader from to Camden county -that is the Democratic leader?

You know as well as I that the county committeemen and women of the city, and I don't know how many from the county, voted for Brunner. You are wrong when you say the people had chosen Brunner.

The people won't be able to chose Brunner until 1937. I still say David Baird is laughing up his sleeve.

Don't try to kid me. Clarence, you know that there are two factions at the present time. The way you praise George Brunner, it's a wonder you don't take out petitions and run George Brunner for President of the United States.

How long have you been a Democrat, Clarence? Did Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., give you a job, Clarence? You know that Brunner and Hartmann are building up a political machine. Again you are wrong. I am not trying to lead the voters astray.

I do not know it all as you claim, but I have been fooled enough. I am not interested in running either with the Democratic or the Republican Party, I agree with your statement on having a Labor party. You say George Brunner knows that we are lacking a Labor Party. Well you are right, but I don't read where George Brunner has quit the Democratic Party to form a Labor Party.

I don't know who asked you to answer "Just Wondering," and "One Who Knows," but it appears to me that those two articles must have upset someone's apple cart, I hope that you are telling the truth when you say that it is a split that will heal to everyone's advantage,  


Camden Courier-Post * February 21, 1936


To the Editor:

Sir-Will you kindly find space in the columns of the Mail Bag for the attached letter:

To my fellow delegates and Congressmen: Being rather lazy and reluctant to write all the delegates and congressmen of the Congress of Civic Associations and having this valuable medium whereby one letter will reach all as well as giving the publicity we always strove for in the days of the congress, it is my desire to reminisce with you of those good days when our congress was feared by every politician. For one, I am sorry that there exists no longer the congress. I sure did enjoy hearing you, Frank, and you, Clarence, as well as the rest of us, on the commission floor "bawling out" our city fathers. We'd have to arrange that a little different now, for it would be awkward for you, Frank, to get down from the commissioner's chair to the floor to raise the devil with the other commissioners because they made the taxes go up. Clarence could not very well attend the meetings to criticize the city government, at least so long as he is on city's time. But be that as it may, perhaps it can be arranged through another congress, where we could make all the plans for our bi-monthly show at every commission meeting.

1062 Everett Street

Camden Courier-Post - February 21, 1936

Hartmann Defended

To the Editor: 

Sir-Will you please print the following article in your Mail Bag. Now, my fellow citizens, where IS your howling and crying over the moneys spent by the city not being used for anything productive? Folks like to talk about others, but never a good word for those who deserve it. Mr. Hartmann has treated WPA workers like men, and they responded like men. I am one of them. I worked all day February 13 in the snow and storm and have not heard any grumbling from any of my buddies. Did the public ever stop crying the blues long enough to realize that I got $76 per month from relief? Of course I have a family and my wife never was satisfied, like lots of others, to take all and give nothing. Now I get $60 a month and we (my family) are happy again. Why? Be- cause I can at least make an effort to earn what I get. It's mine and I keep my kids dressed warmly and they go to the movies every Saturday afternoon. I feel 100 percent better than living on E.R.A. I have two very close friends on E.R.A. who laugh at me for working on W.P.A., but when they need a few pennies they look me up. Due to Mr. Hartmann we were kept on our jobs instead of being laid off. His efforts put us on the snowy streets. I've lived in this town for 38 years, my mother 57 years and my dad 68 years and all of us say the same thing. God give us some more Hartmanns and Kobuses instead of David ? regime. That's all, folks, your street

Improvements to date have cost you taxpayers practically nothing. Just a word to W.P.A. workers: Layoff of Kelly, he is a good man when you understand him.

213 Penn Street.

Camden Courier-Post - February 24, 1936

Number of Out-of-town Members Among 60 at 25th Banquet Session

More than 60 members of the Pyne Poynt Athletic Club joined celebrating the club's twenty-fifth anniversary at a banquet and entertainment Saturday night at the organization's headquarters 939 North Fifth street. Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., one of the club's former presidents was among the speakers. Chester Vissel, board of education member also attended. 

The group was entertained by John Devlin, "Irish Ambassador," and engaged in a Monte Carlo contest under direction of George Townsend of Collingswood. Three of the members now living at Washington, D. C., journeyed back to the club from the national capital. They are William Brandt, R. George Rheinbold and William Begg.

Among other out-of-town members attending were Arthur Messler, Westwood; Harry Edginton, Milford, Del.; William Cann and Howard Hurlock, both of Wilmington, Del., and AIfred Heap, Haddonfield, one of the organizers.

Harry F. Walton, first president, was toastmaster. Albert Ross, Jr., house director was in charge of banquet preparations. Officers of the club are Edward H. Winters, president; Alexander Kahnweiler, vice president; Hamilton H. Batten, recording secretary; Frank Kelley, financial secretary; Harry F. Walton, treasurer, and George E. Ash, director-at-large.


Rulers Defer Naming City's Finance Adviser During Bitter Session
Hartmann Charges Bennett Agreed to Drop 60 Plan Of Refunding

New Applicant for Post as Consultant Interviewed


Camden City Commission failed again yesterday to settle the ques­tion: Who will be Camden's financial adviser?

A meeting called to settle the point yesterday was adjourned until 2 p. m. today over the violent protest of Commissioner Harold W. Bennett, director of revenue and finance.

Among the surprises of the meeting was the statement by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., that Commissioner Harold W. Bennett, director of revenue and finance, and Mayor Frederick von Nieda agreed Tuesday to abandon Chapter 60 as the basis for refunding the city's indebtedness and making the 1936 budget.

Bennett Makes Denial

Bennett denied this vehemently, but Hartmann, after the meeting, said:

I don't care how much he denies it. He and the mayor agreed to yield on that point. Mr. Bennett is not going to get away with telling me one thing in a private conference and saying another for purposes of appealing to the public."

Hartmann's charge attracted unusual attention due to the fact Bennett has held out from the first mention of refunding of Chapter 60 -a rigid and stringent law requiring the city to maintain a cash basis of pay-as-you-go operations, under strict state supervision, for a minimum of 20 years.

Hartmann said Bennett and von Nieda agreed to "go along" on the less stringent provisions of Chapter 77, bolstered by local assurances that would give bondholders virtually the same guarantees they would receive under Chapter 60, but without invoking upon the city the strict and long-term regulation by state authorities.

Another Applicant

Commissioner George E. Brunner asked for yesterday's adjournment on the ground that another man or agency, whom the commissioners had not interviewed, desired to pre­sent a proposal to the commissioners yesterday afternoon.

Bennett objected that noon Tuesday was the deadline set for applications and said they are closed as far as he is concerned. He took the position it would be unethical to consider any more applications for the job, and delivered this ultima­tum:

"I refuse to accept any responsibility for any further delay in making Camden's 1936 budget and refunding plan. Let's settle it now."

Nevertheless, the other four commissioners interviewed the new applicant at 5 p. m. and may consult another today.

The new seeker of the post of official fiscal adviser is George S. Burgess, president of the State Service Bureau, which publishes the Legislative Index for New Jersey and the New Jersey Municipal Reporter, and also supplies a municipal financial information service to hundreds of officials, including, Burgess said, the state auditor, Walter R. Darby.

Burgess is credited with devising and placing in operation the municipal accounting system in Massachusetts and with setting up the system of accounting by which the War Department settled war contracts, and represented the War Department in litigation involving numerous problems of accounting,

Opposes Chapter 80

Burgess is revealed as opposed to Chapter 60 for most municipalities. He is quoted in one of his own publications as saying:

"The Barbour bill (Chapter 50, 1934) is an ideal conception for sound municipal financing, but few places can operate under it until their tax collections increase decidedly. The earning power of the people in a large number of municipalities is far short of such a possibility."

He listed as the municipal finance advisory board of his concern the following men:

William H. Albright, New Jersey State Treasurer, as chairman of the board, Senator John C. Barbour (sponsor of Chapter 60), of Passaic county, president of the State Senate, Raymond M. Greer, Comptroller of Jersey City and member of a New York firm of accountants, Arthur N. Pierson, treasurer of Union county, Samuel S. Kenworthy, executive secretary of the New Jersey State League of Municipalities.

Promises Price Today

Burgess did not submit a price on his services but told the commissioners he will submit one by 1  p.m. today or before that time.

He informed the commissioners his firm is serving four municipalities in New Jersey as financial adviser now and said his experience covers many similar services to Massachusetts’ cities.

Burgess also said he understands budget-making and financial practices on a big scale, partly through serving after the World War as consulting auditor for the War Department, reporting directly to General Herbert M. Lord, then director of finances for the War Department and subsequently director of the budget for the United States.

It was indicated by the commissioners another man may be interviewed today on an application to be adviser for the city.

The interview with Burgess followed a hectic meeting in which numerous charges were hurled and the commissioners teetered on the brink of revealing confidences that have been kept hidden behind closed portals for the past few days.

Bennett Assailed

Among them was a charge by Hartmann that Bennett has done nothing to carry out the commission's instructions to contact bond­holders and attempt to obtain reductions in interest rates on city bonds.

Bennett denied this angrily and asked:            

"How do  you think I got the interest down? (On tax revenue notes) By sitting back and laughing?"

Bennett argued that the city's budget must be passed by the commission by March 9 and that any further delay past yesterday would jeopardize the city's standing and bring about a state of "chaos."

Bennett also denied he has ever favored employment of a financial adviser, though he told a gathering of commissioners, freeholders, bond dealers and attorneys Monday that he thought the city's differences could best be settled by an adviser.

He declined to follow the suggestion of L. Arnold Frye, of Hawkins, Delafield and Longfellow, counsel for the city on bond matters.

Frye Asks Peace

Frye urged the commissioners to settle their differences and agree upon a plan among themselves.

Hartmann also brought out an intimation that "the city was to be divided up by the bondholders," and this brought another hot denial from Bennett.

Commissioner Mary W. Kobus revealed that in considering applications for fiscal adviser, the commission also has considered having the man with the plan do the actual work of placing the bonds, a function that normally would fall under Bennett's jurisdiction.

Bennett insisted his department is capable of handling the financial affairs of the city and would have them composed by now if it had been allowed a free rein.

Another surprise resulted when Thomas J. Fox, who said he is "a small taxpayer" and lives at 608 Royden Street, urged the commission to hold up all refunding for ten days and promised it could be settled then on a plan he is working out.

Fox said he is retired and told reporters he and two other men are working out a refunding plan for the city that will prevent a tax increase and will enable the city to pay all interest. He added:

"I'm the most important one." The entire debate resulted from a motion to adjourn, made by Brunner. Everything that preceded this motion had been passed unanimously.

Applicants who appeared Tuesday to ask for the city adviser's post were Melbourne F. Middleton, former commissioner; Leon C. Guest, Camden investment securities broker; Thomas R. Lill, New York technical adviser of governmental administration and finance, and J. P. Ramsey, who represented Norman S. Tabor, New York specialist in municipal finances.

Dr. Frank Parker, University of Pennsylvania finance professor and nationally known as an economist, and Thomas Christensen, former Atlantic county accountant, were unable to appear.

Tabor, now doing similar work in Cleveland and Akron, Ohio, would be unable to appear personally before Monday, the commission was advised by Ramsey, but the latter's bid was confirmed by his superior over long-distance telephone.

Lill, who has had a wide, international experience in technical finance work, is now adviser to the Atlantic City bondholders' committee.

The four applicants on Tuesday briefly sketched a review of their past activities in similar work, told of their plans for Camden, and the compensation they would require for the work.

Guest, the first to be heard, described himself as a Camden native who has handled many Camden bonds in the past.

Middleton, who followed, said his plan for Camden was substantially the same as the program he submitted October 2, 1935, when he applied for the position of financial adviser. The city's first director of revenue and finance under commission form of government, Middleton is now engaged in the bond business in Philadelphia.

Ramsey described the Tabor company as the only one of its kind in the United States. It has refinanced more than 100 cities, 40 in New Jersey, and works with 164 bond dealers. Ramsey submitted a long list of bank and insurance company executives as references.

Lill said he began his finance career in 1911. In 1918 he was director of the Mexican Refinancing Commission, representing President Carranza in international negotiations until Carranza's assassination.

After that, Lill served the Republic of Colombia as technical adviser for five years; Chile for two, Yucatan for two, and has worked in cities all over the United States and in Canada. He was chosen by the Atlantic City bond-holders' committee 2˝  years ago, still serving as technical adviser for that group, he said. 

Hartmann Seeks Way to Improve Realty on Wilson Blvd.

Camden Courier-Post * August 1, 1936

Department of Public Works on Business
Basis, Cash Saved, He Says




August 5, 1936

Camden Courier-Post - August 31, 1936
....his eyes started watering and thereby hangs a tale - not his, however....
S. Raymond Dobbs - E.G.C. Bleakly - Dr. David Helm - Frank J. Hartmann Jr.
Frederick von Nieda - Charles L. Humes


CAMDEN COURIER-POST - October 5, 1936



Camden Courier-Post - October 26, 1936



OCTOBER 22, 1938

Camden Courier-Post * January 12, 1938

Click on Image to Enlarge

Camden Courier-Post * January 14, 1938

Camden Courier-Post * January 18, 1938


Firmin Michel

Rud Priesendanz Jr.

John J. Crean

Clarence Moulette

George E. Brunner

Frank J. Hartmann Jr.

Frederick von Nieda

Harold W. Bennett

Federal Street

Camden Courier-Post * January 27, 1938

Camden Courier-Post * January 27, 1938

Camden Courier-Post * February 1, 1938
Peril to Children Crossing Tracks Discussed by Legislative Forum

Possibility of amending existing statutes providing state aid for elimination or grade crossings to permit financing, an underpass in Cramer Hill was suggested by City Commissioner Hartmann to State Senator Burling and Assemblymen Lawrence H, Ellis and Millard E. Allen at the weekly legislative forum.

Hartmann, attending the session on other matters, was asked by the legislators to join a discussion started by Clarence Dunkleberger of the Eleventh Ward.

Dunkleberger pointed out no streets cross the railroad tracks between River road and Westfield Avenue, between Twenty-seventh and Thirty-sixth streets. He said parochial and high school students cross the tracks at great danger, and suggested some way be found to compel the railroad to provide an underpass at Thirty-first street, Thirty-second Street, Lois or Beideman avenue.

Burling said that matter was one for the city's legal department to pursue. Hartmann was called in, and said three solicitors have given opinions that the railroad cannot be forced to act. He also said such an underpass would cost $400,000, not $40,000, the figure named by Dunkleberger.

"We are unable to get state aid be cause there is no crossing there to eliminate," Hartmann said. "If the law could be changed to cover such situations, we might be able to work out something. Certainly an under pass is needed there."

Dr. Ethan A. Lang, Eleventh ward physician, has been seeking for a long time to have something done about the situation, but has been stymied by the high cost.

Camden Courier-Post - February 1, 1938
Federal Aides Asked to study Burling Measure for Camden Utility

City Commissioner Hartmann yesterday sent State Senator Burling's bill to enable Camden to borrow money for construction of a light plant to Dr. Clark Foreman, PWA counsel in Washington, for his perusal.

Immediately upon return of the measure Hartmann and Burling will confer and make any changes that may be suggested by the Federal official before the Senator introduces the bill.

The plan of procedure was out lined Saturday, when Hartmann appeared before the county legislative delegation at its weekly session. Burling introduced the bill last, year but was unsuccessful in getting it out of committee, although a companion measure, sponsored by former Assemblyman Bartholomew A. Sheehan, passed the House.

Mrs. Ida Pfeil, active in North Camden civic affairs, appeared before the lawmakers to press her point for a legislative embargo on the present discretion given. municipalities in the matter of charging interest on tax delinquencies.

Mrs. Pfeil contends taxation is "impoverishing the people." She said municipalities should be restricted from charging more than 1˝ or 2 percent. Senator Burling and Assemblyman Lawrence H. Ellis pointed out that owners of properties on a large scale would defer payment of taxes if the interest rate is less than the interest they pay on borrowed money.

Burling said the bill already has been introduced in the Senate- S-10- to set a maximum of 4 percent interest on one-year delinquencies and 6 percent after the first year. The present law sets a limit of 8 percent.

Camden Courier-Post - February 1, 1938

CITY REVENUES RISE $1,268,771.83

Gross Receipts Tax Windfall Provides Half of Gains in Record-Breaking Total


Camden City collected $1,268,771.83 more in current and delinquent taxes and miscellaneous revenues in 1937 than in 1936, it was revealed in an official report prepared by Comptroller Sidney P. McCord arid released yesterday by Mayor George E. Brunner.

Current tax collections increased from $3,951,300.99 to $4,153,493.71, a gain of $202,192.72, while receipts from tax title liens more than doubled as a result of the intensive liquidation campaign carried on by the department of revenue and finance through its certificate bureau, headed by Isadore H. Hermann.

Whereas revenue from liens amounted to only $229,027.99 in 1936, last years' collections from this source totaled $482,562.68. Delinquent tax collections were $14,667.23 and under 1936, due mainly to the improvement in current collections in 1936 as compared with prior years, which left less taxes outstanding at the end of the year of levy.

Cross-Receipts Levy Is Windfall

Contributing virtually half the record-breaking revenue increase was the windfall from gross-receipts taxes.

Against an anticipated $322,648.31 and 1936 receipts of $107,265.09, the city actually got $728,068.15. In addition it collected $284,939.46 in franchise taxes, compared with $185,008 for 1936.

These two gains followed the decision by the Court of Errors and Appeals holding State Tax Commissioner J. H. Thayer Martin without authority to disregard municipal assessments of utilities personal property and substitute his own figures, derived from its "unit-capacity-production" yardstick.

The largest advances in miscellaneous revenues, exclusive of these two sources, came from miscellaneous interest and costs. which jumped $79,558.83, and surplus from the water bureau, which jumped $65,999.21.

The water bureau, operated under Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, turned over to the city treasury $253,804.24 as against a 1936 total of $187,805.03.

Water collections, aggregated $619,451.12, made up of $325,984.92 in current fiat rates, $206,431.53 in current meter, $52,213.36 in one-year delinquent flat-rates, $19,625.37 in one-year meters and $15,195.95 in miscellaneous revenue.

Other Sources Swell Revenue

The 1936 total was $570,919.01, broken down into $281,861.27, current flat; $198,972.68, current meter; $72,156.91 delinquent fiat and $17,928.15 miscellaneous.

Other sources of revenue which showed increases over 1936 were bank stock taxes, city clerk's office, city property, District Court, building bureau, treasurer's office, cemeteries, municipal markets and Convention Hall.

Accounts that decreased were the highway bureau, department of public safety, Recorder's Court, electrical bureau, health bureau, plumbing inspectors, radio station WCAM, South Jersey Port Commission and assessments.

Budget Estimates Far Exceeded

The Port Commission, which for years had returned only $50,000 of the $190,000 which the City annually appropriates to it, and from which Mayor Brunner received $66,750 in 1936, dropped back to $56,750 last year.

Actual receipts exceeded budget estimates of miscellaneous revenues last year by $694,003,06, of which surplus $405,419.84 came from gross receipts taxes while franchise taxes contributed $99,939.46. In 1936 the receipts were $108,062,27 above anticipations, marking the first time in many years that a deficit did not exist. A favorite trick of previous administrations was to inflate miscellaneous revenue estimates beyond all reasonable expectations to hold down tax levies and rates..

CAMDEN COURIER-POST - February 3, 1938
Williams Appointed to Re port on Relocating Lamps; Ruler Again Raps P.S.

Appointment of John W. Williams, Twelfth ward Republican, as a city street lighting inspector has been announced by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann.

Williams, who will be compensated on a per diem basis of $4, formerly held a similar position but when the economy salary cuts were established he was employed on it six-months basis and later the post was vacated.

Hartmann said he appointed Williams primarily because a closer inspection of city street lights is important. He said Williams is familiar with all street light locations and is in a position to make adequate reports to him. 

Hartmann ordered Williams to inspect all street lighting and make recommendations as to locations where there is inadequate lighting and in sections where lighting can be distributed to serve the largest area without the added expense of new street lights.

Several times the commissioner has complained many street lights are of varying heights, improperly located in need of relocations.

"The city of Camden is no worse off in the matter of street lighting than most other cities," Hartmann asserted. "Every city at some time has had to curtail street lighting budgets. 

"If the cost of street lighting in cities served by Public Service Electric and Gas Company was not exorbitant, Camden and other New Jersey cities could be far better lighted. These excessive rates make it necessary to reduce lighting costs to keep the city tax rate down."

r  yesterday sent State Senator Burling's bill to enable Camden to borrow money for construction of a light plant to Dr. Clark Foreman, PWA counsel in Washington, for his perusal.

Camden Courier-Post - February 4, 1938

Hartmann Refuses to Issue Permits Unless - Liens Are Settled

Permits for demolition of houses or buildings will be refused to owners unless all taxes and. other municipal liens are paid in full, Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, director of public works, has announced.

In announcing a new department policy, Hartmann said he intended to rigidly enforce the order.

As a result of the ruling the city treasury was enriched $740 yesterday when owners of two dilapidated houses at Seventeenth and Federal Streets paid that sum in order to obtain a permit for demolition of the property.

The City Commission last week approved an ordinance empowering Hartmann to proceed with the work of property demolition when any property is declared unsafe and a menace to life or limb or where a property becomes a fire menace.

Many owners of property have proceeded with demolition work and it was later found taxes and other liens were unpaid," Hartmann said. "This practice will not be tolerated in the future.

"I have instructed my secretary, William J. Palladino, who is in charge of the building bureau, that no permits for property demolition shall be issued until it is determined if taxes and other liens are paid.

"In the case of the two Federal Street houses we found the amount owing to the city was $740. A permit for demolition of the property was withheld. By this action the city received a substantial sum of money."

Hartmann said he is making a survey of all properties in the city to determine the number that are unsafe and dangerous.

Inspectors of the building bureau will furnish him with a list of such dangerous property with the amounts in each case of taxes, water rents and other liens unpaid.

"The city will be able not only to get rid of dilapidated, unsafe and untenantable properties but will at the same time collect a substantial sum of money during the year when these liens are paid," Hartmann declared. He estimated more than 500 pieces of property either should be rebuilt and made safe or should be razed.

Camden Courier-Post - February 4, 1938

Males Certified for 2 Positions in City Department of Public Works

Three Camden men were certified for two positions in the Department of Public Works yesterday after passing examinations conducted by the Civil Service Commission. All qualified as senior clerk-stenographers.

At the same time, six of 11 young women who took tests to supplement the existing eligibility list of female senior clerk-stenographers received passing grades. Three of the six now work for the city, and one is employed by the Camden County Park Commission. The list is for possible employment in Camden city.

The three men certified are David A. Baxter, 907 North Fifth Street, first with a mark of 78.40; Stephen Bielicki, 1031 Kaighn Avenue, second with 75.85, and Joseph F. Markley, Jr., 465 Carteret Street, third with 70.30.

Baxter and Bielicki now are employed in the department as temporary senior clerk-stenographers. Their certification will permit Commissioner Frank. J. Hartmann to make, the appointments permanent if he chooses. Markley also is eligible."

Bessie F. Griffith, 820 Line Street, received the highest grade among the six who passed the test for female employees, with 77.70. Helen H. Lodge, 125 North Third street, was second with 77.55, she is a daughter of former Assemblyman Henry Lodge, of Audubon.

Marie L. Hartmann, now working in the tax sales office of the Department of Revenue and Finance, received a mark of 71.05. She lives at 3126 Atlanta Road. Victoria McCurdy, 1211 Haddon Avenue, employed in the tax lien bureau of the same department, followed with 70.70.

Marie A. Paris, 1426 Haddon Avenue, secretary to John H. Osler, Jr., park commission engineer; qualified with a mark of 70.50, while Marie B. Carr, 1409 Princess Avenue, secretary to the City Board, of Assessors, received 70.25.

The salary minimum for both male and female senior clerk-stenographers is $1380, and the maximum is $1680.

Camden Courier-Post - February 5, 1938


Commissioner Favors Modern Bus Terminal Along With Cut In Fare

A 10 cent round trip high-speed line fare between Camden and Eighth and Market streets, Philadelphia, and the establishment of a modern bus terminal in Roosevelt Plaza is favored by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann:

Hartmann said the low fare terminal would produce these results: 

The reduced train fare would increase high-speed line riding and save thousands of regular Camden and suburban riders between $20 and $30 yearly in transportation costs.

Receipts from operation of the high-speed line would be increased and losses reduced.

Bus operating companies using the proposed terminal would save additional thousands of dollars now paid in high bridge tolls and profits would be increased.

Camden merchants would enjoy more prosperity through, increased sales and greater numbers of buyers.

Commissioner Hartmann made his statement to a committee representing the Broadway Businessmen's Association at a conference in his office when the proposed bus terminal was discussed.

The committee, headed by James V. Moran, vice president of the Hurley Stores, conferred with Hartmann to get his views on a proposed bus terminal. A movement to arouse interest in the terminal was recently inaugurated by businessmen.

"I do not propose to be a part of any plan that will make the city of Camden a financial Santa Claus to resuscitate a $10,000,000 half-dead goldfish called the high-speed line," Hartmann told the committee.

"While I favor erection of a bus terminal, if one is to be built in Roosevelt Plaza then I will insist that it be a structure comparable to the architecture of the $10,000,000 noble experiment we call the new City Hall.

"Neither will I approve a terminal with pup tent shelters, hot dog stands and waiting sheds that will make the present beautiful plaza look like a shacktown neighborhood."

Hartmann said a modern terminal would cost at least $400,000. He pointed out that the present new bridge loll booths at the bridge entrance were built at a cost of about $90,000.

"If a modern bus terminal is decided upon”, Hartmann continued, "then Public Service, the Bridge Commission and all other bus operating companies should pay the costs of building the terminal and the city should receive some revenue for the land acquired for a terminal.

"The fare, from Camden to. Eighth and Market streets should be five cents in each direction instead of the present 10 cent fare with free transfers. With such a fare rate regular riders will save from $20 to $30 annually.

''If P.R.T. and the Bridge Commissioners want to save the high-speed line they should agree to reduce the fare and, encourage more riding. A reduced fare and a modern bus terminal would cause people to flock into the terminal and the high-speed line service would be increased instead of curtailed.

The commissioner said a passenger survey of the high-speed line will show that the majority of Camden and suburban riders travel as far as the Eighth street station in Philadelphia and usually walk the rest of the distance.

Previous efforts to settle the question of establishing a bus terminal proved futile. Last May the Broadway Businessmen's Association went on record as favoring a terminal in the plaza at the City Hall.

The question as to whether bus companies operating through Camden could be compelled to use the terminal in interstate operation has never been decided.

At yesterday's conference Charles H. Heritage, president of the association, asked Hartmann if the city legal department had ever given an opinion. Hartmann said he will ask for an opinion from City Solicitor Firmin Michel.

Others who attended the conference as members of the association's committee were Morris Futernick, Samuel Auerbach, Irving Levinsky and Simon Abramson.

Camden Courier-Post - February 5, 1938

Acting County Engineer Proposes Widening; Hartmann Opposes Plan

The widening of Broadway through Camden and Gloucester and the establishment of three traffic lanes is advocated by S. Herbert Taylor, acting ·county engineer; in a plan submitted to Frank Berckman, chair man of the road committee of the Camden County Board of Freeholders.

Taylor favors the widening of the city’s principal business street to 46 feet to permit the laying out of the three traffic lanes, to be 10 feet, eight inches wide, to be flanked by seven foot parking lanes. He suggests pedestrian safety islands at intersections.

Taylor proposes the state take over the street in Camden as it already has done in Gloucester and pay for the improvement. He further proposes the state take over River Avenue in Camden, which becomes River Road in Pennsauken Township.

Hartmann Opposes Plan,

His plan is opposed by City Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., director of public works, who has charge of Camden streets. Taylor says the widening of the street will decrease traffic hazards and Hartmann is of the opinion it will make Broadway a speedway and increase accidents.

At present the roadway varies from 33 to 40 feet in width, but both cities have 66-foot rights of way, Taylor said. Uniform widening to 46 feet would permit 10 feet on each side for pavements, without the necessity of acquiring new rights of way, he added, asserting only encroachments on the existing municipal rights would have to be removed.

Taylor recommends that application be made to the State Highway Commission for motor, vehicle license and gas tax funds to defray the entire cost of the proposed improvement.

Urges State Operation

Further, the engineer insists that Broadway, along with River road, in Camden should be taken over by the Commission and maintained by that agency. The, state already operates Broadway in Gloucester, but has been lax on maintaining it, Taylor said in criticizing the condition of the street there. He cited sharp drops at the gutters which make driving or parking along the sides hazardous. This condition would be eliminated in his plan.

Elaborating upon his contention that the state should take over Broadway and River Road, Taylor points out both are inter-county highways, and that for nine months in the year: Broadway carries as much traffic as the White Horse Pike, and River Road as much as Black Horse Pike.

Taylor estimates motorists .using Broadway in Camden pay $54,000 annually to the state in motor vehicle and gas taxes, with no return to the city.

Fifteen persons were injured fatally in motor accidents on Broadway last year, eight in Camden and seven in Gloucester, the engineer pointed out. He said the artery has the heaviest pedestrian death rate in the county in emphasizing, the need for improvements, particularly pedestrian islands.

Offers Protection Plan

In this connection Taylor has designed a· unique island, which he feels provides complete protection for pedestrians. He has submitted a detailed plan to Berckman for his consideration.

"Broadway and River Road should be State highways, right into the heart of Camden City to the Delaware River Bridge," argues Taylor, who was assistant to Beale M. Schmucker until the latter's death. "Both of these routes are arterial, inter-county routes. In neither case is there an alternate state route that can be taken, without traveling a much longer distance. "The State did not solve the arterial highway problem of this, area when it constructed the Crescent and Admiral Wilson Boulevards.

"Take the case of Broadway, for instance, to go to Westville and points south and southwest from the bridge, the Admiral Wilson-Crescent route is two miles or 40 percent longer than the straight line of Broadway. That most people prefer the direct route is shown by the fact that the heavy traffic of the Camden end continues right down through Gloucester City to the county line.

The State has accepted the responsibility of Broadway through Gloucester City, although it has allowed the roadway there to remain in a terrible unsafe condition. If it is a State highway there why should it not continue as a State highway through Camden?

"A 1935 traffic survey showed Broadway carrying 9000 to 12,000 cars daily. These figures should be increased 10 to 18 percent because motor travel bas increased 18 percent generally, since 1935.

"This traffic means that the users of Broadway, while on Broadway, are paying approximately $10,000 per mile per year in gas tax. Since motor vehicle fees produce almost as much revenue as gas tax, we may assume an annual contribution per mile of $20,000. Thus for the 2.7 miles of Broadway in Camden, they pay to the State $54,000 a year and yet none of this money can be made available for the improvement of the route they use.

"That this route is sorely in need of improvement is shown by the death toll on it, the worst of any route through Camden city. Fifteen persons, most of them pedestrians, were killed on the five-mile stretch through Camden and Gloucester last year.

Would Double Capacity

"A slightly widened highway would double its capacity and also make room for "pedestrian" islands. This widening could be done within the present right of way and still leave 10 feet each side for sidewalks.

"Crosswalks could be flood-lighted from the pedestrian islands. A study should be made to determine if progressive timing of traffic signals can be installed to expedite traffic and control speeds. These factors incorporated into the design of a new Broadway would, I am sure, prevent most of these fatalities.

"Broadway has and is producing more than enough revenue to make these improvements. What has been said of Broadway is true also of River Road, although in a less degree. The state should admit its responsibility and take both of these routes over.

Taylor said Broadway’s capacity now is 1000 cars per hour. With three lanes instead of two, as at present, the route could accommodate 2000 cars hourly, he contends.

Room for 3 Lanes

"Broadway is 40 feet wide in Camden," the engineer explains. Seven feet is enough for a parking lane on each side. That would leave 26 feet. Add six feet to that and you have three good wide lanes, each eight inches wider than the 10-feet width accepted as normal; Safety engineers are favoring wider lanes, however, and with all the truck and bus traffic on Broadway, I would recommend 10 feet, 8 inches. This could be accomplished by moving the curbs back three feet on each side.

"In Gloucester the width varies from 83 to 40 feet, although actually it is not even that wide, due to the dangerously high crown. The drop at both sides is so sheer it is difficult for vehicles to go near the curbs.

"The maximum drop from the center of the road to the gutters is 15 inches. By all the rules of highway construction, no drop should be greater than six inches. Personally I wouldn't build with more than a four-inch drop. That's enough for drainage.

Taylor denies that three-lane highways are more dangerous than two lanes.

Defends Plan as Safe

"It is true you have a common passing lane," the engineer said. "But with only two lanes you must go into opposing traffic to pass a vehicle. With three lanes you go into a neutral zone. For the same amount of traffic, a three-lane highway is far safer than a two-lane one.

"I cannot see the wisdom of widening Broadway in Camden at this time," Hartmann said last night, "Camden police officials should do as they did in New York City by putting into effect regulations to prohibit parking of all cars and trucks on Broadway.

"It is the all-day and double parking that contributes to many of the accidents that occur on Broadway. If the street is converted into a boulevard most motorists will use it for a speedway and thereby create more traffic hazards and increase accidents."

The commissioner said he is of the opinion that merchants and property owners on Broadway would be opposed to Taylor's plan If it would cost the city a huge sum of money, which would be reflected in a higher tax rate.

"Broadway was widened in the section below Cherry Street many years' ago," Hartmann added. "The sidewalks were cut down to a little more than a double pathway. Property owners were supposed to set back their building fronts some three feet, to give additional sidewalk space. But a few property owners have met this requirement.

"If the State of New Jersey had a quarter of a million dollars to give Camden a boulevard the money should be spent to widen South Seventh Street over the former Pennsylvania railroad right-of-way. That street is ideal for a boulevard to relieve the heavy traffic on Broadway," Hartmann continued.

Favors Seventh Street

Hartmann said the better plan would be to proceed with the paving of South Seventh Street, with the widening of Haddon Avenue to follow as a second project. He suggested a boulevard south of Kaighn Avenue to link Seventh Street with Broadway.

"Camden, taxpayers are paying their limit in taxes and they cannot be asked to pay more for a Broadway boulevard or a high-speed thorofare anywhere else in the city. If any of the city streets are to be widened as feeders for the Crescent or Admiral Wilson Boulevards than the state should pay the bill and not the taxpayers;" he said.

Several months ago the Ninth Ward Democratic Association approved a resolution to build a boulevard in the present semi-abandoned South Seventh Street railroad right-of-way. No action followed the proposal, when a survey showed a majority of property owners and persons renting homes and buildings along the street voiced their opposition to the proposed boulevard project..

Camden Courier-Post - February 7, 1938

Burling to Confer With Hartmann; May Introduce Measure Wednesday

Hopeful of Introducing Camden's light plant bill at Wednesday's session of the Legislature, State Senator Albert E. Burling planned to confer today with City Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann and the latter's assistant, Walter S. Anderson.

Anderson appeared before Burling and the Camden county Assembly delegation at the weekly forum Saturday with suggested revisions in previous bills, after contracting Dr. Clark Forman, of the PWA legal staff in Washington. Today's conference was the outgrowth of that discussion.

City Clerk Clay W. Reesman, of Cam4en, asked the Legislators to amend the election law to defer certification of polling places until Fall in years when primaries are held in September.

Cites Election Law

Reesman pointed out that Article 8, paragraph 87 calls for municipal clerks to send polling place lists to county boards of election before March 1 and directs the county boards to certify them back by April 15.

"That was all right when primary elections were held in May each year," Reesman said. "But now they are held in September except in Presidential years, and the dates should be changed to August 1 and September 1 except in Presidential years. As it now stands, changes are made all Summer after the list is certified, until the original list be comes unrecognizable."

Clarence Dunkleberger, of the Eleventh Ward, reappeared to ask that a way be found to provide an underpass for school children who cross the railroad tracks between Cramer Hill and the Westfield Avenue section. There are no crossings between Twenty-seventh and Thirty­sixth Streets.

Asks About Trade Mark

Dunkleberger said it is his under standing that an existing law requires railroad companies to provide crossings at every other block, but if this is not so, he asked that a bill be introduced to compel railroads to provide crossings every half mile in second-class cities.

Charles Dieck, of Philadelphia, representing non-residents in business in New Jersey, appeared to ask questions concerning the Foran trademark bill, which it is estimated by its sponsor would provide $10,000,000 this year to help finance relief. 

Dieck said he had been unable to obtain a copy of the bill, which was introduced in the upper house last Monday.

"I have been to the Courier-Post and the bills are not available." Dieck said.

"You come down to my house and I'll show you the bill," put in Assemblyman Millard E. Allen, of Laurel Springs, who wants all employees of the publication "led to the guillotine.”

"How can you show him the' bill?" asked Assemblyman Rocco PaleseCamden People - Rocco Palese, "when they haven't been printed yet?"      

Maybe He Has Got it

"I got my bills yesterday”, Allen insisted.

"Was that bill among them?" inquired Burling. "I haven't been able to get one yet,"

"I think it was, but I'm not positive," admitted Allen. "At least I have some information on it."

"I don't think you have the bill," Assemblyman Lawrence H. Ellis said. "I was told in Trenton they haven’t been printed yet."

"Well, I said I'm not positive," Allen declared. Shortly afterward he left the session. 

The legislators voted to dispense with the regular weekly meeting next Saturday, because it is Lincoln's birthday. They will be resumed February 19."

Camden Courier-Post - February 7, 1938

Willson Says Busiest Month Was in November 'Recession'
Realtor Sees Defeat of 'Lawyer's Bill as Feather in Cap of Board

Harry A. Willson, who recently re tired as president of the Camden County Real Estate Board, wants the world to know that he is one of those "who is selling Camden and Uncle Sam long."

In other words, the Camden realtor says he didn't know the real meaning of "recession" in 1937, that November was his best month, and that by the middle of April, 1938, he expects to see "things humming and business okeh everywhere again."

"We had a busy year in 1937," declared Willson, speaking both as an official and a businessman. "And we had a good year in business and I want to say that November was the best month that I had, when everybody was talking about this recession."

"The biggest accomplishment of the year for the real estate board was the defeat of the bill which would permit only lawyers to negotiate real estate transaction. It was the so-called 'lawyers' bill.'

"Under its provision no realtor would have been allowed even to draw an agreement of sale. We know 


that there are negotiations that require a lawyer's services, but we realtors feel we are fully capable of making an agreement of sale, drawing a lease and making a settlement.

Realtors Capable

"The majority of the realtors of Camden have a good technical working knowledge of the law. For myself I've been a member of the bar since 1912, and I know scores of other real estate men who are not only learned in the law, but are as capable of handling legal matters in their business as any member of the bar.

"We consider that' victory as per haps the largest, feather in our cap for the year. But we're proud that we moved into decent headquarters as well.

"We nave headquarters now at 421 Cooper Street, with an executive secretary in charge at all times. It is a headquarters worthy and fitting for, a group of businessmen with the personnel and extensive interests of the real estate board.

"We are now able to issue a weekly bulletin, 'The Realtor.' which we send to the real estate men of the county, to various Chambers of Commerce and to other interests vitally concerned about real estate.

"I think the real estate board has been of great help in solving municipal problems, too. Car1 Evered has been aiding in the matter of direct taxation and Ellis Goodman, on his committee on public parks and beautification has rendered a splendid service to Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, who has charge of that department.

Sign Nuisance Abated,

"Their joint efforts have resulted in ridding the boulevards of unsightly signs that were bad advertising for the city. Goodman and his committee also aided in the movement that rid the city of buildings that were unsightly, and standing, gave Camden a bad reputation abroad.

"So far as business is concerned I know that my business in 1937 was swell. I feel that the realtors would say the same thing, If each of them was asked regarding their business. November was my best month of the year.

"It is a fact that early last Spring houses were occupied to such a great extent that it was impossible to get a house to rent. During the fall this demand slackened off, but I haven't one fault to find with business during 1937, and I think that things will be all right this year.

"I look to see this recession come to an end in mid-April. I expect you'll see things popping then. The New York Shipbuilding Corporation should be right in the thick of its work building those two new naval vessels by that time.

"The working force should be recruited to its full strength by that time, and that means money will be pouring into the city and business is bound to leap upward.

"1 know, too, there is a more optimistic feeling at the R.C.A., and in that industry they expect to see business starting upward in marked fashion in the Spring

"Altogether, speaking as an officer of the real estate board and a business man as well, I haven't fault to find with 1937, and I'm still selling Camden and Uncle Sam long."

Camden Courier-Post - February 8, 1938

Here's Example of How Streets Are Littered

It's Up to You, Householder,
To Tidy Up Camden's Streets

Hartmann Points to Widespread Laxity in Aiding Removal of Garbage, Trash; There's a Law Against It, Too

This is the second of & series of articles showing how co-operation of Camden citizens in ash and garbage disposal can improve the condition of the city's streets.


"Have you noticed the careless manner in which many Camden housekeepers put out their ashes and rubbish?" asked Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, director of public works.

"Just take a look at the curbs before the city collectors make their rounds to remove

Householders in Camden could aid Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann to keep the streets clean if they would avoid depositing garbage and ashes in flimsy containers which easily can be knocked over, causing the contents to be strewn over the street.

 it. You'll find peach baskets filled to the brim with a combination of ashes, food, bottles and cans. Often the ashes spill out onto the pavement through the sides of the container. Sometimes light cardboard boxes have broken under the weight of the contents, papers blow away over the pavement when a sudden gust of wind blows. Piles of trash, often either loosely wrapped or wrapped not at all, are dumped at the curb line where they are scattered by dogs and scavengers or kicked by children playing in the street.

"Imagine a visitor from some other city driving along such a street. What must he think of a populace which permits this condition to exist. It's not a very good advertisement for Camden when the visitor sees untidy masses of trash spilled all over the streets.

"But how could this condition be remedied? It's really simple. A little care by each householder, in co-operation with the city garbage collectors would end these eyesores.

The city ordinance regulating the collection, removal and disposal of ashes, rubbish and garbage defines "ashes" as the residue of coal or other fuel; "garbage" as organic 'waste such as meat, fat bones, fish, fruit and vegetables, and "rubbish" as inorganic waste, such as sweepings, food containers of wood, paper or glass, oyster or clam shells and such other domestic refuse which will burn, as well as refuse such as metal, glass or crockery not used as food containers,

Onus on Householder

Section 6 of the ordinance provides that:

"Each and every owner, tenant, housekeeper or other person or per sons occupying any dwelling. shall properly provide for such removal by using three receptacles for the separation of such refuse; one for ashes, one for garbage and one for rubbish material, and each such receptacle shall be used, only for the accumulations of the class of refuse for which It was primarily intended."

Section 7 provides that:

"The filled receptacles shall be of such weight as can be easily handled by one man and shall not weigh over 50 pounds. The receptacle in which the garbage accumulations are de posited shall be a metallic water tight vessel."

Other Regulations, Too

Further regulations in Section 8 provide that:

"The receptacles in which the rubbish materials are deposited shall be similar to the receptacles for ashes, but where the rubbish is of such a nature that it cannot be deposited in a receptacle, it must be securely bundled in such a manner as to permit of easy handling and to prevent the contents of the same from being scattered. "

Commissioner Hartmann said he believed much of the difficulties en countered by the city in collecting refuse was due to the fact that some householders were unfamiliar with the regulations.

"They are quite simple and not meant to work a hardship on any of our citizens," Hartmann said, "'but if they were followed by more people our task of keeping the streets clean would be made a great deal easier and Camden would become a more attractive place in which to live.

Blames City Also

"While I am speaking of the cooperation asked of the householders, I do not forget that the city has been doing its part in making the streets dirty.

"Often the collectors are careless in attaching the canvas tarpaulins which are to be placed over tile refuse after it is collected in the trucks. As a result many times these coverings flap in the wind when the trucks move and ashes, garbage and papers fall out, littering the streets. However, we are trying to remedy this situation and I will inform the city employees engaged in these collections that they must co-operate in seeing that the refuse is not spilled after it is placed on the trucks.

Tomorrow’s article will show how more co-operation by housekeepers would be of real financial benefit to the city.

Camden Courier-Post - February 8, 1938

Hartmann Declares City Needs 2 Added Low-Cost Rental Projects

A Federal grant of $8,000,000 for slum clearance and two municipal low-cost housing units will be sought by the city of Camden when the State Legislature approves pending bills providing enabling legislation.

This was made known yesterday by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, director of public works, who also announced he will present an ordinance at Thursday's meeting of the City Commission setting up a Camden Municipal Housing Authority.

The ordinance, Hartmann explained, will conform with requirements in one of the Assembly bills. Members of the authority, who will be known as Housing Commissioners, will be named by the City Commission.

Present members of the Camden Municipal Low-cost Housing Committee are Charles F. Hollopeter, chairman; Dr. M. F. Wheatland, William H. White, Horace R. Dixon, secretary, and John Green, president of the United Marine and Shipbuilders' Union of America.

"Camden needs two more low-cost housing units to provide modern, sanitary and adequate housing for its working people," Hartmann said. "Unless present plans are changed the proposed housing authority will seek a grant of $8,000,000 from the U. S. Housing Authority".

"As soon as the legislature passes the enabling legislation the city through this committee will be in a position to go to Washington, present our plans, and make formal request for Federal money.

Hartmann said that neither he nor the members of the housing committee will divulge any contemplated locations of the two proposed projects.

"This committee has studied housing needs from all angles. Neither politics, race or creed will enter into negotiations in connection with the projects."

Camden Courier-Post - February 8, 1938

Details of Possible Legislation to Enable City to Get PWA Funds Kept Secret

A conference on Camden's proposed legislative light plant bill was held yesterday by State Senator Albert E. Burling, Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann and his assistant, Walter S. Anderson. The session was held in Burling's private office.

Neither Burling nor Hartmann would disclose if they had decided on any action to introduced a bill to provide enabling legislation to obtain Federal PW A funds for the proposed municipal electric light plant, for which voters of the city twice cast a majority vote.

"The conference was held at the request of Commissioner Hartmann,” Burling said. "We discussed possible legislation which may be favorably acted on by the Legislature.

"It was agreed that our plans not be discussed or made known for the present and not until the matter can be more thoroughly analyzed and discussed."

Commissioner Hartmann was reluctant to discuss the conference.

"Out of courtesy to Senator Burling I do not desire to discuss the matter," Hartmann said.

Anderson appeared before Burling and the Camden county Assembly delegation at the weekly forum Saturday with suggested revisions in previous bills, after contacting Dr. Clark Forman, of the PWA legal staff in Washington. Today's conference was the outgrowth of that discussion.

City Clerk Clay W. Reesman, of Camden, asked the Legislators to amend the election law to defer certification of polling places until Fall in years when primaries are held in September.

Cites Election Law

Reesman pointed out that Article 8, paragraph 87, calls for municipal clerks to send polling place lists to county boards of election before March 1, and directs the county boards to certify them ·back by April 15.

"That was all right when primary elections were held in May each year," Reesman said. "But now they are held in September except in Presidential years, and the dates should be changed to August 1 and September 1 except in Presidential years. As it now stands, changes are made all Summer after the list is certified, until the original list be comes unrecognizable."

Clarence Dunkleberger, of the Eleventh Ward, reappeared to ask that a way be found to provide an underpass for school children who cross the railroad tracks between Cramer Hill and the Westfield Avenue section. There are no crossings between Twenty-seventh and Thirty-sixth streets.

Asks About Trade Mark

Dunkleberger said it is his understanding that an existing law requires railroad companies to provide crossings at every other block, but if this is not so, he asked that a bill be introduced to compel railroads to provide crossings every half mile in second-class cities.

Charles Dieck, of Philadelphia, representing non-residents in business in New Jersey, appeared to ask questions concerning the Foran trademark bill which, it is estimated by its sponsor, would provide $10,000,000 this year to help finance relief.

Dieck said he had been unable to obtain a copy of the bill, which was introduced in the upper house last Monday.

"I have been to the Courier-Post and the bills are not available," Dieck said.

. "You come down to my house and I'll show you the bill," put in Assemblyman Millard E. Allen, of Laurel Springs, who wants all employees of the publication "led to the guillotine. "

. "How can you show him the bill?" asked Assemblyman Rocco Palese, "when they haven't been printed yet?"

Maybe He Has Got It

"I got my bills yesterday” Allen insisted.

"Was that bill among them?" inquired Burling. "I haven't been able to get one yet."

"I think it was, but I'm not positive," admitted Allen. "At least I have some information on it."

"I don't think you have the bill," Assemblyman Lawrence H. Ellis said. "I was told in Trenton they haven't been printed yet."

"Well, I said I'm not positive," Allen declared. Shortly afterward he left the session.

The legislators voted to dispense with the regular weekly meeting next Saturday, because' it is Lincoln's birthday. They will be resumed February 19.

Camden Courier-Post - February 9, 1938

Is Zat So?

May we not at this time proffer a suggestion to Mayor Brunner, Eddie Kelleher and the other party sachems that should be a sure-fire plan to make Camden county safe for Democracy? We advise that the Democrats gather a fund of $4000, the money to be expended in giving testimonial dinners to Republican leaders, near-leaders and persons who figure themselves to be both.

Engage tables enough to accommodate about 350 persons. Invite representatives of all the various G. O. P. factions in the county, give a half dozen tickets to boisterous Democrats, so that the latter can sit back in their seats and enjoy the subsequent dogfight on a full stomach.

This idea that I am advancing to register about 5000 more Democrats in the county and paralyze the remnants of the once-powerful county G.O.P., was born when I attended the recent testimonial dinner to Louis Bantivoglio, freeholder from the Fifth ward.

Naturally my attendance was purely in a professional capacity. Speeches were made by divers and sundry spokesmen, the high-light being the sales talk for Bantivoglio and Baird by David Baird, Jr. The latter waxed wrathfully but warily in castigating the "half-breeds," as he once sarcastically termed the Republicans of the ilk and stature and political. leanings of Commissioner Mary W. Kobus.

Rarely, too, have we ever attended a banquet, either in the capacity of guest or reporter that ever awakened so many echoes of the past as did the dinner to the Fifth ward freeholder.


First came the information from friends of Commissioner Kobus that she was responsible for the election of Bantivoglio from the Fifth ward as freeholder. In view of the fact that Squire Baird seemed to feel that the freeholder's election was a personal triumph; this appeared strange to yours truly.

We moseyed about, however, and discovered that whether the squire likes it or not Mary W. Kobus and her minions did elect Bantivoglio. The leaders of the Kobus faction who put, the thing across were headed by a woman named Madeline Salvatore and a gentleman named "Bucky" Branch.

Bantivoglio was elected by something less than 40 votes, These votes could easily have been given to his opponent but there were strategic reasons why the Kobus faction didn't want a Democrat chosen from the Fifth ward.

So Branch, who is a policeman, I believe, and who was not working on election day, it being his regular day off, went into his precinct and put over the votes that elected Bantivoglio .

And Mr. "Bucky" Branch, I have been informed, has been so sore at the fact that he did elect Louis Bantivoglio that he moans and cries and berates himself ever since the trick was turned ..

Politicos who told me the story about the Kobus support for Bantivoglio gave a rather sensible reason for the step that was taken by the anti-Baird folk. The New Dealers among the Republicans sensed that the division between the Republicans and Democrats in the 1938 Board of Freeholders was going: to be exceedingly close.

Too close, in fact, to take any chances. So it was decided to support Bantivoglio in the Fifth ward, because he was a regular Baird Republican and couldn't be won to the coalition, The reasoning of the Kobusitees was clear and correct.

Had Bantivoglio been beaten by a Democrat, the board would have been divided equally, The Democrats would then have been able to deal with an individual rather than a faction, One vote would have given either side control. Thus by putting Bantivoglio across the Kobus faction made it imperative for the Democrats to deal with that clique; in fact Brunner and his minions had to do that little thing.

In view of this analysis I'm con tent to believe that the Kobus claim that the New Dealers elected Louis Bantivoglio is absolutely okay.


Now don't get the information askew. Mrs. Kobus had no official or personal hand in this matter. It was the keen thought of some of her lieutenants, whose judgment appears to have been excellent, that fashioned this plan and executed it.

Meanwhile numerous politicos have been jibing Baird's statement that he would "rather have one Louis Bantivoglio than 1000 ingrates.". These political seers and soothsayers declared that such a declaration proved that its author was all wet in his political judgment and short sighted in his political history.

These politicos ambushed Mackay the other day, crammed him. into a corner and told him that if it "hadn't been for Bantivoglio Baird would have control of the city commission today."

These chuckling anti-Bairdites not only bearded me in my den, but dared me to disprove their statements by taking a look at the record. A stranger to politics in Camden, I didn't know the import of this statement until I squinted at the ward returns for the 1935 city commission election.

There in black and white is the proof that Baird lost the city commission fight because of the Bantivoglio-Leo Rea alliance in the Fifth ward. Just to take a look at the record again and to refresh jaded memories, the regular Baird slate received the following votes in the Fifth ward:

Bennett, 1016; Leonard, 1001; Lummis, 962; Rhone, 963; von Nieda, 1081. The New Deal ticket, then supported by the Messrs. Bantivoglio and Rea, polled these votes;· Baker, 1032; Brunner, 1022; Hartmann, 1001; Kobus, 1024, and Reesman, 930.

We would call your attention particularly to the Leonard-Hartmann vote. Louis and Leo supported candidates Brunner, Kobus and Hartmann, of the New Deal.

Leonard and Hartmann polled exactly the same vote, 1001. And the recount revealed Hartmann a winner by SEVEN votes, the box score showing Hartmann, 17,338, and Leonard, 17,331. And the Fifth ward turned the trick, for it would have been easy for Louis and Leo to have given Hartmann the same vote that Reesman received, or 71 less, and elected Leonard. There would have been no recount then.

Which scrutiny of the returns would seem to show that Bantivoglio as a friend of the squire proved his valor and vigilance in the cause by seating a New Deal commissioner and owing his seat in the Board of Freeholders to the Kobus clan.

In connection with this fund which the Democrats should raise to give testimonial dinners to G.O.P. leaders et cetera we might suggest that on each occasion they have, David Baird Jr., named for a new office. In order, that my friend, Florence Baker, can show her loyalty and friendship to the Old Guard Field Marshal by asking his election to the said office.

This suggestion to, the Messrs. Brunner, Kelleher and the others is made tax-free, and no charge for usage. If that scheme doesn't make Camden county safe for Democracy, nothing will.

Camden Courier-Post - February 9, 1938

Orlando Warns Democrats at Fete to Moore, Crean and Mrs. Soistmann?


David Baird Jr., and his allies have already arranged their slate for the next city commission election and are laying plans to recapture the city government of Camden. Democrats should know of this movement and prepare to thwart the proposed plans at once.

This warning was given by County Prosecutor Samuel P. Orlando last night, at a testimonial dinner in the Hof Brau at which three Ninth Ward Democrats were feted, and at which 500 were present. The trio honored comprised Mrs. Mary Ellen Soistmann, state committee woman; Oscar Moore, freeholder, and John J. Crean, assistant city solicitor and county committeeman.

While the three guests were feted and presented with wrist watches and other tokens, the affair took on a love feast aspect for the three New Deal commissioners arid all shades and leanings of Democratic leadership.

Mayor George E. Brunner was toastmaster and took occasion to poke fun at the G.O.P. and its tribulations over the county headquarters.

Brunner Jests at G.O.P.

"I have just received word," said the Mayor with due solemnity, "that the Republican county committee of whom I, read today was having trouble over their headquarters, have finally solved their troubles tonight.”

"I understand they are giving up their present location and. have just been presented by the Bell Telephone Company with a booth, and are now looking for another tenant to whom the committee can sublet half the space."

Orlando's warning came after he congratulated the special guests, He said:

"I have every reason to believe that Dave Baird and the rest of the Republican chieftains are already laying their plans to capture the city commission. They are working to the end with their own slate, so that they can take from the people of Camden the good government which they have received far some time.

"We Democrats do not want to take this warning lightly, we want to remember that Baird and his chieftains are already working toward capturing the government of Camden, and this is something that .we want to prevent at all hazards."

Orlando also congratulated the gathering as an indication of the growth of the party, and the faith that the people of Camden come to have in the Democratic party and in its principles."

The prosecutor also prophesied greater honors in the future for the triumvirate who were the guests of the occasion.

Disclaims Harmony Rift

Mrs. Emma E. Hyland, postmaster and long a figure in Ninth Ward affairs declared she resented any newspaper stories that hinted that there was the slightest rift in the Democratic party.

She told of the trouble the Democrats in the Ninth Ward, which, she declared, had never elected a Democratic freeholder until Oscar Moore was chosen. Mrs. Hyland told of detectives shadowing her home during election, and of 'the struggles' that she and Moore had known together in fighting for the party in that bailiwick.

"I want to say" continued the postmaster, "that we must all be impressed by the spirit of harmony that this gathering means has come to pass.

"I don't want you, and I will not myself believe all you read in the newspapers declaring we are fighting among· ourselves, for if there is anything like that in progress, I don't know anything about it and I don't believe you do, either."

County Treasurer Edward J. Kelleher, hailed as "The Father of the Democratic Party in Camden County" contrasted the spectacle before him with the harmony dinner which he and others sponsored years ago.

“We sold 150 tickets," he said, "and gave away 150 more, and when the sponsors reached the hall at 7 p.m., the hour of the dinner, there wasn't a single other person on hand. Later the hall was filled, and it held 200 guests. 200 to attend a Democratic harmony dinner that embraced all of Camden county."

Officials Laud Guests

Mrs. Bertha Shippen Irving, postmaster of Haddonfield; Police Judge Gene R. Mariano and others also congratulated the guests. Mayor Brunner introduced Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann by calling attention to the cleanup campaign now under Hartmann auspices.

"Just as Hartmann is making Camden a cleaner city in which to live," said the Mayor, "so has Commissioner Kobus made the city clean from crime. The streets are clean, the city is clean, and this has only been made possible by the efforts of the three commissioners who have worked in harmony, and who are going to continue to work in harmony." Crean, Moore and Mrs. Soistmann spoke their thanks to those present for the banquet, the gifts and the sentiments expressed.

Camden Courier-Post - February 9, 1938

Tall Cedars to Entertain National Head at Fete Here Saturday

Charles Siegel, Supreme Tall Cedar of the United States, and his official Camden Forest No.5, staff will be honored at a dinner and at the second annual charity ball of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, at the Walt Whitman Hotel Saturday night.

Among the guests will be City Commissioner Frederick von Nieda and Mrs. von Nieda; City Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann and Mrs. Hartmann, Surrogate F. B. Hanna and Mrs. Hanna, Sheriff Joseph Van Meter and Mrs. Van Meter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearson, Mr. and, Mrs. August Romelle, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mr. and Mrs. James Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Giffins, Mr. and Mrs. William Del Baugh, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Peters, William G. Rohrer, Miss Flora Tulk, Mr. and Mrs. George Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ireton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mattison, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miles, Lieutenant Albert Eckenroth and Mrs. Eckenroth.

Music will be furnished by the Famous Sonny James Orchestra.

Camden Courier-Post - February 9, 1938

It’s Tag Day in City’s Cleanup Campaign

Warning Tags on Ashcans Aid City's Orderly Cleanup Drive
Hartmann's Stickers Remind Housekeepers to Park Their Refuse So It Can Be Sold and Help In Two Ways

This is the third of a series of articles showing how co-operation of Camden citizens in ash and garbage disposal can improve the condition of the city's streets.


"Notice-Refuse placed in this container not properly prepared-Department of Public Works." .

If any housewife found a sticker bearing those words on a garbage or ash receptacle outside her home today, she can be sure she is not doing all she might to co-operate with city refuse collections.

Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann decided on this new means of asking for the housekeeper's cooperation after making an inspection throughout the city during the last few days.

Believing many householders do not realize they, are failing to prepare their refuse properly for removal by the city, Hartmann sent a crew of eight men who started placing the stickers, on containers which showed failure to follow the city regulations for refuse removal.

Many Willing to Aid City

"After placing the sticker on the offending container," Hartmann said, "our men I knock at the door and ask the person responsible for putting out the refuse to aid the city in its efforts to improve the appearance of the streets by placing ashes, garbage and other refuse in their proper containers. If any persons are not sure how to do this, our men will show them.

A man from the Camden Department of Public Works is shown here putting a warning sticker on a rubbish container not properly prepared for city collection. Below is one of the stickers provided by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann to ask the co-operation of householders in cleaning up city streets.

"Today the collectors found a willingness to aid the department in its work and I am sure everyone will co-operate with vs.

"But we want to make certain the citizens will help us. Our men will follow up the first sticker with one of a different color.

"For instance, if it is found that a housekeeper fails to remedy the situation after the first sticker is attached, we plan to put another sticker on the same container, with a warning that we will remove the container if it does not have the proper contents, properly prepared for collection."

Could be Made to Pay Its Way

Commissioner Hartmann believes the collection of ashes, garbage and rubbish could be self-supporting in Camden if the citizens would do their part.

"The city might be able to make real money out of removal of refuse instead of being forced to consider this service as an expense," he said.

"Camden is most fortunate in being able to dispose of its refuse as it does, by being possessed of a number of lots which are used as dumps. Philadelphia has a bad condition in that it must load its garbage on barges which are towed down the Delaware river and sunk offshore.

"In addition to the expense of towing such a long distance, the dumping of refuse in the ocean not far off some of South Jersey's finest Summer resorts, leads to an unhealthy situation. Often we have seen the. bathing beaches covered with refuse which has been washed in after a storm.

How City Could Make Profit

"Camden dumps its refuse on unused lots and while dumps are some what objectionable, Philadelphia's situation is far worse.

"Here's what the city could do if the householders would be more thoughtful in keeping their ashes, garbage and rubbish separate:

"The value of clean ashes to the city is so great that the subject will be taken up by itself. We would have no difficulty in selling old paper. That would bring in considerable revenue. during a year. Old tin cans and bottles each have a ready market of which the city could take advantage.

"While I do not approve personally of feeding garbage to pigs, and I would not eat any pork if I knew it came from pigs fed on garbage, the city has had a number of inquiries from pig-farmers throughout South Jersey asking if it would sell its garbage for that purpose.

Dumps Must Be Supplanted

"As conditions are now, that is impossible because householders seldom realize the importance of keeping their garbage separate, but dump it all together with ashes and trash, making it impossible to obtain any revenue, from the garbage alone. But the garbage could be sold, I am sure, if citizens would co-operate in this respect.

"Although dumps are being used now, they are being filled up and eventually Camden will have to find another method of ·disposal. Our problem would be simplified immeasurably if our citizens would aid us."

The next article will show just how Camden could benefit if citizens would keep their ashes separate for collection by the city.

Tomorrow’s article will show how more co-operation by housekeepers would be of real financial benefit to the city.

Camden Courier-Post - February 9, 1938

‘Is There a Doctor in the House?'

To the Editor:

Sir-If anyone would take the time to watch the children going to and from school across the railroad each day, they would be thoroughly convinced as to the grave necessity of an underpass.

It is not very pleasant to contemplate what may happen to some one or more of these children if the cars which they climb over and some crawl under were suddenly moved by a shifting engine, while they were upon or under these cars.

The miracle of miracles is that (l hope I am correct) none of these children has been killed or maimed while crossing or recrossing the railroad: But let us not wait for a horrible example to set us in motion to fill the need of an underpass.

Mr. Hartmann tells us to construct an underpass it would cost about $400,000. Now although I am not an expert in the art of underpass construction I don't believe it is necessary to go to such a great expense, especially for us ordinary Cramer Hillers. We only want a plain but substantial underpass. It does not have to possess beautiful tile walks nor ornate entrances and terraced approaches. Just plain!

No doubt most everyone has heard the request, "Is there a doctor in the house?"

Well, here Is a new one, "Is there an underpass constructor around?" If so let's hear his views on $400,000 underpasses.

Hoping this will arouse all you Cramer Hill folks to the. support of a just need, I am

802 Beideman Avenue

Camden Courier-Post - February 10, 1938

Public's Quick Aid in Cleanup Vindicates Hartmann's First Results Appeal
Commissioner After Inspecting Tagging Mixed-up Refuse Cans Will Regulate Junkmen Next

This is the fourth in a series of articles showing how co-opera­tion by Camden citizens in ash and garbage collection can save money for the city.


Camden citizens really want to do their part in keeping the streets clean.

 That has been proved to the satisfaction of' Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, director of public works, as a result of his campaign of educating the people to co-operate in the city's refuse removal program.,

"I've never heard more favorable comment than I have as a result of our appeal to the householders to put out their ashes, garbage and rubbish in proper containers," Hartmann said. "I made an inspection trip yesterday throughout the city and found that most of the citizens were most willing to aid our collection by keeping their ashes, garbage and rubbish separate and tying neatly in bundles the refuse which is too big for containers.

"Many residents told me how much better the streets looked and how much it aided them to keep their pavements clean when their neighbors co-operated with the department."

Hartmann said the stickers placed on containers in which the refuse was improperly prepared for collection, notifying the householder of this fact had appealed to most citizens.             ,

"Persons whose containers were not placarded appeared to take great pride in that fact and it was noticeable that baskets and boxes which bore these notices were quickly removed from the curbs after being emptied by citizens- who did not want their neighbors to know that they had not done their bit to keep the city clean."

But there is one phase of the collection which has not improved, and Hartmann is determined to remedy that immediately.

"We are going to stop scavengers anti junk men from littering the streets with refuse which they strew about after digging through containers for some bits which they may want," the commissioner declared.

"It often happens that the refuse will be placed at the curb in proper manner by the householder. And then along comes a scavenger who upsets the boxes or baskets, wades through the contents for whatever he may be seeking and leaves the remainder scattered all over.

Must Take All or None

"I am giving notice now that any, one who wants to take any of the contents of the rubbish containers must remove all the contents. If they want any of the bundles, they can't untie them and take what they want, hut they must take it all away. Then, after they have re moved the contents, they want to get rid of whatever may not be useful to them, they must take it to the city incinerator."

Hartmann pointed out ·that all the refuse truck drivers are special officers and he has instructed them to take the name and address of any scavengers seen littering the streets. He said he believed disorderly charges could be placed against those who disturb the refuse.

 "I am even considering the possibility that scavengers be licensed. I don't know whether the city would do that, but I believe it would be possible to require a permit to be attached to all junk carts. But. at any rate, we are going to see that the work of the housekeepers in doing their part is not cancelled by the careless and sloppy actions of scavengers."

Camden Courier-Post *  February 11, 1938

City Bureaus Keep Costs Within Budget for 1937
Brunner Lauds Rulers for $40,000 Saving by Co-operation in Offices

All departments of the city government were operated within the budget appropriations "during 1937 and the city's saving, as a result, was $40,000, Mayor George E. Brunner announced yesterday.
"I believe it is the first time in years that all departments have finished a year without a single departmental deficit," Brunner commented.

The Mayor expressed public thanks and commendation to his fellow commissioners for "whole-hearted cooperation with me, as the city's chief fiscal officer, in giving the taxpayers a break."
Brunner's announcement was made at the meeting of the city commission in connection with approval of routine interdepartmental transfers of unspent funds to balance the various bureau budgets. Figures for the individual departments were not released.

The commission approved the form of a $302,000 bond issue to pay the Pennsylvania railroad and subsidiaries for the right of way in Seventh street, purchased but not paid for by a previous commission.

The bonds will mature serially and will bear interest at 3% percent. 

An ordinance amending the 1924 ordinance on protection, regulation and control of trees, in city parks and streets was passed on final reading.

Michel Explains Ordinance

Commissioner Frederick von Nieda asked Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., to explain the new provisions, and Hartmann referred him to City Solicitor Firmin Michel, who explained:

The 1924 ordinance vested powers to permit plantings or removals and to fix penalties in the "Department of Parks," which does not exist.

The amendment vests these powers in the Bureau of Parks, the body which has control of trees and "other arboreal improvements."

The amendment also substitutes for specific arbitrary penalties for violation, as provided in the original ordinance, the blanket city ordinance penalties of fines not to exceed $200 and imprisonment not to exceed six months, or both.

"In my opinion the old penalties were not valid because they were not left to the discretion of the magistrate presiding," Michel said. "The city has the right to fix penalties, but must not attempt to take away the discretionary rights vested in magistrates."

The vote was unanimous after this explanation.

City Fund Increased

Approval of two resolutions providing adjustments on taxes and other liens on two properties will give the city $1450 in cash.

The commission approved acceptance of $1000 from Sylvan I. Seligman in settlement of unpaid taxes and liens, including the year 1937, on premises designated as the North side of Baird boulevard, Bridge boulevard and Maplewood street.

The other resolution provided acceptance of $450 in settlement of municipal claims on a property at 331 Royden street. The adjustment was made with the Beckett Building & Loan Association.

"In both these cases Mayor Brunner was successful in obtaining more money than was offered originally," Hartmann said.

In the first settlement, Hartmann said, the original amount was doubled and in the latter instance the amount was increased to give the city $150 additional. He then commended the Mayor for his record of driving consistently good bargains in tax settlements.

The election of three constables was approved. Hartmann nominated Peter Giardini, of 331 Beckett street, and Cyril J. Hughes, of 2262 South Eighth street. Commissioner Mary W. Kobus nominated Eugene Livingston, of 1025 Cooper street. All were elected for three year terms.

Bonds posted by James P. Conaghy, of the Sixth ward, and Frank J. Suttill, of the Seventh ward, both elected constables two weeks ago, were approved.

Title Sales Approved

Sale of three tax title certificates on as many properties was approved. Margaret A. Powell purchased the certificate covering the property at 506 Broadway upon agreement to pay all municipal liens.

Walter Dumbleton purchased certificates on property at 130 North Eleventh street and 2012 Arlington street, under a similar agreement.

Seven properties were acquired by payment of $175 for assignment of deeds. A resolution authorized the payment of $75 to Edward Handlers and wife for deeds covering 1418, 1420 and 1422 South Fourth street; payment of $75 to Elvena Simpson, for properties at 136, 138 and 140 Stanley street, and $25 to the Juniper Investment Corporation, covering premise's at 1029 Segal street.

The commission approved cancellation of taxes and liens on three properties acquired by foreclosure.

A used car sales license for Walter Viegel, 1169 Cooper street, and transfer of the license of George R. Van Sciver from Twelfth and State streets to 2610 Federal street, were approved.
Hartmann objected to granting licenses to dealers who leave cars parked in city streets.

"Between billboards, used car lots and cars parked in our city streets the City of Camden looks swell," Hartmann said. He voted in favor of both licenses.

Camden Courier-Post * February 11, 1938

$375 Minimum Monthly Rent Required by Rulers in Lease Offer

Camden's municipal parking "lot," bounded by Federal, Arch and Fifth street, will be put on the auction block again.

The City Commission yesterday authorized the legal department to make provisions for offers on a month-to-month rental of the tract.

No bid will be accepted unless the rental bid is more than $375 monthly, payable in advance.

Monroe Y. Brett, present holder of the lease, was awarded the rental contract on his bid of $441 a month. Since taking over the plot for a paid parking space he has lost money, he informed Commissioner Hartmann last week. Brett's lease expires Monday.

Available March 15

The resolution provides the lease shall be awarded the highest bidder for a term beginning March 15.

The lease, together with the terms agreed upon, will be filed with City Clerk Clay W. Reesman and shall lay over for two weeks to be open for public inspection.

Nothing is contained in the resolution that requires the city-owned plot shall be used for parking purposes. The resolution sets forth the "piece of ground is not needed for public use by the City of Camden."

Anticipated action on a proposed lease for radio station WCAM failed to develop.

The lease with the Broadcasting Advertising Company expired February 1, and since that time the station has been operated by the city under supervision of the Department of Revenue and Finance of which Mayor Brunner is director.

Housing Plan Deferred

Hartmann withheld a resolution he had prepared, providing a municipal housing authority composed of five members to supplant the present housing committee.

Hartmann announced he desired to study similar authorities in other cities. The legislature has not approved four Assembly bills providing the enabling legislation necessary to secure U. S. Housing Authority funds for slum clearance and low-cost housing, he said.

Mayor Brunner said he has been directing operation of the radio station with negligible profits.
"The station has been a big headache," the mayor said. "I expect to lease it as soon as certain matters are adjusted to the satisfaction of the Federal Communications Commission.

Camden Courier-Post * February 11, 1938

6 Old Frame Houses Disappear Mysteriously in South Camden
Hartmann Reports Dilapidated Dwellings Marked For Demolition
'Gone with the Wind' Before City Gets Chance to Raze Them

"MISSING—Six dilapidated South Camden properties. Locations, 1700-1702 Kossuth St., 757-759 Chestnut St.. 1891 Mulford St., and 1847 Miller St. Anyone having information as to the disappearance of said properties communicate with Frank J. Hartmann, Director of Public Works. City Hall."

The above could be used for an advertisement to help solve one of the most unusual incidents since Commissioner Hartmann took charge of the city department of public works.

Six houses that had little value seemed to vanish almost over night. The situation left Hartmann and his secretary and building bureau aide, William J. Palladino, somewhat flabbergasted.

"Yes sir, these properties simply dropped out of sight," Hartmann told a reporter. "They just went right out of sight as if they were wiped away in a cyclone or tornado."

"Just what do you mean they dropped out of sight?" the reporter queried.

"I'm telling you they're gone with the wind or something like that," rejoined Hartmann.

"Did somebody tear them down?" shot back the scribe.

"I just told you they disappeared into thin air," replied the director; "certainly somebody tore them down. You don't suppose the houses just walked away, do you?"

Then Commissioner Hartmann further explained the story of the "six missing properties."

The unoccupied frame dwellings were declared unsafe and branded as fire hazards by inspectors in the city building bureau. Hartmann and his assistants decided to proceed with the legal routine of compelling the owners to raze the buildings or to have the work done by the city at the expense of the owners.

Last Friday Hartmann and Palladino "double checked" the houses and tabbed them for destruction.

It so happened yesterday that Palladino was making a tour to locate other property that should be demolished. He passed the Chestnut Street locations and discovered—the two properties were not there. A few bricks and some debris and empty cellars remained.

Palladino inquired around the neighborhood. Nobody knew anything about the houses. Palladino took another trip. This time he went down to Kossuth street.

The two properties also were gone. Later Palladino found the Mulford and Miller street houses had disappeared. He then took it on the run to Commissioner Hartmann's office.

"They're gone," snapped Palladino to his chief.

"What's gone?" replied the usually undisturbed commissioner.

"Six houses are gone," replied Palladino. "They're gone, the whole the whole bunch of them."

Finally Palladino and Hartmann got together. They looked up the photographs of the missing houses. They were marked: "demolished by parties unknown."

"In one way the razing of the properties was a God-send," Hartmann said. "They were in a dangerous condition and should have been torn down a year ago.

"However, I will not permit any owner to just go ahead and tear down property without my permission. That would be a dangerous and vicious practice.

"I hope the city will soon be rid of these dangerous, dilapidated and unsanitary buildings. I am planning to order demolition of many properties through power invested by the city ordinance passed some time ago."

Hartmann has estimated the city has more than 500 properties that either should be re-built or torn down. Two previous efforts to have the Grand Jury return true bills against properties were unsuccessful.


Camden Courier-Post * February 11, 1938

Co-Operation in City Cleanup Facilitates Rubbish Collection
Separation of Refuse By Householders Permits Use of Ashes
for Street Repairs and Fill; Employees to Return Accommodation

This is the fifth in a series of articles showing how co-opera­tion by Camden citizens in ash and garbage collection can save money for, the city.


Camden citizens are co-operating so well with Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann in his campaign to improve the appearance of the city streets that the director of public works today announced a new procedure for collections. 

Heretofore ashes, garbage, papers, bottles, cans and other rubbish had , to be collected together because householders failed to put out their of refuse in separate containers.

Now, however, Hartmann's request to keep ashes separate from garbage and other refuse have been heeded so well that the new method has been decided on. 

Beginning Monday, Hartmann said, separate trucks will be used for collection of ashes and the other refuse. By removing the ashes in one truck and the garbage, papers, bottles and cans and other rubbish in another, the ashes will be available for road repairs and to fill in lowlands. Then the other trucks, containing the garbage and rubbish can be taken direct to the city incinerator at Fourteenth and. Federal streets.

"The people have shown a wonderful spirit of co-operation," Hartmann said, "and when they see how much better their streets look and realize the assistance they are giving the city employees, I am sure they will continue to aid us by placing their refuse in proper containers."

If this co-operation continues, Hartmann said he hoped eventually specific days could be set aside for collection of different types of refuse. For instance ashes would be collected on one day and another day would be set aside for removal of garbage and rubbish.

"I believe that would make it easier for the householders, who now must put out everything at once," the Commissioner said.

While Hartmann said he appreciated the aid given by the citizens in his campaign, he also announced the collectors themselves would be given additional instructions. 

Collectors to Aid Also

"I am going to ask the men who collect the refuse not to throw the empty containers down on the curb lines. They will be instructed to place them carefully along the other side of the pavement close to the houses or where there are fences to put them inside," the Commissioner said. 

"That will take very little more time or trouble and I believe it will prevent the empty containers from being, kicked about the streets. 

"Also, I will ask Commissioner Mary W. Kobus, director of public safety, to seek the co-operation of the fire marshal in eliminating any other condition which I found." 

"In several sections I found high, top-heavy piles of baled and loose papers on the sidewalks in front of junkyards. A stiff wind easily could send this paper all over the streets."

Camden Courier-Post - February 11, 1938

27th Annual Event Expected to Break Record on Night of Feb. 26

The twenty-seventh annual banquet of the Pyne Poynt Social Club promises to be the most successful and best attended in the history of this North Camden sports and social group.

From different parts of the country acknowledgments are coming in to Frank Kelley, chairman of the banquet committee, from members that they will be present at the dinner to be held Saturday night, Feb. 26, at the club's headquarters, corner of Fifth and Erie streets.

"We are striving to make this affair the best in the history of the club," said President Ed H. Winters, "and we believe it will far out measure our fondest expectations in the matter of attendance and the good time that everyone there will have.

"The club, in the years that it has been in existence, has occupied a prominent place in the sporting and social affairs of North Camden. It has been the means of making and holding friendships, and the 
friendships so established are cemented further each year by the annual banquet. The members look forward to it."

This year the principal speaker will be Gordon Mackay, member of the editorial staff of the Courier-Post newspapers. Mackay, who has been associated with newspapers for the last 40 years, will talk of sports, on which he is an acknowledged authority.

Among those who already have said they will attend are William Brandt, of Washington; George A. E. Rheinhold, also of Washington; William N. Cann, of Wilmington; Howard Hurlock and Louis Schwaiger, of Philadelphia; Robert Johnson, R. K. Dawrinson, Victor J. Paxson, Walter Adams, Harry McKinney, Fred Schwaiger, Ralph T. Githens, William Oberst, Clarence Rudolph and Arthur Messier, of Westwood; Herbert Schaeffer, of Bloomfield; Harry Edginton, of Milton, Del.; Thomas Kerr, of Bogota; Ren Plum, of Mt. Ephraim; J. Russell Taylor and Ed D. Crosley, of Buffalo, and Arthur Truitt, of Bridgeport, Conn.

Since the organization of the club, in the latter part of January, 1911, the following have been presidents: Harry F. Walton, 1911 and 1912; Cecil Battle. 1913 and 1914; George Townsend, 1915 and 1916; Frank Boyer, 1917; John Begg, 1918; Frank Haines, 1919, 1920 and 1931; John R. Taylor, 1921; Alex Kahnweiler, 1922; Ed. H. Winters, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1935, 1936 and 1937; Richard Barry, 1932 and 1933; and Frank J. Hartmann, Jr.., now city commissioner, in 1934.

Vice presidents have been: Willard Fox, 1911; Battle. 1912; Barry, 1913 and 1931: Begg, 1914, 1915 and 1916 Arthur Messier, 1917, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928 and 1929; Haines, 1918; Winters, 1919; Schaeffer, 1921; William Benecke, 1922; W. E. Baird 1930; Barry, 1931; Otto H. Braun 1932, and Kahnweiler, 1933, 1934, 1935 1936 and 1937.


Floor Show to Be Added Feature of Dance Here on Saturday

Plans for a snappy floor show as an additional feature' of the second annual charity ball of the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, Camden Forest No. 5, were announced yesterday.

Sonny James with the recording and broadcasting orchestra that bears his name, will supply the music— interspersing swing for the youngsters with waltzes for the old-timers.

James will present as the floor show attraction The Musical Aces and Their Queens, radio performers. 

Harold Stephans, vocalist with the orchestra, also will be featured.

The ball is scheduled for Saturday night at Hotel Walt Whitman.

The general committee consists of the membership of all other committees, which are:

Executive: Joseph C. Brown, Grand Tall Cedar, ex-officio; William E. Strouse, chairman and Daniel W. Forsyth, secretary and treasurer.

Grand Conductor: Walter W. Giffins.

Reception: Paul C. Ireton, leader; George Murray, Walter Morris, William Rohrer, Harry Holt, Vic Marx, Charles Ackley, Howard Dahl, Francis Gaskill, Frederick von Nieda, and Frank Hartmann.

Tickets, Walter Mattison; door, Louis Bull and Paul B. Miles, press, Frank H. Ryan. Electrical, Wilbur Peters; wardrobe, Charles Neil, William Strong, Elmer Burgess, Taylor Kellogg and Charles Green; safety, Lieut. George W. Frost, Frank Jaggard, Russell Young and Francis Gutherman; decorations, Fred Knodel, Charles Dorrman, Harry Sykes, Harry Flowers, Merton McCormick, Edward Zimmerman and William Delbaugh.

Camden Courier-Post * February 12, 1938

Hartmann Has New Problem In Hamburgers on Parking Lot
Lessee Seeks Opportunity to Augment Income Before Signing New Agreement Leaving Question in Lap of Commissioner

Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann almost daily is called upon to solve bewildering problems in his job of directing the 16 bureaus that make up the city Department of Public Works.

The almost over-night disappearance of six dilapidated houses left him somewhat perplexed, but yesterday another vexing matter was put to him for an official decision.

Hartmann must decide whether he will approve and seek the double approval of his colleagues in the City Commission on a matter of establishing a hamburger restaurant on the east end of the present commercial auto parking lot bounded by Federal, Arch, Fifth and Hudson streets.

Monroe Y. Brett, present leaseholder of the parking tract, notified Hartmann he will vacate the premises next Monday because the parking business proved a losing venture, due to the rent of $441 a month.

Hamburger to Rescue

However, Brett seized upon an idea that will permit him to continue occupancy. He passed the offer along to City Assessor S. Raymond Dobbs, acting supervisor of city property.

Brett wants the privilege of building and operating a hamburger restaurant, and if given that privilege he is willing to sign for a longer lease.

Dobbs put the matter up to Hartmann with the result Walter S. Anderson, an attorney and assistant to Hartmann, was called into a conference to debate the matter.

There is nothing in the rental resolution that stipulates for what the tract is to be used.
Anderson said advertising of the leasehold agreement contains a notice that sets forth certain 
conditions in connection with the proposed second auction of the leasehold agreement are to be made on the date of the auction.

Stipulation May be Made

Further, the attorney said the city legal department with consent of the members of the City 
Commission can stipulate use of the tract.

The resolution authorizing sale of the rental agreement states the piece of ground, which is paved with concrete, is not needed for public use.

Dobbs insisted that if restrictions are not fixed, Brett or another lessee can build a hamburger restaurant, a hot dog stand or even a tent-covered market place. On this point both Anderson and Hartmann agreed.

The question to be decided is whether the city shall grant Brett permission to build his hamburger restaurant and pay the city $441 a month, or auction off the rental agreement for a stipulated amount of not less than $375 a month.

Whether the city will successfully negotiate a rental agreement for the new figure is in doubt, 
inasmuch as Brett was unable to make his parking business pay him a profit..

Camden Courier-Post - February 12, 1938
To Lead March

Camden Officials to Attend
Barbers' and Beauticians' Fete Monday

More than 700 persons, including Camden city and county officials, will attend the first annual ball of the Beauticians and Barbers Association to be given Monday night at the Moose ballroom, 808 Market street, Camden.

The group, a Gloucester city organization headed by Peter A. Sessa, president of the Gloucester Master Barbers, and Miss Florence Winters, president of the Beauticians, voted to hold the event in Camden because ample quarters are not available in Gloucester due to condemnation of the old city hall.

Guests at the ball will include City Commissioners Mary W. Kobus, Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., Harold W. Bennett, Frederick von Nieda and Mayor George Brunner. Other guests will be Postmaster Emma E. Hyland, Prosecutor Samuel P. Orlando, Judges Joseph Varbalow and Gene Mariano, Mary Soistmann, Democratic state committeewoman, and Frank B. Hanna and Mrs. Florence Baker, members oŁ the Republican State Committee; City Solicitor Firmin Michel; Mayor John F. Gorman, of Gloucester; A. L. Kuhn, of Trenton, and Charles E. Paglucia, of Plainfield, members of the State Board of Barber Examiners; Lewis Waldman, of Trenton, president of the State Master Barbers' Association, and Vincent Ferrante, president of the Camden Master Barbers' Association.


She will lead the grand march of the first annual ball of the Beauticians and Barbers Association of Gloucester, to be held Monday night in the Moose ballroom, 808 Market street.

Music will be furnished by Bob Horton and his orchestra, and dancing will be supervised by Prof. Edward Daisey.

The committee in charge includes Lewis Kelly, chairman; Johanna Fox, secretary; Peter Pellegrino, treasurer; Verna Casey, Margaret Shuster, Catherine Moran, Effie Jones, Anna Caldwell, Florence Winters, Jean Gorman, Arthur Kinch, Nicholas Casto, Dominick La Bascio, Rocco Burgo, Peter Sessa and William Cheeseman.

Camden Courier-Post * February 14, 1938
Hartmann Approves Plans for 2 Modern Stores at 213-15 Broadway
100 Garage Licenses Granted by Building Bureau, Palladino Reports

Plans for two modern stores on the site of 213-15 Broadway, have been approved by Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann.

The stores, modernistic in design, will be built for Abraham Brandt, of 104 King street, Gloucester City. The contractor will be S. Levy, Inc.

Two former stores on the sites have been razed to make room for the more modern buildings, which will be the first of their design in the city.

The stores will be one story in height with false fronts built to give them greater height. The plans provide for the future erection of upper stories.

The weekly report of William J. Palladino, personal secretary to Broadway and architectural assistant, shows 19 building permits were issued for a building valuation of $22,738.

During the week 13 building trades and 100 garage licenses were issued. Permits were granted for 19 private, two public and three garage-repair shops. A permit was granted for a parking lot. Receipts of the building bureau for the week totaled $538.50. Total inspections were 104 with four violations reported. Six complaints were investigated.

Permits granted in the past two weeks include;

New gas stations at 2363 Bridge Boulevard, $5000; 
Atlantic Refining Co., owners; J. W. Markeim, contractor.
Fire repairs at 1127 Mt. Ephraim avenue, $500; 
William Yost; Anthony Ferozzi.
Fire repairs at 753 Chestnut street, $143;
Alexander Wallace; R. Carusso.
Repairs at rear of 500 Broadway, $200; 
Edward Waddington; John Welsh & Son.
Repairs at 820 Broadway, $150; 
City of Camden; Charles Schraloli.
Repairs to baker's oven at 1228 Haddon avenue, $400; 
Alfred Essig; S. Huberek.

Camden Courier-Post * February 14, 1938
Trash Kept Separate Leaves Cinders for Use in Park Fill

This is the seventh in a series of articles showing how co-operation by Camden citizens in ash and garbage collection can save money for the city.


Co-operation by Camden householders in keeping separate their ashes from other refuse collected by the city has aided in making possible the eventual elimination of an eye-sore as well as the more rapid creation of a real beauty spot at a saving of thousands of dollars to the city.

So quick has been the response to Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann's appeals that he was able yesterday to begin using the ashes as fill to eliminate the swamps at Farnham Park.

Heretofore the practice of Householders in putting out their containers filled with mixed ashes, garbage and rubbish made it necessary for the city collectors to dump all on the city dumps, with little possibility of its being reclaimed.

These dumps, necessarily unsanitary, are covered with valuable ashes which cannot be utilized for any useful purpose because of the fact that they are mixed with other refuse.

But since the director of public works appealed to Camden citizens to keep their ashes separate, Hartmann has been able to put these ashes to valuable use.

The first load of ashes collected from Camden homes was used as fill on the Farnham Park WPA project.

"I believe we will be able to make use of 150 cubic yards of ashes a day on this project of filling in the swamps and making new land in the park," Commissioner Hartmann said. "These ashes, which heretofore have been lost to us, will be credited to us as part of the city's 
contribution as sponsor of the project. We are credited by the WPA with the fill and use of our own trucks. The credit is about $5 a load.

"As a result of our being able to use the ashes collected, Camden will be able to dump about 30 loads a day, thus being credited with $150 a day as part of our contribution to the work.

"Because we can use these ashes, which have been kept separate from other refuse by the householders, the work can progress much faster. The procedure has been for the men to dig off the top soil, use the under soil as fill, and replace the top soil. This labor will be avoided if the ashes can be used as fill and the work of eliminating the swamps and creating new lawns can proceed much faster.

"There is another spot, at Bergen street and River road, on which these ashes can be used. There has been a deep hole there for years, caused by foundations for a razed structure which never has been filled in. I am going to have that leveled off with ashes and covered with a layer of top soil.

Camden Courier-Post * February 15, 1938
Hartmann Orders Collectors Of Refuse to Do Tidy Jobs
Public Works Director Gets Complaints of Carelessness;
Calls on Aides to Co-operate With Citizens or Face Dismissal


While citizens are aiding toward more efficient collection of refuse by the city, Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann is not going to let them do it all.

It's up to the city employees to do their share and the director of public works is going to see that they do it.

Letters of commendation which have been received by Hartmann since he inaugurated his campaign to improve the system of refuse collection have expressed offers of co-operation by the citizens and praise for the manner in which the streets are being kept clean. But they also point out that the condition could be improved still more if those who collect the ashes, garbage and refuse would be more careful and considerate of the householders.

"I am glad to receive these suggestions from the citizens," Hartmann said, "and our men have been instructed to see that many of the complaints are rectified and the suggestions followed. If they fail to co-operate as the citizens are doing, some of them are going to be fired."

Most of the complaints received by Hartmann indicate that the collectors fail to replace properly the containers after they have been emptied.

For instance, here is one letter from a resident of the Eleventh ward:

"As a reader of the Courier-Post, my attention was attracted to a notice issued by you: 'Notice —refuse in this container not properly prepared.'

"Sounds swell in print.

"Rubbish, ashes arid garbage must be put out the night before collection, and after the boys and men are through ransacking everything, you really cannot distinguish which container is which, and when the collectors are through handling your containers, you still do not know which is which.

"Two weeks ago one of your collectors took time off to hang one of my rubbish containers on one of our trees and I had quite a hard time to get it down, for he had twisted a branch in and out of the handle. I saw him do it. 

Vacant Lots Used

"This is not a letter of criticism but just to give you an idea of what the housekeepers are up against. They find it very hard to co-operate with the city orders.

"I would also like to call your attention to the many city-owned lots, which the neighbors use as dumping grounds for their ashes, rubbish and garbage. This is unhealthy and encourages fire. I would suggest signs, placed on these lots that placing refuse there was not allowed. It would certainly make the neighborhood a lot better to look at.

"I am speaking of the Eleventh ward. Last year you will remember there were so many contagious diseases among the children of school age. As you know children play on these vacant lots. We all know this is safer for them than in the streets and enforcement of the law against dumping refuse would mean so much."

Here's another example of collectors' carelessness, as reported to 
Hartmann by a North Camden citizen:

"I want to congratulate you on the movement you have taken to make the Camden streets cleaner. I think it is time something was done and I think everyone should do all they can to help. I myself have always been very careful in putting stuff out. I always put ashes in a galvanized container, put garbage in a pail by itself and always put trash, paper and so forth, in bags and tie them securely.

"It is all very good advice you are making public but I think you should also give some advice to the men who collect the refuse. There are a number of things they could improve on.

"One is that when they empty the containers, they should set them back on the pavement right side up, not throw them down to roll all over the street.

"I had a large galvanized ash container practically new. Last week they emptied it, threw it down on the pavement. It rolled into the gutter and the truck ran over it, making it flat.

"Another thing, they fill the carts too full and I have watched them a number of times when they would throw the stuff up on one side and it would roll off the other side into the street. When it rolls off, they don't pick it up but go on, leaving it all over the street. A number of mornings I have walked down to the office behind the ash carts and as they went down the street they would leave a trail behind them of boxes, cans and ashes.

"I know a great many people are careless in putting things out but the men that collect are just as much to blame as the people. Yesterday morning when I went to the office, our square was nice and clean but when I came home at night it was a disgrace. I gathered up more than I could hold in my hands and it did not belong to me but had been dropped on my pavement. I think if every one in the homes, as well as the men who collect would do their part, we would have a different looking city."

Dogs Scatter Refuse

A resident of Kaighn avenue wrote:

"I notice that only one truck calls for the collection. All of it, ashes, paper, tin cans and food refuse is thrown on the same vehicle. What difference would it make if householders purchased three expensive containers to see the contents of all of them dumped together? Then our dogs that roam the streets, no tags, no dog-catcher, no apparent owner, sometimes make a sorry mess of the output."

On this suggestion, Hartmann pointed out that beginning Monday, separate trucks will be used to collect the ashes and the rest of the refuse. Later he hopes to rearrange the schedule of collections so that ashes will be collected on one day, garbage on another and trash on still another.

Commending Hartmann on his drive for cleaner streets, an East Camden resident suggested that Hartmann or an aide speak to the students of the senior and junior high schools and ask their co-operation in keeping the streets clean.

Camden Courier-Post * February 15, 1938
Hartmann Reveals Earnings at Rate of $1000 a Day; Equals 27c Tax Cut

Camden's water bureau operated at an unprecedented profit of $365,804.24 last year, Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann announced yesterday. The figure is equivalent to 27 cents on the tax rate.

Actual collections—current and delinquent—totaled $651,456.08, or $43,299.11 in excess of the total assessment of $608,156.97. Expenditures were listed in Hartmann's report at $367,823.24.

City's Water Bureau

The actual cash surplus turned over to the city's treasury reached the record figure of $253,804.24, according to the commissioner. This figure compares with $181,000 for 1936.

To the cash balance Hartmann adds $17,000 paid out of water receipts to the New Jersey Water Company for fire-hydrant rental in the Eleventh and Twelfth wards, $85,000 in free hydrant service in the other 12 wards, and $10,000 for water supplied free to public schools, hospitals, all public buildings, street sprinklers and municipal wading and swimming pools. 

Demand Nearly Up to 1936

Despite the increase in revenues and profit the daily average pumpage for the year was 16,256,139 gallons, compared with 17,780,167 in 1936, Hartmann revealed. The biggest single day m 1937 was Aug. 19 when 29,870,000 gallons were pumped; the smallest was Nov. 21 with 10,805,000. In 1936, the maximum was reached Aug. 25 with 28,644,000. The minimum was on Nov. 15 with 11,362,000.

The municipal water bureau has 24,866 customers, exclusive of 6000 served in the two East Camden wards by the private company, Hartmann's report discloses. Flat rate services number 23,444; meters, 1442. Camden has 140 miles of mains and 1500 fire hydrants.

The 1937 assessment was made up of $382,506.67 for flat rates and $225,650.30, meters.

Actual ash collections were $325,966.92 and $206,431.53, respectively. 

In addition, miscellaneous water revenue produced $15,195.95, one-year delinquent flat rates $52,-262.36, one-year meters $19,586.02, outstanding flats $26,792.28 and outstanding meters $5221.02.

Against this total revenue of $651,456.08, expenses were $367,823.24, made up as follows:

Debt service, $122,054.75, or 33.2 percent (interest, $71,104.97; maturing bonds, $46,475; sinking fund, f4474.78). Payroll, $104,538.77, or 28.41 percent. Light and power $92,395.72, or 25.1 percent. Fire hydrant rentals $17,064.01, or 4.65 percent.
Miscellaneous $11,751.09, or 3.2 percent. Pipes and mains $5088.52, or 1.38 percent.
Wells and stations $14,930.38, or 4.06 percent; taxes and insurance, $2172.16; meters, $1720.96; building maintenance, $1329.92; machinery, $1167.71; gas and oil, $1125.41; auto maintenance, $1100.05; telephone charges, j $795.55; coal, $728.66; street repairs, $529.29; oil, waste and packing, $278.53.

Staff Praised by Hartmann 

In his report, Hartmann praises the work of James H. Long, Edward Sheehan and James W. Connor, respectively superintendent of water distribution, assistant superintendent and chief clerk.

"The water bureau last year rendered service to 24,866 customers with complaints that were negligible in nature and few in number," Hartmann said.

"Water supplied to Camden comes from 10 sources within the city limits and three outside, Morris, Puchack and Delair. Each wellhouse was repaired and painted during the year.

"An example of what is being done is the reconditioning of well No. 5, in the rear of Convention Hall, which was damaged by electrolysis. This well was pulled, cleaned and had a new silicon-bronze screen installed and repacked, with the result that where the well formerly produced 900 gallons of water a minute, it now regularly produces more than 1100. 

"The well crew is systematically and continually overhauling and cleaning all wells in our system, with the result that today we find the production of our water supply : in better condition and more adequate than at any other time in the history of Camden.

"No new wells were installed during the last year at any location. While our water mains still contain a little foreign matter which was accumulated during the days when Camden received its supply from other sources, this situation is gradually being remedied by flushing mains and opening fireplugs.

"Because the temperature of Camden's water is so low (between 52 and 56 degrees) and because it is relatively free from chemicals and foreign matter, air conditioning is bound to make great strides in the city.

"Food and beverage companies are discovering that Camden water is valuable for their business, and a combination of all these is definitely sure to result in a greater demand for the product."

Listing operations, Hartmann said service was turned off Jan. 1, 1937 at 492 properties; 33 new meters were installed, 54 new permits granted, 180 fixture installations made, 383 fire hydrants repaired, 13 new hydrants set, one hydrant removed, mains and valves repaired, meters tested and repaired, 370 ferrules replaced and 44 ferrules taken out.

"Inspectors' reports show 2930 inspections, 1340 complaints found, 529 shutoffs, 11,389 bills delivered, 6888 meters read, 336 fire hydrants examined, 988 leaks found, 8432 notices served and 295 turn-ons," Hartmann said.

"In line with our policy of cooperation among bureaus, our inspectors made 553 reports to the building bureau, 49 to the board of health, 167 to the highway bureau and four to the electrical bureau. 

"The office force comprising five clerks worked daily from 8.30 a.m. to 5 p. m. except on those days at the end of each tax quarter, when the office remained open until 9 p. m. The bureau has 62 men on the payroll in all."

Camden Courier-Post * February 15, 1938
Urges 5-Day Limit for Civil Service Workers, Spurred by Schneider Case

Trenton, Feb. 14.—A bill to restrict suspension of civil service employees to five days, was introduced tonight in the Assembly by Assemblyman Rocco Palese.

Thirty-day suspensions are provided at present as a maximum. Palese said his bill was inspired by the recent 30-day suspension which Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., of Camden, imposed upon Thomas Schneider, inspector in the Water Department.

Schneider had charged "drones" were in Hartmann's department, and when asked for names game none. The suspension followed.

"Of course some discipline is necessary," said Palese, "but I think five days is sufficient for any offense."

Another bill offered tonight by Palese would make it necessary for any persons applying for a new trial on a criminal charge to file a notice of the application with the prosecutor's office as well as with the court..

Camden Courier-Post * February 16, 1938

Assemblyman Palese has introduced in the Legislature a bill intended to 
protect Civil Service employees— But which might easily do the opposite!

Where suspensions up to 30 days now are permitted for disciplinary purpose, Palese's bill would limit the suspension to five days. His belief is that "five days is sufficient for any offense."

That, of course, depends not only on the offense but on the discretion of the official who wishes to enforce order and efficiency among his employees. 

The bill is based on the case of Thomas Schneider, inspector in the Camden city water department, who recently charged the department was infested with "drones." Commissioner Hartmann suspended Schneider for 30 days but offered to reinstate the inspector if he would name the "drones" or substantiate his remarks. Schneider refused—and permitted the penalty to appear entirely justified.

While a 30-day suspension might be considered a severe penalty, it is obvious that it also has saved many employees their jobs—giving department heads an available alternative to the red tape and unpleasantness of filing specific charges and causing an offender to lose his job altogether.

To reduce the suspension period from 30 days to five days would virtually remove the alternative, limiting punishment to a figurative slap on the wrist.

To establish leniency, whether deserved or not might meet with approval of the State Court of Pardons but we doubt whether it will elicit much public applause.

It will serve only as a "backfire" for Civil Service if it results in formal charges and outright dismissals for employees now subject to a 30-day "fine.".

Camden Courier-Post * February 16, 1938
School Estimates Board Defers
Action on $1,978,225 Budget
Mrs. Kobus Urges Employ ment of Auditor to Aid in Paring Costs


The Board of School Estimates met yesterday and adjourned with out taking any action on the proposed $1,978,225 budget approved by the Board of Education.

The education budget is $135,244 more than the $1,842,981 provided for the 1937-38 year.
Mayor Brunner and City Commissioner Hartmann insisted at the board of estimates meeting that the budget was too high and would have to be pruned. At the sug gestion of Commissioner Kobus, who also is president of the Board of Education, the meeting authorized City Comptroller McCord to employ an auditor to report on school costs.

It seemed the sense of yester day's meeting that the items calling for additional teachers and janitors would have to be cut and that perhaps employment of new teachers for the Davis School to take care of Westfield Acres pupils could be reduced by transfer of some teachers from other schools.

Held Due to Salaries

In addition to the commissioners, the estimates board includes Mrs. Alice K. Predmore and E. George Aaron. The latter was absent.

The estimates board, which must approve the budget, adjourned in definitely to meet again at the call of the Mayor when McCord's audit is completed.

Mrs. Kobus explained that virtually the entire increase is due to restoration of one-half of the exist ing 10 percent salary cuts and the proposed additions of 20 new teachers and two janitors.

The president added that 15 of the new teachers are assigned to the recently enlarged Davis School, three to the two high schools and two to junior schools.

Half of the increase will appear in Camden City's 1938 budget, which operates on a calendar year as contrasted with the school fiscal year.

Five-Cent Rise on 1938 

The total rise is equivalent to 10 cents on the tax rate, so that half the amount means a five-cent increase on the 1938 rate

Mrs. Kobus said she with other board members did everything possible to prevent an increase and pointed out that the only unusual increase, other than teachers' salaries was for supplies and materials.

In making up the budget the board members pared several appropriations in an effort to apportion $43,000 as a sponsor's share to obtain a PWA grant of $232,000 for additions, alterations and im provements to several schools.

The appropriation for teachers is $1,487,061, compared to $1,388,745 for the last fiscal year, an increase of $98,316.

For other salaries, including executive, office, clerical and janitors, $262,579 was appropriated. The total for the previous year was $236,386, an increase of $27,868.

The amount for supplies, materials and other items is $226,910, an increase of $9160 over the pre vious year when the total was $217,850.

The city's apportionment of revenue to be appropriated is $1,692,225. In estimated sources of revenue, $100,000 is expected to come from an additional state appropriation. Additional state funds include, appropriation, $169,463; manual training, $5000; crippled children, $1500; evening schools, $500.

Other anticipated revenue items include tuition fees, $1000; teachers absence refunds, $3000; miscellaneous, $3000.

Secretary Albert Austermuhl stated additional funds may be anticipated from enrollment of students from schools outside the city. He also stated the state has not paid the city its share for the "education of crippled children. The amount in arrears for two past years is $3000, 
he said.

For instructions in elementary, high, junior high schools and manual training the amount is fixed at $1,431,117.

The sum of $135,884 is set up for supervisory instruction, with $41,615 for administration.

Costs for operation of elementary schools is placed at $130,067. The cost for the operation of the high schools is $47,605 with $37,750 appropriated for junior high schools.

Other budget items include co ordinated activities, $40,956; property maintenance cost, $74,455; fix ed charges, $13,760; auxiliary agencies, $8900; special schools, $15,116. 

Total salaries for teachers in elementary, kindergarten, special classes and correction classes total $874,955. For high school teachers the amount is $259,467. Junior school teachers salaries total $156,169.

The increases for teachers are: elementary and other classes, $53,535; high schools, $19,146; junior schools, $10,279. Manual training costs increased $5066.

Cost for elementary school janitor salaries is set at $81,217, an increase of $11,428. Most of the increase is due to additional janitorial service required for the Davis school annex.

The sum of $33,655 is appropriated for high school janitors, an increase of $1815. The amount for junior high school janitors is $27,000, an increase of $1483..

Camden Courier-Post * February 17, 1938
Dinner Speakers Predict Camden Man Will Get Association Post

Robert Wonsetler, of the Camden Fire Department, was hailed as the next state president of the Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association at the 41st anniversary dinner of Camden Local, No. 5, last night. It was held in Kenney's Cafe, with 150 members and their women folks attending.

The Camden man is now first vice president of the state association and state representative of the local. James Delaney, of Elizabeth, state president, and other state officers who were among the speakers predicted that when the local has its 42nd anniversary next year, it will have occasion to celebrate the election of Wonsetler as 1939 state president.

Other speakers were Mayor George E. Bruner, City Commissioners Mary W. Kobus and Frank J. Hartmann, Assemblyman Rocco Palese, Fire Chief John H. Lennox, Carlton W. Rowand, Bruce A. Wallace and Freeholder Edward J. Quinlan.

State officers attending, besides Delaney and Wonsetler, were Fred Bailey, Weehawken, second vice president; George Steele, Union City, recording secretary; Joseph Burke, Newark, financial secretary, and Jack Reed, Kearny, treasurer.

Surrogate Frank B. Hanna, who was toastmaster, referred to the three city commissioners present as "candidates for re-election without opposition."

Commissioner Kobus, head of the city fire department, was applauded when she announced wash-stands and showers are being installed in local firehouses and that windbreakers and new fire nets have been ordered.

"The firehouses in Camden are in better condition than ever before,"
Commissioner Hartmann said.

Officers of the Camden Local are Chester Andrus, president; W. Samuel Mountney, vice president; Nelson Andrews, recording secretary; Harrison Pike, financial secretary; Henry Zook, treasurer; Ralph Bingemann, sergeant-at-arms; William H. Harrison, chaplain, and Wonsetler, state representative.

Russell J. Anderson was chairman of the dinner committee, which included Harry Wagner, Arthur Batten, Harry Wilkers, David Humphries and Pike.

Camden Courier-Post * February 17, 1938
Merger of Surrogate, Registrar and County Clerk Posts Advised by Burnison

James W. Burnison, chairman of the Joint Taxation Committee's executive committee, yesterday sent a letter to Dr. W. Carleton Harris, city-county financial adviser, making several recommendations in the hope of maintaining or even reducing the county tax rate.

Pointing out that if the county budget is adopted on first reading tonight only a 10 percent change can be made later in the tax levy, Burnison urged that the committee's suggestions be acted upon at once.

Among the recommendations were these:

1. Consolidation of the offices of county clerk, register of deeds and surrogate to prevent a $14,000 loss incurred by the first two named offices and even show a profit.

2. County should ask the city to bid on maintenance of both the city and county buildings, as Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann had stated the city could do so at a saving of at least $40,000.

3. A thorough survey of jobs and salaries. Two pay increases were cited and questioned by Burnison, as examples.

Burnison's letter, which also compliments Dr. Harris for discovering an unnecessary $45,000 road item in the budget, follows:

Too Late for Full Study

"We received a copy of the proposed 1938 budget for Camden County too late to make the study of it that is necessary for intelligent recommendations for savings prior to its introduction, after which time a change of only ten percent can be made in each item. We are therefore hastening to bring to your attention certain matters which we have previously taken up with the freeholders in former years that may offer the savings necessary for preventing an increase in the 1938 tax rate or making an actual decrease possible.

"We commend you for detecting the road item amounting to $45,000, which you brought to the public's attention this morning.

"Last year Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann of the City of Cam-den, made a statement that he could operate the City Hall and Courthouse at a tremendous saving over the $122,111 which the county is asking for 1938. In our opinion the cursory examination of the operating expenses of the Courthouse showed that material savings could be made. We know for instance that in the Courthouse operating expenses an allowance is made for an electrician at $1800, and an electrician's helper at $1500. On the other hand we notice that for all of the institutions at Lakeland there is only an allowance of $1620 for an electrician and $1500 for an electrician's helper.

Suggests City Make Bid

"This is but one of the many items that a more careful study of the 1938 budget would disclose in connection with courthouse operation.

"Why doesn't the county ask the city to make a bid for operating and maintaining the city hall and courthouse for 1938? From our understanding of Commissioner Hartmann's statement last year, the city would propose to do this at a saving of not less than $40,000 under the figure which the county is asking. This item alone would be nearly enough to prevent an increase in the county's tax rate, and combined with the $45,000 that you, have found in the highway fund, would make a decrease possible.

'The anticipated income from the county clerk's and register of deed's office totals $50,000. The appropriation for expenses totals $64,407, a loss of $14,407. We repeat our request made to Mr. Gerhard, chairman of the finance committee, that legislation be requested for the combination not only of these two offices, but also of the surrogate's office to permit economy in operation. We are confident that such 
combination of offices would prevent any further loss in the operating of the register of deed and county clerk's offices, thus saving at least $14,000 a year and probably would make the combined offices show a profit. Pending such legislation we request a thorough review of the pay schedules of these offices, and of other county offices.

Comment on Pay Boosts

"We cite but two examples. The 1936 budget shows an Elizabeth P. Haines as having been restored from a $665 pay schedule to the regular pay schedule of $700. But the 1938 budget showed an E. P. Haines whom we presume is the same person as having received $1200 in 1937 and as listed for a salary of $1200 for 1938. At the same time, it does not disclose that she took office of any person who was dropped from the payroll, as the payroll budget is supposed to show. What accounted for 
her increase of $500 in salary?

"That this is not an isolated case is evident from a similar instance to be found in connection with The salary schedule of William P. Cotter, supervising bridge attendant. He is shown in the 1936 budget as being listed for a regular salary of $1500. But in the 1937 budget he was increased from $1287.50— not to $1500 but to $1800, and $1800 is again requested for him in the 1938 budget. And in addition thereto, 
$750 is now asked for vacation and sick relief that did not appear in any previous budget.

"Time does not permit us at this moment to go into further detail concerning the proposed 1938 budget. We are convinced from the items mentioned that savings can be found that not only will eliminate the proposed increase in tax rate, but will make another cut possible.".

Camden Courier-Post * February 21, 1938
William J. Palladino - Frank J. Hartmann Jr.

Camden Courier-Post
February 23, 1938


Horace R. Dixon - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Harold W. Bennett - George Brunner
Mary Kobus - Joseph N. Hettell - S. Raymond Dobbs - Rocco Palese

Camden Courier-Post * February 24, 1938
Quinlan. and Hartmann Urge Plot at 38th and Federal Be Cared For

Improvement of Johnson Cemetery at Thirty-eighth and Federal streets was urged by Freeholder Edward J. Quinlan. and City Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann at a meeting of the Twelfth Ward Republican Club, 2709 Westfield Avenue

Quinlan said the Negro cemetery is in a rundown condition and that 80 percent of the bodies buried there are those of Civil War Veterans. 

"The cemetery is covered with weeds and tombstones are overturned. It is a shame and I have appealed to the government. through Congressman Wolverton, to have the condition remedied," Quinlan said. 

Hartmann said he did not know Quinlan had been working on that problem but that he also was acting. 

"I was asked by the American Legion to aid in, remedying the appearance of the cemetery," Hartmann said, "and we are working on a plan by which the bodies would be removed to another cemetery and this lot would be used as a park." 

Hartmann also declared he hoped that in the near future the city could acquire the plant of the New Jersey Water Company to provide cheaper water for the Eleventh and. Twelfth wards. Those are the only wards not served by the city. 

He described his campaign to clean up the streets by asking the co-operation of citizens in putting out their ashes arid other refuse and declared the separation of the ashes and paper would make it possible for the city to sell that refuse at a profit. 


Camden Courier-Post - February 25, 1938
27th Annual Get-Together Will Hear Gordon Mackay Tell of Oldtime Sports

When members, of the Pyne Poynt Social Club gather in the club's headquarters, southwest corner of Fifth and Erie streets, tomorrow night it will be to mark the twenty-seventh, annual get-together which will be observed with a banquet. 

Harry F. Walton, first president of the organization, which was formed in the latter part of January, 1911, will be toastmaster. He served as head of the club in 1911 and 1912. 

Gordon Mackay, member of the news staff of the Courier-Post newspapers' and an authority on sports, will be the speaker. Mackay will give highlights on sporting activities with which he has become so familiar in his 40 years of newspaper, work. Frank H. Ryan, managing editor of the Courier-Post, will be a guest. 

"Many of the memberrs of the club have gone far afield from Camden,” said Walton, "but on the occasion of the annual dinner they all try to get back home' and rekindle the friendships' made when they were kids up here in North Camden." 

Served As Freeholder:, 

Walton, elected to the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Camden county as an independent Republican from the Tenth ward, served on the board in 1923 and, 1924. Born in Philadelphia, his parents brought him to Camden at an early age and he has lived in North Camden ever since. He has taken an active interest in civic affairs of the community. 

"We believe that this year will be the best banquet that we have ever had," he said. 

Present officers of the club are: Ed H. Winters, president; A. S. Kahnweiler, vice president; Hamilton J. Batten, recording secretary; Frank Kelley, financial secretary; Walton, treasurer; Alfred J. Rose, Jr., house chairman, and George Ash, trustee-at-large.

Kelley heads the banquet committee with the following members: Ash, Batten, Walton, Richard Barry, Kahnweiler, E. Caskey, Jacob Dreher and Nick Adezio. Rose is chairman of the entertainment committee, with Robert Johnson, William X. Huber, Jr. and Ellery Caskey as other members. 

Club's Wide Membership 

Other members of the club are Herman Brandt, Victor J. Paxson, Herbert Schaeffer, William N. Cann, Harry G. McKinney, Louis Schwaiger, David E. Barry, Thomas Kerr, Ren Plum, Ronald K. Lawrinson, William Brandt, William Walton, George A. E. Rheinbold, 

Charles Seybold, Fred Schwaiger, J. Allen Brown, George Greene; J. Russell Taylor, Harry Edginton, Samuel Payne, Trester W. Vissell, George H. Schwaiger; George W. Muschlet; Arthur Messler; R. Thornton Greene, William C. Pommerer, Charles Glendenning, William E. Smith, Walter T. Adams, John T. Beal, Otto E. Braun, John Deardon, James Selby, William T. Steele, William Begg and Alfred Huber.

Also Samuel Burrows, William J. Denham, Thomas R. Peacock, Frank H. Haines, Clarence Rudolph, Albert R. Heap, Herbert C. Battle, William Oberst, Fred Stahl; John Begg, Charles Stahl, Charles E. Packer, Paul E. Mount, City Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann Jr., Raymond Rickley, Ralph T. Githens, Howard Hurlock, Martin Steer, Harry Kerr, William Reimer, Curtis O. Sangtinette and Einar Odergaard. John LaRue, Jr., is president of the junior club of the Pyne Poynt Social. 

Camden Courier-Post - February 25, 1938

Frederick von Nieda - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - Clay W. Reesman - Firmin Michel
Benjamin Shatz

Camden Courier-Post - February 26, 1938



Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - J. Frank Hanly - Hotel Walt Whitman - Ellis C. Kircher - Carl R. Evered
Westfield Acres - Thomas P. Delany - Charles P.Halyburton - S. Raymond Dobbs

Camden Courier-Post * February 26, 1938
David Baird Jr. - Frank J. Hartmann Jr. - James V. Moran - Thomas N. McCarter Jr.
Herbert Harper - Joseph K. Costello - Loyal D. Odhner - Dan McConnell

Camden Courier-Post * February 28, 1938

Building Upturn Seen as Camden Permits Total $22, 185 for Week
Palladino Reports Builders Co-operating on Rule for Better Prints

Building in Camden showed an increase last week, Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann, director of Public Works, reports.

According to the Commissioner, the increase is taken by him to indicate that with the approach of Spring the city will have a still greater increase in building.

During the week 20 building permits for an estimated value of $22,185, were issued. Receipts from licenses totaled $46.50.

Licenses were issued for 43 private garages and one auto repair shop. Trade licenses numbered eight.

Bureau receipts for the week ending yesterday amounted to $229.50.

Inspectors of the bureau made 140 inspections, investigated 24 complaints and reported eight violations.

William J. Palladino, personal secretary to Hartmann and chief of the building bureau,  reported contractors and builders are cooperating with the new rule requiring blueprints or acceptable hand drawn graphs of building plans.

Bureau inspectors under Hartmann's direction are checking all dilapidated houses and buildings for the purpose of ridding the city of dangerous structures which contribute to fire hazards.

Recently Hartmann estimated there were more than 500 unsafe structures in the city. Under an ordinance approved by city commission, Hartmann is empowered to order their demolition or proceed with the work and assess the cost against owners or agents of the property.

Camden Courier-Post * February 4, 1939
Frank J. Hartmann Jr.
George Brunner
Mary Kobus
Edward Kelleher
Irving Levinsky
Sidney P. McCord


Camden Courier-Post - June 1, 1939

Temporary Laborers Dismissed, While Men Ousted
by Hartmann Are Reinstated

Three dismissals, three promotions and four reinstatements and two new hirings were announced yesterday by City Commissioner Henry Magin, director of public works.

Dismissed were Eugeni Gatti, 208 Washington street; Guilio Marcozzi, 321 Line Street, and George Pollard, 336 Stevens street, all temporary laborers at $4 a day. James Carr, 1409 Princess avenue, a laborer on asphalt repairs at $6 a day, is reclassified as general foreman of the department, effective today, at $2100 a year, subject to Civil Service promotional examination. John Dziekanski, 1414 Mt. Ephraim avenue, a laborer in the building bureau at $6 a day, is reclassified as architectural draftsman at $2100, also subject to examination. Oscar Moore, 543 Washington street, Ninth Ward freeholder, will receive $6 instead of $5 a day as a  temporary laborer.

Reinstated were Lawrence Abbott, 910 South Third Street, a brother of Frank Abbott, deputy to Mayor Brunner, as a temporary laborer at $5 a day; Anthony Carrier, 416 Benson Street, a temporary laborer at $4 a day; James Jackson, 1117 Lawrence street, and Otis Still, 261 North Eleventh street. All were discharged by Frank J. Hartmann, Magin's predecessor.

Camden Courier-Post - June 2, 1939

8th Ward Democratic Club Aide Replaces Scheurman; Magin Hires 16

The hiring of Pete Samko, secretary of the Eighth Ward Democratic Club, as a $1380-a-year clerk in the health bureau, was announced yesterday by City Commissioner E. George Aaron. He replaces Frederick Scheurman, of 2969 Hartford road, former Fourteenth ward Republican committeeman.

Commissioner Henry Magin announced the hiring of 16 temporary laborers for the Water and Highway departments which come under his Department of Public Works to

The jobs, Magin said, are all replacements for persons who have been dismissed since he took office. He explained that 102 have been laid off during the period and 66, including yesterday's hiring, put on to replace them.

Three of the 16 will be assigned to the water bureau, Magin said, and the others to the highway department. Those hired for the former department and their salaries are: James McSparrin, 939 Elm street, $1690 annually; Oscar Banks, of 1704 Master Street, $5 a day, and Lawrence DiPilla, of 229 Mt. Vernon street, $4 a day. 

The others given jobs at $4 a day are: Frank Armstrong, of 2617 Cramer street; Thomas I. Cook, of 530 North Front street; Albert Costanzo, of 211 Beckett street; Roberto Dianigi, of 607 North Front street; Samuel Lectino, of 421 Stevens street; Joseph Lynskey, of 643 Grant street; William Porter, of 436 Berkley street and Thomas Richter, of 423 Pearl street, David Schwartz, of 812 South Sixth street; Fred Seither, of 3015 River avenue; Albert Thompson, of 421 North Front street; Guiseppe Trulli, of 550 South Fourth street, and Michael Wozniak, of 1446 South Tenth street

Hired, Replaced

Employment of two new laborers and reinstatement of two others was announced Wednesday by Commissioner Magin. Three employees who worked under former Commissioner Frank J. Hartmann were dismissed. The pay of all was $4 per day.

The new men are George Poole, of 276 Senate street, and William Weidman, 1041 North Thirty-fourth. Reinstated were James Jackson, 1117 Lawrence, and Otis Still, 261 North Eleventh. Those let out were Eugene Gatti, 208 Washington; Julio Marcozzi, 321 Line, and George Pollard, 336 Stevens.