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I’m fixated on “Darwinism–(Then Furthermore)” in the prose works. Despite the characteristically unclear, stream-of-consciousness impulse present here and throughout the entirety of the prose works, Whitman relates to the modern reader with shocking clarity exactly how little times have changed since his day. After daydreaming briefly about prehistory, and summarizing Darwin’s theory and its recent […] […]
http://www.slate.com/id/2233597/ What goes around comes around! Slate.com’s Seth Stevenson has a regular column that basically reviews consumer advertisements, primarily commercials. In his newest column he just so happens to review the Levi’s commercials that use Walt’s poems (America and Pioneers! O Pioneers!) that we talked about at the beginning of the semester. Stevenson generally loves […] […]
These days the ferry is not the most popular choice for transportation, however before bridges, major highways and speed lines came along, the ferry was the only practical option for people looking to get across the Delaware River into Philadelphia from New Jersey. The first know ferry system from Camden to Philadelphia was developed in […] […]
Thesis: Structured yet free, the form of “Eidólons” mimics, supports, and reinforces its content. Context – “I MET a seer…” Emmanuel Swedenborg: – The Seer Swedish scientist turned philosopher Doctrine of Correspondences: Every material thing has a spiritual counterpart, or “ultimate” Post-Swedenborgian The Unseen Universe Post-Swedenborgian book – Balfour Stewart & P.G. Tait Everything on earth is duplicated […] […]
“Camden was originally an accident, but I shall never be sorry I was left over in Camden. It has brought me blessed returns.” Whitman, Camden, and plumbing: Before we can look at houses like Whitman’s house on Mickle Street we have to look at what it was that made Whitman stay in Camden, the short […] […]
Flight Of The Bumble I decided to do my writing this week about Bumble-Bees. I found it so Whitman like now that i have a sense of who is his that he’d write an entire pasage about bumble-bees and their jouney everyday living. “MAY-MONTH—month of swarming, singing, mating birds—the bumble-bee month—month of the flowering lilac—(and then my […] […]
Walt Whitman and the Centennial Exhibition America does not repel the past or what it has produced under its forms or amid other politics or the idea of castes or the old religions. . . . -Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass Walt originally wrote Song of the Exposition for the Annual Exhibition of […] […]
Whitman and Philadelphia City Hall By 1873, when Walt Whitman came to Camden, Philadelphia City Hall was already two years into its long, expensive, and controversial construction. The project was approved in 1870, and Penn Square was designated as the building site, to accommodate the westward movement of the Philadelphia population from the Delaware […] […]
Sometime around 1863, Walt Whitman met John Burroughs, became close friends with him, and accepted the gift of a walking stick from him. This walking stick proves to be very important to Whitman, and its importance demonstrates values of the American culture. Before Whitman received the walking stick from Burroughs, he was using a cane/walking […] […]