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Song of Oktay

September 6th, 2009 by oatakan

Sea of streched gorund-swells!
Sea breathing broad and convulsive breaths!
Sea of the brine of life! Sea of unshovelled and always ready graves!
Howler and scooper of storms! Capricious and dainty sea!
I am integral with you…I too am one of phase and all of phases.


          In these lines, I found that Whitman redefines the greatness of sea and relates it to his feelings by taking a side by the sea.In other words, act of sea resembles his deep feelings like his anger, his calmness and how they change. Also, he  sees the sea as graves that many people  drawn in the past without being burried which he recalls unshovelled graves. In the picture, I am in a marine and looking at ocean and thinking , hence I do find myself  relevant to these lines. I always loved to watch the ocean when it was calm, in the other side I was afraid of it when the scary waves hit the shore. In my opinion, Whitman is saying; sea is like human being when we think of our feelings that sometimes being angry, sometimes being happy and calm and how huge it is that just like a human being how great amount of feeligns and information we can store in ourselves and some of the pains, difficult times we experience we just forget them by the time just like sea burries lives of people.

son of oktay

song of oktay

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2 Responses to ' Song of Oktay '

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  1. Chase Lysias said,

    on September 15th, 2009 at 2:01 am

    It’s amazing how the picture you chose ties in so well with your quote. The explanation you gave as to how it specifically relates to you was great and quite the eye-opener.

  2. on October 18th, 2009 at 3:06 am

    […] Song of Oktay […]

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