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How could you be a great mind like Walt Whitman and not have people be drawn to you? I’m sure it’s possible in some cases but Whitman not only had close friends who adored him, he had followers who based their course of life off of his words. That’s influence for you. Two such people […] […]
Eugene V. Debs, a prominent socialist, union leader, and once presidential candidate for the American Socialist party (receiving his nomination in jail), acknowledged Whitman as an influence upon his political ideology. To illuminate Debs’ connection to Whitman, it is best to start with their mutual friend, Horace Traubel, who “is best known as the author […] […]
Socialism: Whitman and Emma Goldman Whitman’s influence has been surprisingly far-reaching. He was the model for Bram Stoker’s Dracula1, his lifestyle was adopted by the Beat movement including Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac2, and many in the literary world consider him to be “America’s Poet” in the words of Ezra Pound3. However, his influence went […] […]
Whitman and Friends Two men close to Walt Whitman were Dr. Maurice Bucke and Horace Traubel. Both of the men worshiped Whitman and spent their lives dedicated to honoring his work. They are also considered, Whitman’s disciples[1] for their enthusiastic willingness to spread the works of Whitman and educate others through his literature. In addition, […] […]
On Walter & Louisa Whitman, and their first 5 children: Whitman Family Dates Father: Walter Whitman, Sr. (b. 1789, m. 1816, d. 1855); & Mother: Louisa Van Velsor Whitman (b. 1795, m. 1816, d. 1873) Brother: Jesse Whitman (b. 1818, d. 1870) Walt Whitman (b. 31 May 1819, d. 26 March 1892) Sister: Mary Elizabeth […] […]
Whitman and the Beats The Beat Generation–poets of the 1950-60′s who rejected mainstream American culture in favor of poetic and spiritual libration. The Beat poets experimented with drugs and alternative forms of sexuality, and developed an interest in Eastern thought and spirituality. Among their most famous works: Howl by Allen Ginsberg, On the Road by […] […]
My first disciple is John Burroughs. Like Kevin explained about Maurice Bucke, Burroughs imagined himself a friend and disciple of Whitman before they had even met. Burroughs acts as a loyal friend and defender to Whitman two years prior to meeting him: “In 1862 he had frequently visited Pfaff’s beer cellar, a bohemian watering hole […] […]
SADAKICHI HARTMANN While doing a search project about Whitman’s racism during his Camden years, I came across an interesting story about a Whitman disciple named Sadakichi Hartmann. Surprisingly, Reynolds does not mention Hartmann in his book. Whitman’s admiration for Asian civilizations is apparent in his work. In “Passage to India,” he suggests that the complete […] […]
Group #2: Whitman’s involvement with/effect on social and/or political movements. My section involves his position on the women, sexual orientation, and slavery (although each section takes a look at a specific aspect of each of these broad ideas). I choose these three in particular because a lot of Whitman’s poetry is a reflection of some […] […]
Although Walt Whitman is now a highly respected and acclaimed writer, he was writing during a time that was very different to today’s society. His thoughts on democracy, spirituality, and sexuality were massively forward thinking for their time, but were also highly influential. Those who had a positive reaction to Whitman’s work went on […] […]