Comments on: Erin M. for Oct 13th Welcome to my little piece of the Whitman experiment Wed, 13 Jun 2012 12:06:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: erinm Tue, 01 Feb 2011 18:32:07 +0000 hi Trudie,

thanks so much for writing. I have a twitter account, but don’t use it hardly at all, so it wouldn’t make sense to follow me there. Also, this blog was a school assignment so I’m not sure how often I’ll be updating it, but let me know if there is something you’d like to know about whitman and if no one else has posted on it yet, I’d love to research it for you and add a post. Thanks so much for reading!

By: Trudie Barson Tue, 01 Feb 2011 08:09:41 +0000 Hi there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be okay. I’m absolutely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.

By: bmzreece Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:32:25 +0000 “Burial of a Lady Nurse (and the following entry “Female Nurses for Soldiers”) expresses not only how important nurses were in the military, but the fact that Whitman is giving them attention in his account shows their importance in general is growing just a bit, it seems. War is definitely a masculine arena, so I felt it important to acknowledge that women were even recognized at all, even if it is just for the caring and nurturing touch as Whitman puts it.”

Very true. For seemingly the first time, Whitman’s attention to women extends beyond praising them for their ability to bear children…and to give birth to men…and to extend humanity through childbearing…and their ability to become pregnant, etc. etc.
That Whitman notices them in regard to the “masculine” event of war, which you point out, makes it all the more interesting.

By: erinm Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:49:30 +0000 Hi Dr. Scanlon,
Thank you so much for reading my post and sharing your link. I apologize for not noticing it’s source before. I’m glad you enjoyed my post and it’s cool that your students were able to visit some of those sites. I’m sure I would have been moved too!

By: mscanlon Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:56:32 +0000 Hi Erin,

Sorry for this awkward place to give you a cigar box link, but I wasn’t sure if you check your wire or not. I should have labeled many of those more carefully, but on that particular picture I gave away its source: LOC (Library of Congress). The link is here: and it’s part of the library’s American Treasures exhibits. Anyway, I enjoyed reading your remarks on Speciman Days– my class here in Fredericksburg has been moved by visiting some of the sights referenced there. –Dr. Scanlon
