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Announcement: New Blog Feeds on Course Pages

After a discussion today with the other faculty members involved in “Looking for Whitman,” I added the feeds of two project blogs to all course pages:

Announcements – project-wide announcements
WhitTech – our tech-support blog

Our hope is that adding these feeds to your course sites will increase the visibility of important posts that should have relevance for everyone involved in the project. If you or your professor decides that the course blog is better suited only to student and faculty posts, we can easily remove these new blogs from the feed.

We had a wonderful first week of the project, and I’m excited by how much energy and enthusiasm I’m seeing on the site.

But I want to encourage all of you to make a special effort to reach out to students in locations other than your own. Visit the Courses page and read the blog posts of students from other classes. Check out our member directory and use member wires to communicate with one another. Check out existing groups and feel free to create your own.

In short, play with the site and use it to its fullest capacity. And please remember that a site redesign is coming soon.

Posted in Announcements.

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