Comments on: Love. Love will keep us together. If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:41:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Tue, 04 May 2010 12:43:56 +0000 I want to thank you for this wonderful story and pictures. My father’s family is from Billed Hungary and I know he left his family to come for a better life too and never saw his parents again. I think you should turn this into a book for the next generation and school kids to read and hear about. Thank you!

By: Günther Haug Thu, 26 Nov 2009 16:57:52 +0000 Hi Karen,
I was guided to your webside by Brigitte Wolf.
First of all I want to congratulate you on your terrific undertaking and courage to visit a far away land and culture which , no too long ago, was part of your ancestors.
I also am a descendant from the Sekitsch colonists. My ancestors were among the first settlers and had later also settled in other parts of the Batschka as well.
Now that I have retired I have started work on my family tree which has it’s roots in Gingen an der Fils, Germany, as far back as 1527.
My search has led me to meet and to work together with Brigitte and Gunter. They have been an extraordinary help.
I am both a Donauschwabe (father) and Serbian (mother). Due to a longer stay in Yugoslavia (until 1952) I speak, read and write Serbian.
I have just returned from a 3 week stay in Novi Sad which included a visit to Sekitsch.Too bad that we had not met there.
In Sekitsch I spent a day with Stanka photographing the outside covers of the church books as well as the official birth,death and marriage registers which will help Brigitte and Gunter in their further research of Sekitsch families. I had also reached an agreement in the town hall of Mali Idjos that each page of these books will be photographed to preserve the data and help further research. In 2 weeks I will meet with Brigitte and Gunter to further discuss future activities of the research.
There is also a past link to the Karbiener family during my time in Ridgewood. There I went to Grover Cleveland HS and played soccer first for Deutschungarn and then , o great sin!, for Blau-Weiss Gottschee.
One of my closer acquaintances was Louis Karbiener, a very good soccer player and so was later his son.
Together with other Donauschwaben, Ronny Theisz and Frank Schnur we had a few good parties. I think Lois now lives in Florida. If you are in touch with him pls give him my best regards.
Now I live in Germany and plan to travel to Serbia quite often as I’ve also started the family tree of my mother’s Serbian ancestors.
I wish you all the best in your endeavours and your plans to write a book about yout Batschka ancestors. It is an exciting story and deserves to be told.
I will follow your web page. If you need any help or info in the future where I could be of help, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best regards
