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Whitman’s “Song of Myself” Playlist

The next track: Pat Benatar’s “Love is a battlefield” – or at least life is in Whitman’s poem “Life.” EVER the undiscouraged, resolute, struggling soul of man; (Have former armies fail’d then we send fresh armies—and fresh again;) Ever the grappled mystery of all earth’s ages old or new; Ever the eager eyes, hurrahs, the welcome-clapping hands, the loud […] […]

Whitman’s “Songs of Myself” Playlist

Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ in the Wind” As I was reading “Song of the Banner at Daybreak”, I was reminded of this song when the banner asks, “For what are we, mere strips of cloth profiting nothing,/Only flapping in the wind?”. The poet, does not hear and see strips alone, but much […] […]

My addition to Tara’s Song of Myself Playlist

Hey Everyone. I love tara’s idea of a “song of myself” playlist, so here’s my addition. I just saw Dave Matthews Band this past Sunday at the Tweeter Center (they are my fave band (although i have other faves too) by the way) and I think Whitman would have really enjoyed a song called “Lying […] […]

“Songs of Myself” – Whitman’s Playlist, Track 1

Whitman was heavily interested in and influenced by music – so I think it’s sufficient to assume that if Walt were around today, he’d be bumpin’ to his ipod just like the rest of us. As I hear songs that sound like they’d rock Walt’s world, I’m going to add them to his “Songs of […] […]