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Many thanks to Karen Karbiener for allow me to reproduce her list of resources here.  I will be adding to it as the semester progresses.

Secondary Sources about Whitman’s life and writing:

Erkkila, Betsy.  Whitman the Political Poet [Oxford]

Folsom, Ed., ed.  Whitman East and West [University of Iowa]

Garman, Bryan.  A Race of Singers: Whitman’s Working-Class Heroes from Guthrie to

Springsteen (University of North Carolina)

Kaplan, Justin.  Walt Whitman: A Life (Oxford)

Killingsworth, M. Jimmie Walt Whitman and the Earth: A Study in Ecopoetics (Camden House)

Krieg, Joann.  A Whitman Chronology (University of Iowa)

Kummings, Donald, ed.  The Walt Whitman Encyclopedia (Garland)

Loving, Jerome.  Walt Whitman: The Song of Himself (University of California)

Perlman, Jim and Ed Folsom, eds.  Whitman: The Measure of His Song (Holy Cow)

Pollack, Vivian.  The Erotic Whitman [University of California]

Reynolds, David, ed.  A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman (Oxford)

Reynolds, David.  Walt Whitman’s America (Knopf)

Schmidgall, Gary.  Walt Whitman: A Gay Life (Dutton)

Shively, Charley.  Calamus Lovers: Whitman’s Working-Class Camerados (Gay Sunshine)

Important works on New York City history and culture in Whitman’s day:

Anbinder, Taylor.  Five Points: The 19th Century New York City Neighborhood… (Free Press)

Black, Mary, ed.  Old New York in Early Photographs: 1853-1901 (Dover)

Burrows, Edwin G., and Mike Wallace.  Gotham:  A History of NYC to 1898 (Oxford)

Gilfoyle, Timothy. City of Eros: NYC, Prostitution, and the Commercialization of Sex… (Norton)

Headley, Tyler Joel.  Great Riots of NY, 1712-1873 (Thunder’s Mouth)

Henkin, David.  City Reading: Written Words and Public Spaces in Antebellum NY (Columbia)

Jackson, Kenneth T., ed.  Encyclopedia of New York City (Yale)

Lopate, Phillip.  Waterfront: A Journey Around Manhattan (Crown)

Sante, Luc.  Low Life: Lures and Snares of Old New York (Vintage)

Spann, Edward K.  New Metropolis: New York City, 1840-1857 (Columbia)

Voorsanger, Catherine H,, and John K. Howat, eds.  Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-

1861 (Metropolitan Museum of Art)

White, Norval, and Elliot Wilensky. The AIA Guide to NYC (Three Rivers)

Wilentz, Sean.  Chants Democratic: NYC and the Rise of the American Working Class, 1788-1850


Useful web resources (please bookmark on your computer):

Columbia Guide to NYC:

Gotham Center for NYC history:

“Revising Himself: Whitman and Leaves of Grass” (Library of Congress exhibit):

Transatlantic Walt Whitman Association blog:

“The Vault at Pfaff’s” (exploration of America’s first bohemian circle):

Walt Whitman Archive (indispensable source based at U. Iowa):

“Whitman and the Arts in Brooklyn” (at the Brooklyn Museum of Art):

“Whitman’s Notebooks (1850s-1860s)” (at the Library of Congress):

The Walt Whitman Project (Brooklyn-based Whitmaniac fansite):

Walt Whitman Quarterly Review: