brooklyn – Walt Whitman's New York exploring Whitman's home turf Tue, 01 Jun 2010 17:10:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Photos from the Brooklyn Historical Society Visit Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:06:28 +0000 Here are some photos taken during the visit that the City Tech class made to the Brooklyn Historical Society on November 3rd.  The trip was part of a new research project in which each student in the course chose an address in which Whitman lived briefly during his time in Brooklyn.  Students will perform historical research on the address using insurance maps, land conveyances, city directories, and other resources provided by the BHS.  Many thanks to the BHS and librarian Elizabeth Call for their assistance with this project.

Here are some recaps of the trip from students in the course:

For Brooklyn Wed, 30 Sep 2009 17:39:32 +0000 Hi CUNY Whitman scholars,

Here at UMW we’ve been finding poems that mention or respond to Whitman.  This poem doesn’t do so directly, but it focuses on a love of Brooklyn that may resonate with your readings now:

“On Leaving Brooklyn”

after Psalm 137

If I forget thee

let my tongue forget the songs

it sang in this strange land

and my heart forget the secrets

only a stranger can learn.


Borough of churches, borough of crack,

if I forget how ailanthus trees sprout

on the rooftops, how these streets

end in water and light,

let my eyes grow nearsighted.


Let my blood forget

the map of its travels

and my other blood cease

its slow tug toward the sea

if I do not remember,


if I do not always consider thee

my Babylon, my Jerusalem.

–Julia Kasdorf, from Eve’s Striptease
