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August 13, 2006

New Wave Apple Corer — Lose the 'tragic flaw'


From the website:

    Apple Corer

    The tragic flaw of most apple corers is that the core gets stuck in the tool after use.

    But this clever corer springs apart so you can easily remove unwanted cores.

    Simply hold the unit in the closed position to glide through cores.

    18/8 stainless steel construction is durable and dishwasher safe.

    8" long x 1" diameter.


$12.99 (apple not included).

August 13, 2006 at 09:01 AM | Permalink


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Hmm..these luggage tags and apple corers. I can't help but wonder if there isn't a plot thickening here. (Joke: What happens when you pour milk of magnesia into a gravesite? The plot thickens. One more: What do you call a drink made with gin and milk of magnesia? A Phillips screwdriver.) Let's see, maybe frequent flights to apple-growing country for clandestine assignations with a recently met red-scarf-wearing hottie? Or, maybe, jaunts to New Zealand to lay in supplies of Pink Lady apples - the best apples on earth, firm, crisp, a perfect bend of sweetness and tart, everybody knows that, even a non-foodie like me - where you left your devastatingly fashionable red scarf hanging on an apple-coring chair (hell, I don't know, I'm making this stuff up)?

Posted by: Flautist | Aug 13, 2006 11:36:45 AM

I feel like I should be confessing this on http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ but I'll tell you anyway, sometimes I eat my apples core and all. Not always though. I usually just eat around the core and then toss the remains in the garbage can in the kitchen. I love gadgets and all the apple corers look very nice but I think I'll pass. I guess I'm just a slacker or something. Thanks for the wonderful blogging. I'm going to go read the Sunday comics now.

Posted by: Brian | Aug 13, 2006 10:14:05 AM

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