Posts under ‘fulton ferry landing’

field trip_fulton ferry landing

flow on, river! flow with the flood-tide.  and ebb with ebb-tide! frolic on, crested and scallop-edg’d waves! gorgeous clouds of the sunset! drench with your splendor me, or the men and women generations after me! cross from shore to shore, countless crowds of passengers! stand up, tall masts of mannahatta! stand up, beautiful hills of brooklyn! […]

field trip_fulton ferry landing

flow on, river! flow
with the flood-tide.  and
ebb with ebb-tide!
frolic on, crested and
scallop-edg’d waves!
gorgeous clouds of the
sunset! drench with your
splendor me, or the men
and women generations
after me! cross from shore
to shore, countless crowds
of passengers! stand up,
tall masts of mannahatta!
stand up, beautiful
hills of brooklyn!
throb, baffled and
curious brain! throw out
questions and answers!
-walt whitman-

These passages from Walt Whitman are […]

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