Where I Found Whitman…

November 17th, 2009

Fredericksburg has been my home for many years. After a few years on what my parents have affectionately named my “East Coast College Tour,” I ended up back here, at UMW, the one college that I thought I would never attend. Sometimes this place can seem quite stale, but this semester I began to look at it in a whole new light. Once I put on my Whitman Goggles I began to see the majesty all around me. I have ridden horses in the area since I was a little girl. I now work at and keep my horse at a small farm with huge, rolling pastures about twenty minutes away from campus. The stables are my escape and I spent a lot of time alone out there soaking up nature and often doing my weekly Whitman reading. (Unfortunately, the lush green pastures are not equipped with WiFi so I had to do my blogging at home.)

A Song of the Rolling Earth

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