Comments on: Adam L’s Material Culture Museum Exhibit Just another Looking for Whitman weblog Thu, 05 Nov 2009 22:26:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: jillians Sat, 31 Oct 2009 19:40:19 +0000 This is a great post- you really make me want to go re-visit City Hall. The last time I was there was in grade school when clearly the appreciation for what is, was not there.

By: pieruccm Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:13:09 +0000 This is an excellent shot of City Hall. Growing up right outside of the city, I have always felt such a deep connection with Philadelphia. I was taken into center city often when I was young by my grandfather and my uncle who both had (have) such a love for the city and so it wore off on me. I’d rather be in the middle of Philadelphia on any given day than be fishing out in the country somewhere. This picture is just as beautiful as I’d want it to be. Thanks for sharing.

By: jessicaa Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:35:39 +0000 I had no idea how long this project took or how expensive it was. Its pretty neat that its called “the greatest single effort of late 19th-century American architecture”. It really makes me want to go and explore City Hall and try to see it how it would have been viewed during the time of construction. I have a new respect and appreciation for City Hall!
