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Whitman Video Reading With Husky-Haughty Lips, O Sea! WITH husky-haughty lips, O sea! Where day and night I wend thy surf-beat shore, Imaging to my sense thy varied strange suggestions, (I see and plainly list thy talk and conference here,) Thy troops of white-maned racers racing to the goal, Thy ample, smiling face, dash’d with the sparkling […] […]

Bob and Walt

Well I started this thing with Tom Waits but I think Ill finish it with Bob Dylan. Over the past two weeks I have had this poem on my mind. For some reason or another I feel that its appropriate to put here. I feel that this poem is something that Walt would have enjoyed […] […]

I Sing The Body Electric Cinepoem

Below is my final project. A cinepoem of Whitman’s I Sing the Body Electric. Hope everyone likes it! Let me know. I Sing the Body Electric: A Cinepoem […]

Final Project- Music Is Always Around Me

watch?v=mzWiEoRgw3Mobject> […]

Final Project: Mashup of Walt Whitman and the War

Whitman and the War I choose to use Whitman’s I DREAM’D a Dream.  To me this poem represents 9-11.  Whitman’s presentation of this poem seems to me about love of a community , love of a world coming together.  I feel that this is what happened after 9-11. […]

Where Tara Found Whitman

PC100104   Ok. So here’s my disclaimer:  I cheated. (technically) This was supposed to be a video of me reading. I’m in the video, but only my feet can be seen. My excuse is two-fold. 1. Whitman told us (via his epitaph) to look for him under our bootsoles. I looked under my moccasins. 2. […] […]

Jennica’s Final Project (Dr. Singley’s class)

Final Paper presentation Final Paper […]

Song of the Open Road Cinepoem

Click here to view the embedded video. […]

Where Michael Found Whitman – Cinepoem “The Wound-Dresser”

Finally posted! So, I know it seems like I’m cheating, but I found Whitman in my kitchen. I was going to go to Camden and just pick a random spot, but that didn’t seem honest. I read all of our assignments at my kitchen table where I do my work. I’ve written before that there […] […]

jens 2009-12-13 16:49:11

We had the opportunity to visit Walt Whitman’s first house that he owned. He did not own his first home until much later in life and this was the home that he passed away in. I had no idea what I was in for when we went to see his house. I thought it would […] […]