KevinV for Noc. 12th – Global Posts Just another Looking for Whitman weblog Tue, 06 Nov 2012 19:15:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KevinV for Nov.12th Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:28:36 +0000 http://181.483 Today, November the 7th some of us Whitman scholoars from Rutgers Camden visited the Whitman House. The house is only blocks from Campus, Camden waterfront and eyes distance from Philadelphia. An awesome location… it must have been. We were informed before entering, the small corner of about 4 row homes is nearly all that survives Whitmans time era. The disreguarding unapreciative society that Whitman despised has cleared his quaint street of mature trees, artistic street way, and historic housing through demolition and rioting.  Directly across from the house reside many of Camden’s finest, eloquently placed behind bars. Our tour guide Dick expressed, he feels Whitman would have enjoyed living next to the prison. Inquisitive maybe, but i doubt he nor anyone for that matter would enjoy living there. Fortunate for Whitman’s honor and the association their in the process of removing prison from its location.

In accordance to photos and the time era, the interior has been rehabbed exceptionally well. Many artifacts grace the living room almost to the T as it were. Although some objects from the photo are still missing people are on the hunt for them. Most of what is on display has been donated by his relatives and close friends.

The trip is a great looking glass to the time period but more importantly how Whitman lived his remaining years. As you could imagine few useless things were among his belongings. Mostly reading material, family photos, and excellent rocking chairs to contemplate in. One of the more interesting pieces in the house are at the top of the stairs “Whitmans Light Show”. Theres a window with a few stained glass squares among clear glass that illuminates the entire hallway at the right time of day. Im not sure if he made the window himself. I should have asked.

Overall the trip to the Whitman house was a good experience. Not a trip you would take twice but a must of any Whitman Enthusiast. You’ll learn about the man the neighborhood and the time era. The monotoned tour guy was very informitive and at times funny.

After leaving the House i took a quick drive passed Whitmans tomb. The cemetary is again in a poor location but the landscape within the gates are gorgeous. The rolling hills and tall gravestones seem to go on for miles. From photos Whitman’s tomb was impressive by its self but once your in the cemetary it puts the plane tomb into perspective. Still a great monument and final restingplace for Whitman, especially for paying only a fraction of its real cost.  Many of the other tombs near by are marked by beautiful statues of angels and crosses. If you know Whitman you may wonder if he intentionally chose not to be guarded with them. No, instead Whitman has a quiet little hill to himself no surrounding tombs or head stones. Instead, beautifully rocked walls and trees in front. All in all the sights are a must for locals and enthusiasts just to say you’ve been there and done that.

KevinV for Nov.12th Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:28:36 +0000 http://181.483 Today, November the 7th some of us Whitman scholoars from Rutgers Camden visited the Whitman House. The house is only blocks from Campus, Camden waterfront and eyes distance from Philadelphia. An awesome location… it must have been. We were informed before entering, the small corner of about 4 row homes is nearly all that survives Whitmans time era. The disreguarding unapreciative society that Whitman despised has cleared his quaint street of mature trees, artistic street way, and historic housing through demolition and rioting.  Directly across from the house reside many of Camden’s finest, eloquently placed behind bars. Our tour guide Dick expressed, he feels Whitman would have enjoyed living next to the prison. Inquisitive maybe, but i doubt he nor anyone for that matter would enjoy living there. Fortunate for Whitman’s honor and the association their in the process of removing prison from its location.

In accordance to photos and the time era, the interior has been rehabbed exceptionally well. Many artifacts grace the living room almost to the T as it were. Although some objects from the photo are still missing people are on the hunt for them. Most of what is on display has been donated by his relatives and close friends.

The trip is a great looking glass to the time period but more importantly how Whitman lived his remaining years. As you could imagine few useless things were among his belongings. Mostly reading material, family photos, and excellent rocking chairs to contemplate in. One of the more interesting pieces in the house are at the top of the stairs “Whitmans Light Show”. Theres a window with a few stained glass squares among clear glass that illuminates the entire hallway at the right time of day. Im not sure if he made the window himself. I should have asked.

Overall the trip to the Whitman house was a good experience. Not a trip you would take twice but a must of any Whitman Enthusiast. You’ll learn about the man the neighborhood and the time era. The monotoned tour guy was very informitive and at times funny.

After leaving the House i took a quick drive passed Whitmans tomb. The cemetary is again in a poor location but the landscape within the gates are gorgeous. The rolling hills and tall gravestones seem to go on for miles. From photos Whitman’s tomb was impressive by its self but once your in the cemetary it puts the plane tomb into perspective. Still a great monument and final restingplace for Whitman, especially for paying only a fraction of its real cost.  Many of the other tombs near by are marked by beautiful statues of angels and crosses. If you know Whitman you may wonder if he intentionally chose not to be guarded with them. No, instead Whitman has a quiet little hill to himself no surrounding tombs or head stones. Instead, beautifully rocked walls and trees in front. All in all the sights are a must for locals and enthusiasts just to say you’ve been there and done that.
