Stafford – Global Posts Just another Looking for Whitman weblog Tue, 06 Nov 2012 19:15:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Whitman is following me… Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:27:39 +0000 http://181.156 As I was reading Chapter 15 of Reynold’s Walt Whitman’s America, I realized that he’s following me… or maybe I’m following him (rather unconsciously I’ll admit). 

During his Camden years, Whitman befriended the Stafford family, who owned a farm outside of Camden.  This family still has living members today, all of whom live in or around Voorhees – where the still-standing Staffordshire Farm now stands as  preserved space. 

I grew up in Voorhees, relatively close to this farm.  My best friend grew up with the farm as her backyard. 

Whitman also spent time at Timber Creek, a creek for which the high school I work at is named. 

Finally, I (obviously) found my way to Camden for Graduate School.

Awesome craziness.

Whitman is following me… Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:27:39 +0000 http://178.186 As I was reading Chapter 15 of Reynold’s Walt Whitman’s America, I realized that he’s following me… or maybe I’m following him (rather unconsciously I’ll admit). 

During his Camden years, Whitman befriended the Stafford family, who owned a farm outside of Camden.  This family still has living members today, all of whom live in or around Voorhees – where the still-standing Staffordshire Farm now stands as  preserved space. 

I grew up in Voorhees, relatively close to this farm.  My best friend grew up with the farm as her backyard. 

Whitman also spent time at Timber Creek, a creek for which the high school I work at is named. 

Finally, I (obviously) found my way to Camden for Graduate School.

Awesome craziness.
