Whitman Poems Set to Music

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Oh the amazingness that is Google! :O) I just received our email from Dr. Hoffman telling us that this week’s blog post is another free write! yay! and you know how google puts links in their margins and headers that it thinks you might be interested in based on your emails, well, I found this link. It’s to a site called cramermusic.com (so, i’m asuming the band’s name is cramer, unless it’s just one guy, then his name is Scott Cramer. He is the creator of the site.) and they (or he) SING Whitman poems and you can download their songs for free if you’re interested. Just thought I’d post the link and a song for your listening pleasure…here is Cramer with I Sing the Body Electric. also check out If Anything is Sacred. On I Sing…he sounds a bit like Cake, but not on the other track. Enjoy!

 http://www.cramermusic.com/cgi-bin/cramernav.cgi?page=samples (site link)

Download I Sing the Body Electric

p.s. Should we add this to Whitman’s Playlist? Do you think Whitman Would Approve/ Disapprove of Cramer?

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