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Whitman(i)ac Brilliance: Poems on Fieldtrips

“Get Well Soon ” Once steady hands now faltering from your fall, this hand that penned mountains, sung through ferry waters, hewn rough earth boys, their bodies taken by war as your body has taken you. You, the kosmos, can not be taken by such human failings. Calamus cane in hand, stand erect, your perpetual […] […]

A Challenge

When I was reading Sam P.’s post this week, I commented that he and I had discussed that Whitman Immersion had affected our very way of encountering the world, even making us question if we were reading Whitman too much into everything we see and hear and do. I called this in the comment wearing […] […]

A Few Words from the Elders (READ THIS)

Hey Whitmaniacs, This post is really a series of reminders and guidelines. Boring (and overwhelming? I’m trying), but read on: Don’t forget to log on to your own individual blog and post from there rather than posting directly on the Digital Whitman blog, which is creating problems for some folks. Dr. Earnhart has confirmed the start time for […] […]

watch out, world

I have the flip-cams. Let’s roll, people. […]

Camden planning notes 4

Random notes from training: Tech support is new group where faculty and students can post tech questions for help from members and Jim. Matt and Jim will add tabs for fora and will fix course blogs so they draw in essential feeds. We should each think about what feeds we want for course blogs and individually arrange […] […]