Comments on: Walking Tour (Oct 20th) Just another Looking for Whitman weblog Sat, 10 Jul 2010 19:30:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: taraw Thu, 22 Oct 2009 22:31:28 +0000 I love that you recreated your field trip through these photographs and explanations. It makes me feel as though I’m taking the field trip with you – and provides an interesting way for the rest of us to look at the NYC Whitman. Great post!

By: Matthew Gold Wed, 21 Oct 2009 04:29:46 +0000 By the way, please tag this post “fieldtrip” so that it can be aggregated into the field trip blog. Thanks!

By: Matthew Gold Wed, 21 Oct 2009 04:25:40 +0000 Great post! Thanks so much for putting it up and posting your responses to the tour. I agree that the visit to Plymouth Church was profoundly moving. It’s always amazing to be in a space that was inhabited in the past by figures who continue to influence us today. And that, in a nutshell, is what “Looking for Whitman” is about.

Two notes: I wish that we could view larger versions of these photos. You might think about uploading them to Flickr, which would also allow you to geo-tag them by adding them to our group and our collective flickr map. And the pier was closed for a film production, not an actual political rally. Whether it was sponsored by a real political campaign shooting a commercial or a film/tv production, I don’t know. I do hope that everyone in the class finds time to head down there again, as it is an amazing place to experience.

By: Koharu Wed, 21 Oct 2009 03:16:07 +0000 Thanks ^-^. And yeah it was- I never knew that Lincoln attended church so close to home. It’s great learning new things about a borough I’ve been in all my life.

By: techwhit Wed, 21 Oct 2009 02:57:38 +0000 Your images are incredible! Today’s tour of Whitman’s Brooklyn was illuminating.
