
December 22nd, 2009

41 Tillary Street

Posted by jenniferying in

When I was researching for my address, 41 Tillary street, I found that in the 1886 Atlas, the address 41 Tillary street was Block #18 and the Lot # was 32. It was a Wood building and the Lot Dimension was 25.  In the Complete prose works : Specimen days and collect, on page 9, Whitman writes “From 1824 to ’28 our family lived in Brooklyn in Front, Cranberry and Johnson streets. In the latter my father built a nice house for a home, and afterwards another in Tillary street. We occupied them, one after the other, but they were mortgaged, and we lost them.” I put together that the Lot#32 (which was then 41 Tillary street) is the address that Whitman wrote about in Specimen days.

After the 1886 Atlas, I found that in the 1920 Atlas, 41 Tillary Street becomes Block #115 and Lot #57. I compared the two atlases and found that there were only four wood buildings on this block and 41 Tillary was one of the four wooden buildings. I also found that some of the surrounding buildings around Block #15 was the Department of Street Cleaning, a Salvation Army and a Hay and Feed.

Today, 41 Tillary street is not an address anymore. It is part of a crosswalk at the corner of Adams and Tillary Street.
mapdataAlthough there is the Federal Courthouse that stands on Tillary Street today.

image source here

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