
December 21st, 2009

“Whitman Lived at 41 Tillary Street from 1827 to 1832”

Posted by jenniferying in

On This Day in History: May 31
‘The Bard of Democracy’

Here is an excerpt of an article I found from Brooklyn Daily Eagle, it speaks about Whitman and states when he resided at 41 Tillary Street.

WEST HILLS, L.I. — Walt Whitman was born on May 31, 1819, in West Hills, Huntington Township, Long Island. Although not a Brooklynite by birth, the great poet spent much of his life in Brooklyn. It was in 1823 that his family moved to Brooklyn and it is here he attended public schools from 1825 to 1830 and here that he briefly worked as a printer in 1835. For a short time in 1824 the Whitman family lived on Cranberry Street, but at all other times he lived on “the other side of Fulton,” the boundary that separated the elite Heights from more common neighboring districts. He lived at 41 Tillary Street from 1827 to 1832.

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