Comments for Through The Eyes Of CHASE… Just Another Looking For Whitman Weblog Tue, 20 Oct 2009 17:28:46 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on CHASE for October 6th… by fabfab Tue, 20 Oct 2009 17:28:46 +0000 it is very scary to think if there was a fire and the pipes were frozen, we would all die, what can we do if the pipes are frozen?
still today Ive seen it happen, the winter is so cold, even when the hoses spray water, the water freezes all over the ground.

Comment on CHASE for September 22nd… by bcbottle Tue, 29 Sep 2009 19:10:04 +0000 This is a very interesting post. I have often wondered what Whitman would think about today’s world in reference to his ideals. On the one hand things like the city public transportation system and the increase in methods of long distance travel would have opened up the world to him in a way I’m sure he would have loved. To have the chance to travel all over the country in a quarter of the time it would have taken previously would have allowed him to experience America in a new and much more expansive way. On the other hand, travel has become very much about the destination rather than the journey which I think Whitman would not ahve been so pleased with.

If you look on the Mary Washington blog I posted a poem called “Whitman on the F” which you might find interesting, it’s about Whitman on the New York subway.

Comment on CHASE for September 22nd… by jillians Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:51:25 +0000 This was a great post! I wish I could find some connection to Whitman; I think it would help me to understand him better.

Comment on CHASE for September 22nd… by erinm Tue, 22 Sep 2009 17:50:42 +0000 Cool post,Chase! Whitman would have definitely enjoyed public transportation,I think.

Comment on Chase for September 15th by techwhit Thu, 17 Sep 2009 20:21:55 +0000 Whitman can sometimes difficult to read. His poetry contains so much information from his various life experience, that additional research is needed to really grasp what he wrote. Personally, reading his poetry out loud makes it easier to decipher.From my understanding, Whitman’s sexual preference has never been determined. In numerous lines, Whitman is talking about a man’s beast. Some of the references are sexual in nature so I second you statement regarding his sexual preference. After re-reading this poem in the correct historical context, I am also surprised by the amount of sexual reference he sneaks into the poem.

Comment on Chase for September 15th by emilym Wed, 16 Sep 2009 13:50:29 +0000 You’re right about the poem being confusing at times. Whitman was a poet with a lot to say, and squeezed a lot of ideas, images, etc. into his poem. The cool thing is that he knew he was being contradictory at times:

Do I contradict myself?
Very well then….I contradict myself;
I am large….I contain multitudes (1313-1315).

Whitman gives himself the space he needs to “squeeze” it all in to his poem, and he admits that there is simply too much there, for coherency to occur all the time.

You make good points/observations about Whitman’s various sections of his poem.

Comment on Song Of CHASE by sincerelyFia Mon, 14 Sep 2009 14:01:37 +0000 When i was doing my “song of…” i was actually torn between these lines and the ones i chose. Very nice choice though.

Comment on Song Of CHASE by erinm Sat, 12 Sep 2009 17:08:13 +0000 Chase, cool photo///well sketch. Did you draw it? And great lines too!
