Comments on: sunset on the salasch If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:41:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Metzger Fri, 30 Sep 2011 23:41:23 +0000 Hello Karen,

My Grandparents were from Sekitsch and Feketic. I had seen old photographs of the salasch, but your story really made it come alive. Though they had comfortable lives in Ridgewood, the heimat was always in their thoughts and in their hearts. I grew up with the stories of home, which were always bittersweet. By the way, my Grandparents knew the Karbiener family in Ridgewood. Whenever I walk in Ridgewood, the names and faces come back to my mind. I remember all the people who walked those streets before me and I miss them. Thank you so much for renewing old memories.

Robert Metzger

By: Ray Matter Thu, 13 Jan 2011 22:13:13 +0000 Dear Karen:
What fantastic photos. My Grandmother is from Sekitsch and we also have a Christina Karbiener in her family tree married to a Stefan Pratscher. I also have a dozen books inherited from my grandmother on the subject of Sekitsch including 3 no longer published archives with thousands of photo’s of homes, families and events, all in German. I’ve gone through the photo’s and have found pictures referencing to Karbiener’s with photo’s as well as my family. The books are unbelievably detailed, rare and apparently published only in the 40’s and 50’s. Let us know if you need any info if you plan on writing on the subject.

By: Karen Karbiener Tue, 04 May 2010 01:10:29 +0000 …thank you so much for this heartwarming comment! We’re all looking forward to celebrating Onkel Ludwig’s landmark and enjoying time with the whole family. Much love, and see you soon, Karen

By: Kurt Tauss Tue, 04 May 2010 00:10:05 +0000 Dear Karen,

What a treasure to find your articles! It allowed me to visit the town I was born in through you eyes, and words. I forwarded the articles to my daughters Amanda and Christiana. Cathy and I will be at Uncle Ludwicks birthday party on Saturday and hope to see you there.

Thank you againn

By: Adam Wed, 18 Nov 2009 10:32:55 +0000 So schön geschrieben! Ich bin neidisch.

By: Elyssa Mon, 16 Nov 2009 11:42:17 +0000 Karen, the stoves/heaters that you describe in this post and the next one are exactly what I have in my apartment in Romania! One in the bedroom, a big one in the living room, and one in the kitchen. Lots of places (homes, stores, etc) still have and use them here…..

By: indira Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:43:55 +0000 I love the fact that you are so interested in learning about Vojvodina…Well it is your country in a way too. Hope that the roots will pull you and not let go for a bit longer than December 2009.

By: Inge Mebes Sun, 01 Nov 2009 16:44:07 +0000 Karen,
Mark directed me to your blog today and we read it in the living room at my house on his laptop.
Thank you for the beautiful description of my beloved country. I was choking back tears as Mark was reading it to me. I hope you make many more discoveries, which will bring you closer to our roots and help you understand what lay buried deep within your father’s heart. It will give you a new understanding of him, and help you see all that we have lost.
If I can help with any information, please give me a call. Things should be settling down now, and I will have a little more time.
Much Love,
Tante Inge

By: Rose Mary Keller Hughes Fri, 23 Oct 2009 01:04:37 +0000 Hello new friend,

You have a great gift for description . . . giving your reader a feeling of actually having been there with you. Thank you for sharing your trip to the homeland of your family. I look forward to more!
Rose Mary

By: Mark Mebes Thu, 22 Oct 2009 23:11:27 +0000 Karen,
Thank you so much for directing me to your blog. I am enjoying it immensely. Your descriptions are beautiful, thoughtful and vivid.
Thank you for allowing me a “visit” today with Oma, Opa and Onkel Phil. The recollections put a lump in my throat.
The Salasch was just as I had pictured it from descriptions. Typical German efficiency, and careful craftsmanship, right? I loved your decription of the “wallpaper”, the ovens and the Salasch grounds. I imagine that the farms were laid out long and narrow for plowing. From what little I know about farming I understand the less turns you have to make, the better (I would suspect that this is even more true when plowing with horses).
Thank you again for taking me to our homeland for a few moments today. I will anxiously await your next entry. Keep safe.
