Posts under ‘assignments’

Whitman’s Image: Appropriation and Misappropriation of Whitman in American Culture

Erin Longbottom’s final project traces the uses and abuses of Whitman’s image in American Culture. The various discussions are presented through the web tool Glogster. The posters are all embedded below.

Camden planning notes 4

Random notes from training:
Tech support is new group where faculty and students can post tech questions for help from members and Jim.
Matt and Jim will add tabs for fora and will fix course blogs so they draw in essential feeds.  We should each think about what feeds we want for course blogs and individually arrange […]

Camden planning notes 4

Random notes from training: Tech support is new group where faculty and students can post tech questions for help from members and Jim. Matt and Jim will add tabs for fora and will fix course blogs so they draw in essential feeds.  We should each think about what feeds we want for course blogs and […]


By end of the second week: personal intro
First Assignment — Introduction of self through sections of Leaves of Grass/”Song of Myself” — find six
– find an image or video that illustrates that passage — flickr, YouTube
goals — practice technology — get to know other o
– grab six lines — comment on why that passage is […]


By end of the second week: personal intro First Assignment — Introduction of self through sections of Leaves of Grass/”Song of Myself” — find six – find an image or video that illustrates that passage — flickr, YouTube goals — practice technology — get to know other o – grab six lines — comment on […]

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