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Where Jen found Whitman Here is my video for Finding Whitman.  I hope that it works. The reason I picked my poem is because it reminded my of 9-11.  Yes Whitman was of course not around for this and the poem was probably based on the love of friends and company and bringing a community […] […]

Found Whitman Right at Rutgers!!!

Hey Everyone! I found Whitman right at Rutgers! Enjoy my reading of Years of the Modern. I wanted to do “Pioneers” to be like the Levi’s ad, but wasn’t sure I could pull it off. That’s a guy poem! :O) Years of the Modern […]

Where Jackie Found Whitman

1 A SONG of the rolling earth, and of words according, Were you thinking that those were the words, those upright lines? those curves, angles, dots? No, those are not the words, the substantial words are in the ground and sea, They are in the air, they are in you. Were you thinking that those […] […]

Where Jennica Found Whitman…

A Hand-Mirror by Walt Whitman HOLD it up sternly! See this it sends back! (Who is it? Is it you?) Outside fair costume–within ashes and filth, No more a flashing eye–no more a sonorous voice or springy step; Now some slave’s eye, voice, hands, step, A drunkard’s breath, unwholesome eater’s face, venerealee’s flesh, Lungs rotting […] […]

Where Jennica Found Whitman…

A Hand-Mirror by Walt Whitman HOLD it up sternly! See this it sends back! (Who is it? Is it you?) Outside fair costume–within ashes and filth, No more a flashing eye–no more a sonorous voice or springy step; Now some slave’s eye, voice, hands, step, A drunkard’s breath, unwholesome eater’s face, venerealee’s flesh, Lungs rotting away piecemeal, […] […]

Where Elizabeth Found Whitman

“Years of the Modern” by Walt Whitman Years of the modern! years of the unperform’d! Your horizon rises, I see it parting away for more august dramas, I see not America only, not only Liberty’s nation but other nations preparing, I see tremendous entrances and exits, new combinations, the solidarity of races, I see that […] […]

KevinV Finding Whitman [Pennsauken Creek]

I found Whitman along the Pennsauken Creek. Over the summer I Kayaked the water way and found a side of Camden County I never seen before, the side Whitman loved. The river way was completely unadulterated. Swarms of birds and herds of turtles riddled the water banks. The busy sounds of cars and people were […] […]