“Ben, I think you let that seminar go to your head”
This is the quote I got today from one of my friends, and yes maybe it is true but frankly, I don’t care. Now you might ask yourself “Self? why would Ben be in a situation where he would even have to worry about whether or not he was to wrapped up in this class. Now those of you who know me, know that I keep my body rather decorated, and I knew that I wanted a graduation tattoo, and that being an english major it was going to end up as text. My back left shoulder now says “Do I contradict myself? / Very well then….I contradict myself/I am large….I contain multitudes./Walt Whitman/May 8th, 2010”. So maybe I did let Whitman go a bit to my head, but is this a bad thing? I think not.
The Tattooed Camerado,